Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0092ps1-01-05 | Cancer | ETA2023

Radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer and dyfunction of the salivary and lachrymal glands in the start study: results at 6 months follow-up

Baudin Clemence , Bressand Alice , Buffet Camille , Menegaux Fabrice , Soret Marine , Broggio David , Bassinet Celine , Huet Christelle , Leenhardt Laurence , Bernier Marie-Odile , Lussey-Lepoutre Charlotte

Background: Understanding of changes in salivary and lachrymal gland functions after radioiodine therapy (131I-therapy) remains limited; and, to-date no studies have evaluated dose-response relationships between absorbed dose from 131I-therapy and dysfunctions of these glands. This study investigates salivary/lachrymal dysfunctions in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) patients six months after 131I-therapy, identifies 131I-therapy related risk ...

ea0013s36 | Animal disease, paradigm for human conditions | SFEBES2007

Feline hyperthyroidism: parallels with human hyperthyroidism

Blackwood Laura

Feline hyperthyroidism (FH) is the commonest endocrinopathy in cats. The mean age at presentation is 13 to 14 years of age, and the incidence has been estimated at 1 cat per 300 cats examined. Hyperthyroidism due to thyroid stimulating autoantibodies (a feline Graves’ disease) has not been reported in cats. FH is analogous, clinically and pathologically, to human toxic nodular goitre (HTNG), though there is no known sex predisposition in cats, unlike the female predisposi...

ea0081p136 | Environmental Endocrinology | ECE2022

Orbital inflammatory disease following mrna sars-cov-2 vaccine: a case report

Solange Grunenwald , Lethellier Gabriel , Imbert Philippe , Dekeister Celine , Caron Philippe

SARS-CoV-2 vaccination campaigns document a satisfactory high profile of protection against Covid-19 infection, but auto-immune/inflammatory diseases have been reported following Covid-19 vaccines. A 65-year-old woman reported two days following her first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine tearing, eye irritation, conjunctival redness, peri-orbital swelling, spontaneous hematoma of the right lower eyelid, right greater than left proptosis, with a spontaneous improvement of symp...

ea0090p199 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2023

Estetrol: estrogenic activity and coregulator profiling

Gerard Celine , Chatel Guillaume , Jost Maud , Foidart Jean-Michel

Estetrol (E4) is a natural estrogen produced by the human fetal liver during pregnancy. E4 is the estrogenic component of a new combined oral contraceptive and is also in development for its use as menopausal hormone therapy. E4 displays a selective binding to human estrogen receptors (ER). In humans, after oral administration, E4 undergoes phase 2 metabolism leading to the formation of the two major metabolites E4-3-glucuronide and E4-16-glucuronide. The objectives of this st...

ea0063gp105 | Adrenal and Neuroendocrine - Basic | ECE2019

Reappraisal of the human adrenal cortex and fate

Camponova Pamela , Duparc Celine , Roy Malanie , Lefebvre Herve , Thomas Michael

The zonation of the human adrenal cortex has long been established morphologically and histologically as three distinct layers of cells. The outer zona glomerulosa (ZG) comprises densely packed cells arranged in clusters that produce aldosterone; the zona fasciculata (ZF) is composed of cells with large cytoplasm, containing lipid droplets arranged in radial columns that synthetize cortisol; and the zona reticularis is composed of compact and pigmented cells producing androgen...

ea0063p338 | Thyroid 1 | ECE2019

Thyroid-associated orbitopathy and quality of life: correlation of GO-QoL with clinical activity score and severity in 101 patients

Borel Marine , Grunenwald Solange , Imbert Philippe , Dekeister Celine , Caron Philippe

Thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) is a classic and sometimes severe complication of autoimmune process associated with thyroid diseases, more common in Graves’ disease. Due to its functional impairment and disfiguring clinical presentation, TAO affects the quality of life of patients. Few studies have examined the importance of this impact in these patients. The main objective of this retrospective study is to determine if there is a correlation between the deteriorati...

ea0063p439 | Adrenal and Neuroendocrine Tumours 2 | ECE2019

Imaging studies of a parathyroid carcinoma case

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen , Mathey Celine , Sitoris Georgiana , Kleynen Pierre

Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor, responsible for less than 1% of all cases of primary hyperparathyroidism. The sole curative treatment is complete surgical removal and thus, an accurate preoperative diagnosis is necessary. Due to the rarity of this disease, there is no staging guidelines. Imaging of parathyroid glands is usually obtained with ultrasonography, computed tomography, scintigraphy and positron emission tomography. These imaging modalities have ...

ea0090oc4.4 | Oral Communications 4: Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2023

A complex crosstalk between estrogen receptor β isoform signaling regulates human granulosa cell growth

Marie Clementine , Corre Raphael , Pierre Alice , Guigon Celine , Cohen-Tannoudji Joelle , Chauvin Stephanie

Estradiol (E2), produced by granulosa cells (GCs) of ovarian follicles, plays an essential role in folliculogenesis by controlling follicular development and selection. E2 actions are principally mediated by the two nuclear receptors, ERα and ERβ. These two receptors are differently expressed in GCs, with ERβ being predominant. After ligand binding and receptor dimerization, ERα and ERβ mainly regulate gene transcription through direct interaction with...

ea0090oc8.5 | Oral Communications 8: Calcium and Bone | ECE2023

A vitamin D receptor antagonist as a potent and safe treatment for Idiopathic Infantile Hypercalcemia

Rovito Daniela , Lutzing Regis , Keime Celine , Metzger Daniel , Linglart Agnes , Laverny Gilles

Idiopathic Infantile Hypercalcemia (IIH) is a rare inborn form of severe vitamin D hypersensitivity, with an estimated incidence of 1:33.000 live birth and a high degree of misdiagnosis. Since the identification of CYP24A1 loss-of-function variants inducing IIH in 2011, over 41 pathogenic variants have been described, and represent the major genetic drivers of IIH1. CYP24A1 encodes the main catalytic hydroxylase of the bioactive form of vitamin D (1,25D3). Upon bind...

ea0063gp212 | Gestational and Type 1 Diabetes | ECE2019

Prevalence of gestational diabetes during 14 pregnancies of acromegalic women

Vialon Magaly , Grunenwald Solange , Mouly Celine , Vezzosi Delphine , Bennet Antoine , Caron Philippe

Introduction: Abnormalities of glycoregulation are frequent in acromegaly (15-38%) secondary to insulin resistance related to GH/IGF-1 hyper-secretion. The frequency of gestational diabetes (GD) in women with acromegaly was reported in the French multicenter study (JCEM, 2010, 95, 4680) as increased mainly in the absence of pre-gestational control of GH/IGF-1 hyper-secretion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of GD in a cohort of acromegalic women, and compar...