Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0028p170 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2012

The effect of specific micronutrients on appetite

Greenwood Hannah , McGavigan Anne , Ghatei Mohammad , Bloom Stephen , Murphy Kevin

Ingested protein has a greater satiating effect than other macronutrients. The underlying mechanism is unknown, but it has been shown that protein induces greater increases in anorectic gut hormone levels than carbohydrate or fat. It was hypothesised that these effects could be mediated by specific amino acids comprising the protein. We therefore examined the effects of specific amino acids on food intake and gut hormone release. Fasted male Wistar rats received an oral gavage...

ea0053ou9 | Plenary 2: The neurology circuitry of appetite | OU2018

The neural circuitry of appetite

Murphy Kevin

Understanding the physiological control of appetite is crucial to our understanding of obesity and metabolic disease, and may suggest novel targets for anti-obesity drugs. In the last decade our understanding of the mechanisms by which the brain regulates energy homeostasis has improved dramatically, largely due to new techniques in neuroscience including optogenetics and chemogenetics. This talk will summarise our current understanding of the neural circuitry that regulates f...

ea0086bpw2.2 | New advances in neuroendocrinology | SFEBES2022

New methods to investigate the GnRH pulse generator

O'Byrne Kevin

The neural construct underlying the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator has only recently been identified despite its elegant electrophysiological manifestation (abrupt increases in multiunit electrical activity volleys invariably associated with LH pulses) described over 40 years ago by Ernst Knobil. Following the identification of the arcuate KNDy (Kisspeptin/Neurokinin-B/Dynorphin) neurones as the critical component of the GnRH pulse generator, direct in-vivo calcium imaging ...

ea0037s13.2 | New concepts in Vitamin D research | ECE2015

Clinical consequences of low vitamin D status

Cashman Kevin

While there is still considerable debate as to what circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration may best represent low vitamin D status, it is clear that there is substantial evidence that the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (serum 25(OH)D <25/30 nmol/l) and inadequacy (<50/75 nmol/l) is moderate and high respectively, across Europe. This has significant implications for human health throughout the lifecycle and may impact on healthy growth and developme...

ea0094loe1.3 | Section | SFEBES2023

Cell and gene therapy for diabetes

Docherty Kevin

An increased understanding of the DNA sequences and transcription factors (TFs) involved in regulating expression of the insulin gene, and the role that these TFs play in the developing pancreas has opened up new prospects for cell and gene therapy for diabetes. Gene therapy involves injection of an insulin gene construct into muscle, chosen as the most accessible tissue. The major challenges are efficiency of uptake and expression of the exogenous gene, processing of proinsul...

ea0099ep1252 | Late Breaking | ECE2024

Diagnosis of adult GHD: new diagnostic tests

Yuen Kevin

Although diminished height velocity and short stature are important clinical markers to consider testing for GHD in children, the signs and symptoms of GHD are not always so apparent in adults. Furthermore, quality of life and metabolic health are often impacted in adults with GHD; thus, making an accurate diagnosis is important so that appropriate GH replacement therapy can be offered to these patients. However, the diagnostic work up of adult GHD can be challenging and made ...

ea0041ep285 | Clinical case reports - Pituitary/Adrenal | ECE2016

Polyglandular autoimmune Syndrome type 2/Schmidt’s syndrome

Machenahalli Pratibha , Shotliff Kevin

25-years-old lady presented to gastroenterologist with recurrent bouts of vomiting associated with abdominal pains, fatigue, muscle aches and dark tan. Initial biochemical profile and upper GI endoscopy were normal. On examination she had dark pigmentation of the palms well hydrated and haemodynamically stable. No family history of autoimmune conditions. She had traumatic laceration of the liver as a child, otherwise no significant past medical history.A...

ea0041ep951 | Pituitary - Clinical | ECE2016

Primary empty sella syndrome-is it familial?

Machenahalli Pratibha , Shotliff Kevin

Introduction: Empty sella syndrome is a condition in which sella turcica is partially or completely filled with CSF resulting in a displacement of normal pituitary gland. Primary empty sella is due to inherent weakness of diaphragm sella or to an increase in intracranial pressure which promotes herniation of arachnoid membranes in to pituitary fossa. More common in middle aged obese female and headache is the most common presenting symptom. It may be associated with one or mor...

ea0037ep1336 | Clinical Cases–Thyroid/Other | ECE2015

Severe osteoporosis as a presentation of concealed Swyer syndrome (pure gonadal dysgenesis)

O'Hare James , Hickey Kevin

Swyer syndrome (pure gonadal dysgenesis) is characterised by female phenotype with a 46 XY genotype due to a mutation of the sex determining region (SRY) gene on the y chromosome. A 28 year old presented with back pain after an accident and had a 2nd lumbar vertebral fracture and severe osteoporosis. The DEXA scan T score was −4.2. Procollagen Type 1 pro peptide and Osteocalcin levels were high. She had been in good health and denied any family illness. She was 180 cm ta...

ea0031p127 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2013

A challenging case of recurrent disabling severe hypoglycemic episodes

Jeyaraman Kirthika , Shotliff Kevin

Nesidioblastosis is a well recognized cause of persistent hyperinsulineamic hypoglycemia of infancy. Regardless of the pancreatectomy procedure used, hypoglycaemia may recur during long term follow up. We describe a challenging case of recurrent hypoglycaemic episodes in a young adult.We describe a 33-year-old landscape gardening laborer with history of insulin treated diabetes diagnosed at the age of 3 weeks old following subtotal pancreatectomy for nes...