Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0011p384 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | ECE2006

Expression and Localisation of human tissue kallikrein in transfected human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293). Development of a novel panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against human tissue kallikrein

Pham YC , Meadows PA , Harvey JN

Tissue kallikrein is a serine protease involved in the generation of kinins in kidneys, colon, salivary glands, pancreas and blood vessels which have vasodilator roles and influence ion transport. Abnormal renal synthesis and urinary excretion of tissue kallikrein have been linked to diabetes and hypertension. This study’s objective was to produce mAbs against native forms of prokallikrein and active kallikrein in order to study the expression of tissue kallikrein in diff...

ea0015p38 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2008

An endocrine e-mail GP advisory service: a potential way to reduce referrals?

Walker JN , Rourke D , Allen K , Karavitaki N , Wass JAH

Since July 2005 our centre has offered an e-mail enquiry service to General Practitioners. This service was established for two reasons, firstly to create a more efficient way of dealing with clinical enquiries from primary care and secondly with a long term objective to reduce GP referral rates. The service is manned by Endocrine/Diabetes Specialist Registrars and is part of their training commitment. Compared to telephone calls it gives the registrar more chance to think thr...

ea0009p55 | Growth and development | BES2005

Constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP)is associated with the GPR54 gene but not with Leptin (L), Leptin Receptor (LR) and Cocaine and Amphetamin Regulated Transcript (CART) genes

Banerjee I , Trueman J , Patel L , Hall C , Price D , Hirschhorn J , Palmert M , Read A , Clayton P

CDGP is a common growth disorder, often dominantly inherited. Genetic association is thus very likely. There are many possible candidates but none are yet linked to CDGP. We assessed the possible contribution of L, LR genes (mutations in each cause very delayed or absent puberty), CART (mediates the effect of L on GnRH pulse generation), and GPR54 (a hypothalamic G-protein coupled receptor, which is mutated in familial hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism) genes.<p class="abstex...

ea0011oc56 | Calcium and bone OC49 Novartis Oncology Young Investigator Award | ECE2006

The Scandinavian investigation of primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) – end of inclusion and preliminary results

Bollerslev JB , Jansson SJ , Mollerup CLM , Nordenström JN , Lungren EL , Tørring OT , Franco CF , Varhaug JEV , Isaksen GAI , Rosen TR

Background: From 1999 to the end of June 2005, 186 patients (26 men) with truly asymptomatic pHPT based on the NIH 1990 criteria were included at 11 centres in Scandinavia. The mean age at inclusion was 63.2±7.8 (S.D.) years. After informed consent the patients were randomised to operation (93) or medical observation (94), in order to investigate the effect of operation on Quality of Life and co-morbidity. At present, 159 patients are ongoing, 3 dead, and 2...

ea0009s44 | Clinical Management Workshop 3: Endocrine manipulations in the transsexual | BES2005

Sexual differentiation of the human brain and gender

Swaab D

Factors influencing gender during early development, i.e., the feeling to be male or female, are prenatal hormones and compounds that change the levels of these hormones, such as anticonvulsants. While an influence of genetic factors must be present, an influence of postnatal social factors has not been established. In rodents, masculinization of the brain in development is due to oestrogens that are formed by aromatization of testosterone. In sexual differentiation of the hum...

ea0051p035 | Miscellaneous/other | BSPED2017

Post-prandial hyerinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia post-esophageal surgery in children

Malhotra Neha , Dastamani Antonia , Guemes Maria , Gilbert Clare , Ress Clare , Dattani Mehul , Shah Pratik

Introduction: Post-prandial hyerinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia (PPHH) or dumping is a recognized complication of various gastric surgeries. There are very few paediatric case reports to confirm PPHH post esophageal repair. We here report two cases who presented with dumping syndrome after a variable time period post esophageal atresia repair and response to medications.Case 1: A 6 month old female diagnosed with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, born at 38+3 weeks b...

ea0029p1238 | Obesity | ICEECE2012

Low dose 3-iodothyronamine increases acute lipolysis followed by protein catabolism in mouse

Chiellini G. , Assadi-Porter F. , Haviland J. , Butz D. , Reiland H. , Ghelardoni S. , Tonelli M. , Scanlan T. , Zucchi R.

3-iodothyronamine (T1AM) is a recently discovered fast-acting thyroid hormone derivative. To date, the physiological effects of endogenousT1AM remain elusive, although there is increasing interest in its physiological function and pharmaceutical potential due to the role it plays in lipid and glucose metabolism (1.2).The present study monitored the effect of weeklong, daily, low dose T1AM administration on weight and metabolism in spontaneously...

ea0036oc7.4 | Oral Communications 7 | BSPED2014

Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state: an unusual presentation of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children

Kalaivanan Prabhakaran , Inwald David , Somasundaram Kumar , Raine Joseph

Background: Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (HHS) is a life-threatening condition that can be the initial presentation of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This condition is characterized by severe hyperglycaemia, a high serum osmolality and dehydration without accumulation of ketoacids. We report two patients who presented with mixed features of HHS and DKA.Case 1: An 11-year-old Afro-Caribbean boy with severe developmental delay presented with a 4-week histo...

ea0038p465 | Thyroid | SFEBES2015

The value of thyroxine absorption test followed by weekly thyroxine administration in determining the cause of persistent hypothyroidism despite high dose L-thyroxine treatment: a case report

Hamdan Khaliq , Rahman Mohammad , Mohan-Babu Priya , Obuobie Kofi

Objective: Most hypothyroid patients require an optimal dose of 1.6–1.8 μg/body weight (kg) of L-thyroxine to restore a normal TSH. Poor response to treatment can be due to malabsorption, drugs interaction and poor compliance. We conducted a test to determine the likely cause of persistent hypothyroidism in a coeliac patient despite taking supraphysiological doses of L-thyroxine (>1000 μg OD).Case...

ea0088020 | Abstracts | BES2022

A rare etiology of primary amenorrhea in a 16-year-old girl

E Nauwynck , W Staels , J De Schepper

Introduction: Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a rare cause of primary amenorrhea (1,2). We report a 16-year-old girl with normal secondary sexual characteristics, but no menses due to an autoimmune POI and associated with autoimmune gastritis. This is the first report of such constellation in an adolescent – both conditions separately already being rare in the pediatric population.Case presentation: A 16-year-old girl was referred to our de...