Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0032p887 | Pituitary – Clinical (<emphasis role="italic">Generously supported by IPSEN</emphasis>) | ECE2013

Gender determines ACTH recovery after experimental hypercortisolemia in older individuals

Sharma Animesh , Aoun Paul , Wigham Jean , Weist Sue , Veldhuis Johannes

Introduction: Available clinical literature raises the possibility that stress-responsive mechanisms differ by gender, especially in older individuals; however the accompanying evidence is both limited and discrepant. We hypothesize that gender determines the degree of ACTH inhibition by and recovery after an experimental cortisol clamp in older subjects.Subjects and design: We conducted a prospectively randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross...

ea0042il1 | <emphasis role="bold">Invited Lectures</emphasis> | Androgens2016

Determinants and clinical correlates of androgen exposure: phases of life and disease

Kaufman Jean-Marc

The relation between testosterone (T) production and action is complex, involving protein binding in the circulation affecting clearance and tissue availability, T production from precursors in peripheral tissues, deactivating and activating (to dihydrotestosterone and estradiol) metabolism within target tissues, besides factors affecting androgen responsiveness (receptor concentrations, cofactors, genetics,…). Yet, in absence of a useful independent marker of androgen a...

ea0042il1 | Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer | Androgens2016

Determinants and clinical correlates of androgen exposure: phases of life and disease

Kaufman Jean-Marc

The relation between testosterone (T) production and action is complex, involving protein binding in the circulation affecting clearance and tissue availability, T production from precursors in peripheral tissues, deactivating and activating (to dihydrotestosterone and estradiol) metabolism within target tissues, besides factors affecting androgen responsiveness (receptor concentrations, cofactors, genetics,…). Yet, in absence of a useful independent marker of androgen a...

ea0077hdi1.1 | How do I. . .? 1 | SFEBES2021

Dr Claire Higham

Higham Claire

This talk will cover the currently available evidence describing the endocrine and metabolic consequences of radiotherapy treatment to the hypothalamus and pituitary. A practical approach to surveillance, diagnosis and management of these consequences in childhood and adult cancer survivors will be provided....

ea0065ns1.3 | NICE – T3 | SFEBES2019

A Beginners Guide: setting up a Nurse-Led Thyroid Clinic

Munday Jean

This talk is aimed at nurses who wish to set up nurse-led clinics. Although the focus will be on thyroid clinics the principles could be used for other conditions. Consideration will be given to the practicalities of establishing a new clinic, the process and the clinical expertise required. The Society for Endocrinology Competency Framework for Adult Endocrine Nursing underpins the knowledge and skills required by Endocrine Nurses running their own clinics. <a href="https://w...

ea0034n2.2 | The journey of endocrine nursing research: from evidence based practice to independent research | SFEBES2014

How to audit and evaluate your own practice

Munday Jean

Oxford dictionaries define audit as a systematic review or assessment of something.In their 2002 publication NICE1 stated that Clinical audit is a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes. Aspects of the structure, processes, and outcomes of care are selected and systematically evaluated against explicit criteria. Where indicated, changes are implemented at an individual, team, or service level and f...

ea0034p192 | Nursing practise | SFEBES2014

Steroid group education: developing a curriculum ensures good nursing practice is maintained

Munday Jean

Background: We have used group education sessions to instruct patients about steroid sick day rules for over 3 years. The groups were initially run by one Endocrine Nurse Specialist (ENS) so every group followed the same format with the same take home messages. With the development of a second ENS post there became an opportunity to share running the sessions. However, it was vital to ensure patients attending the groups were all given the same teaching regardless of who was r...

ea0063s7.1 | Endocrine disrupting chemicals (Endorsed by Endocrine Connections) | ECE2019

Mixtures measured in human, disrupt thyroid hormone signaling and behavior in Xenopus laevis

Fini Jean-Baptiste

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) harm human health both as single molecules and as mixtures. Most research on EDCs is done on individual chemicals whereas we are exposed to mixtures of numerous and possibly interacting molecules. This discrepancy presents a dilemma for risk assessment and legislation. Thyroid hormones are essential for normal brain development where they influence, through specific embryonic and post-natal periods all the steps of brain development. In ad...

ea0063s28.3 | Vitamin D - non-skeletal effects in RCT | ECE2019

How and when to measure vitamin D?

Souberbielle Jean Claude

The 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) serum concentration is the marker of vitamin D status. It is measured by immunoanalysis, mostly on automated platforms, or by separative methods such as HPLC or LC/MS-MS. An important inter-method variability has been evidenced some years ago. This has however improved recently thanks to the availability of an international standard and of a reference method (RM), and to the implementation of the Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP). Some pr...

ea0049s8.2 | Predictors of therapeutic response in functioning pituitary tumours | ECE2017

MRI predictors of therapeutic response in GH-secreting pituitary tumours

Bonneville Jean Francois

The T2-weighted characteristics of GH-secreting pituitary adenomas have recently received particular attention from the research community. It now appears that somatotropinomas can be divided into groups with different behavior according to their T2-weighted signal. T2-hypointense adenomas are generally smaller, invade the cavernous sinus less frequently and are responsible for higher levels of GH-hypersecretion (Fig. 1). Treatment with somatostatin analogues, both before and ...