Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0094ns3.2 | What's innovative and new in Endocrine Nursing? | SFEBES2023

PeopleWith supporting nurses to better understand patient treatment journeys

Bradley Mark

As information scales in non clinical environments, people are faced with challenges as to what information is relevant to healthcare teams. PeopleWith is a digital health company developing solutions to help people engage with their health. Patients who engage with their health get better treatment outcomes. How do we support patients on this journey to become fully activated in their health and become a participant in conversations to optimise outcomes....

ea0094ens5.3 | Endocrine Cancer | SFEBES2023

People With’: A new patient focused digital platform

Bradley Mark

Information is becoming increasingly available in non clinical environments with the scale in functionality in smart mobile devices, wearables and home health devices. This creates a challenge for patients and Clinicians as to what information to capture and how to present and share it. PeopleWith has been developed by a healthcare veteran with 30 years experience working in Nursing and the Pharmaceutical industry. This information is known as Patient generated health data and...

ea0094ens5.3 (1) | Endocrine Cancer | SFEBES2023

People With’: A new patient focused digital platform

Bradley Mark

Information is becoming increasingly available in non clinical environments with the scale in functionality in smart mobile devices, wearables and home health devices. This creates a challenge for patients and Clinicians as to what information to capture and how to present and share it. PeopleWith has been developed by a healthcare veteran with 30 years experience working in Nursing and the Pharmaceutical industry. This information is known as Patient generated health data and...

ea0016s8.3 | Nuclear receptors | ECE2008

Phosphorylation of histone H3 at threonine 11 establishes a novel chromatin mark for transcriptional regulation

Metzger Eric , Yin Na , Wissmann Melanie , Kunowska Natalia , Friedrichs Nicolaus , Patnaik Debasis , Higgins Jonathan M G , Potier Noelle , Scheidtmann Karl-Heinz , Buettner Reinhard , Schule Roland

Post-translational modifications of histones such as methylation, acetylation, and phoshorylation regulate chromatin structure and gene expression. However, phosphorylation of histone H3 at threonine 11 (H3T11ph) has not been linked to transcriptional regulation. Here we show that protein kinase C-related kinase 1 (PRK1) phosphorylates H3T11 upon ligand-dependent recruitment to androgen receptor (AR) target genes. PRK1 is pivotal to AR function since PRK1 knockdown by RNAi or ...

ea0070aep9 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2020

Persistent transcriptional disruption and histone mark modifications on visceral adipose tissue after remission of hypercortisolism

García-Eguren Guillermo , Gonzalez Mar , Vizan Pedro , Giro Oriol , Beyhart Arturo , Mora Mireia , Halperin Irene , Enseñat Joaquim , Vidal Oscar , Carmona Francisco , DiCroce Luciano , Hanzu Felicia

Introduction: Chronic hypercortisolemia during Cushing Syndrome (CS) determines significant changes in the plasticity and function of metabolic tissues like visceral adipose tissue (VAT). Persistence of alterations in VAT function after CS remission is under debate, as data of clinical studies is not consistent due to confounder factors and limited availability of VAT. Animal model of reversible CS presents long-term alterations on VAT after remission. We investigate VAT alter...

ea0019s7biog | Clinical Endocrinology Trust Visiting Professor Lecture | SFEBES2009

Clinical Endocrinology Trust Visiting Professor Lecture

Molitch Mark E

Mark E Molitch, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA AbstractMark E. Molitch, MD, is Professor of Medicine and a Member of the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Molecular Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, in Chicago, Illinois. Prior to joining the faculty at Northwestern in 1984, Dr. Molitch was an Associate Professor at Tufts University School of...

ea0031yep1.2 | Young endocrinologists' prize lectures | SFEBES2013

The Wnt/β-catenin effector Tcf3/TCF7L1 is required for normal hypothalamic–pituitary development

Gaston-Massuet Carles , McCabe Mark , Wu Chun-I , Gharavy S. Neda Mousavy , Koniordou Markella , Merrill Bradley J , Dattani Mehul , Martinez-Barbera Juan Pedro

The pituitary gland, is a small midline organ situated at the base of the brain, that acts as a master regulator of multiple physiological functions: such as growth, puberty, metabolism, stress response, reproduction and lactation. The pituitary gland is composed of three lobes: the anterior and intermediate, which form the anterior pituitary (AP and contains hormone producing cells), and the posterior lobe which constitutes the posterior pituitary (PP contains axonal inputs)....

ea0031p66 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2013

A very interesting presentation: VIP co-secretion by a phaeochromocytoma

Triay Jessica , Bradley Karin

A 62-year-old lady was assessed following discovery of a retroperitoneal tumour on a CT scan. Fifteen years previously she was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome with alternating constipation and diarrhoea, however, within the last 5 years, diarrhoea was the dominant feature with bowel opening every 20 min daily. Investigations for inflammatory bowel disease, hyperthyroidism and coeliac disease were negative. Her anal sphincter was found to be non-functioning and a colost...

ea0081oc2.1 | Oral Communications 2: Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology 1 | ECE2022

DLK1 expressing cells mark a population of progenitor cells in the adrenal cortex and contribute to the zonation of the adrenal gland

Mariniello Katia , Guasti Leonardo , Rognoni Emanuel

The adrenal cortex is a dynamic organ that undergoes self-renewal. In the mouse it is divided into two concentric layers, the outer zona glomerulosa (ZG) and the inner zona fasciculata (ZF), that secrete aldosterone and corticosterone, respectively. Capsular and subcapsular stem/progenitor cells differentiate and migrate in a centripetal fashion to repopulate the gland until they reach the juxtamedullary region where they undergo senescence and apoptosis. Cell fate mapping stu...

ea0025p148 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2011

Continuous feeding in rats: a novel paradigm for inducing hypocaloric obesity?

Arms-Williams Bradley , Wells Timothy

Patterns of food consumption have a profound influence on hormone rhythmicity and fat storage, but until now only crude manipulations of food availability have been possible in rodents. We have used a CLAMS-based system in conjunction with automated serial blood sampling to investigate the effect of continuous feeding on ghrelin secretion and adiposity. Six-week old male Sprague–Dawley rats (n=6) were housed in metabolic cages and ad-libitum fed with standar...