Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0059p003 | Adrenal and steroids | SFEBES2018

Mass spectrometry-based assessment of childhood androgen excess in 487 consecutive patients

Mannion Pascoe , Elhassan Yasir , Smith Karen , Webster Rachel , Saraff Vrinda , Barrett Timothy , Shaw Nick , Krone Nils , Dias Renuka , Kershaw Melanie , Kirk Jeremy , Hogler Wolfgang , Krone Ruth , O'Reilly Michael , Arlt Wiebke , Idkowiak Jan

Background: Androgen excess in childhood is a common clinical presentation with potentially serious underlying pathology.Objectives and Design: We have examined the diagnostic utility of simultaneous measurement of serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), androstenedione (A4), and testosterone (T) to delineate the biochemical signatures of conditions underlying paediatric hyperandrogenism in a large tertiary care referral centre (2013–2017). Se...

ea0036P45 | (1) | BSPED2014

Using an electronic tablet to survey patient satisfaction in an adolescent transitional diabetes clinic at York, United Kingdom

Joy Reeba , Smith Dominic , Mannion Joanne

Objectives: To assess patient satisfaction with the transitional diabetes clinic service. Our transitional diabetes clinics (for 14–19 year olds) are run monthly by a multi disciplinary team comprising of a consultant, nurse and dietician each, from both adult and paediatric diabetes teams.Methods: An electronic tablet with the pre-programmed survey was handed out to 42 young people while they were waiting to be seen in clinic.<p class="abstext"...

ea0019p365 | Thyroid | SFEBES2009

Reversible apparent pulmonary fibrosis in severe hypothyroidism

George Jyothis , Thow Jonathan , Rodger Kirsty , Mannion Richard , Jayagopal Vijay

Context: Respiratory failure as a component of severe hypothyroidism has high mortality and a number of pathological mechanisms have been proposed. These range from cerebral causes to neuromuscualr and pulmonary factors. Changes due to mucopolysacharide deposition in the lungs is another postulated mechanism, but radiological changes are hitherto not clinically demonstrated.Objective: A case of hypothyroidism with hypoxia associated with CT features sugg...

ea0062oc9 | Oral Communications | EU2019

Osteoporosis with a raised serum testosterone – an unexpected finding

Bisambar Chad , Bashari Waiel , Clunie Gavin , Donnelly Neil , Mannion Richard , Gurnell Mark

Case history: A 20-year-old man was referred to the metabolic bone clinic following a left sided neck of femur fracture (sustained after a simple fall whilst roller skating). He was otherwise well with no past medical history; systemic enquiry was unremarkable. A DEXA scan revealed osteoporosis (Z scores: total hip −2.97; lumbar spine −3.1), and bone turnover markers were significantly raised. Unexpectedly, the patient was found to have an elevated serum t...

ea0077p95 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary | SFEBES2021

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)-related pituitary apoplexy

Serban Laura , MacFarlane James , Senanayake Russell , Stastna Daniela , Mathew Rajeev , Sharma Rishi , Mannion Richard , Gurnell Mark , Bashari Waiel

Background: Pituitary apoplexy is a relatively rare but important clinical syndrome which may be associated with acute headache, visual compromise and hypopituitarism. It can be the initial presentation of a previously unsuspected pituitary macroadenoma. Recognised risk factors include hypertension and the use of antiplatelet agents and/or anticoagulant therapy. It may be life-threatening, requiring emergency endocrine (e.g hydrocortisone) replacement therapy[1] and...

ea0055p32 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2018

Clinical and biochemical acromegaly associated with a functioning pituitary FSHoma

Huang-Doran Isabel , Koulouri Olympia , Oddy Sue , Halsall David , Allinson Kieren , O'Donovan Dominic , Mannion Richard , Gurnell Mark

Case history: A previously healthy 39 year-old male presented to his optometrist with visual disturbance. Visual field perimetry confirmed bitemporal hemianopia, prompting referral to endocrinology. On questioning, he reported an increase in hand and shoe size, but no headache or diaphoresis. Examination revealed classical acromegaloid features including prognathism, spatulate hands and prominent orbital margins, as well as marked bilateral macro-orchidism.<p class="abstex...

ea0059cc8 | Featured Clinical Cases | SFEBES2018

Clinical and biochemical acromegaly associated with pituitary FSHomas

Huang Doran Isabel , Koulouri Olympia , Oddy Sue , Halsall David , O'Donovan Dominic , Roncaroli Federico , Mannion Richard , Allinson Kieran , Gurnell Mark

Acromegaly is a clinical manifestation of excessive peripheral growth hormone (GH) action. Most cases result from pituitary somatotroph adenomas displaying varying degrees of GH immunoreactivity. Occasionally, GH is cosecreted with a second hormone from adenomas containing mixed cell populations (e.g. somatolactotroph tumours). Coexistence of multiple discrete adenomas, identical or distinct in hormone secretion, is infrequent. In very rare cases, acromegaly results from neuro...

ea0037gp.20.09 | Pituitary – Hypopituitarism | ECE2015

Thyrotropinoma: diagnosis and management of a rare but increasingly recognised pituitary tumour – novel insights from a large prospective UK study

Koulouri Olympia , Moran Carla , Powlson Andrew , Antoun Nagui , Donnelly Neil , Mannion Richard , Pickrd John , Halsall David , Chatterjee Krish , Gurnell Mark

Background: Thyrotropinomas (TSHomas) are traditionally considered a rare, albeit important cause of thyrotoxicosis. Although early case series reported a predominance of invasive macroadenomas, emerging evidence suggests microadenomas are being increasingly diagnosed, and the clinical/biochemical phenotype appears to be more variable than previously suspected. We therefore performed detailed phenotyping of patients referred to our centre with a diagnosis of TSHoma over a 4-ye...

ea0037gp.21.02 | Pituitary – Diagnosis of Cushing's disease | ECE2015

Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling reliably differentiates pituitary from ectopic Cushing's, but frequently fails to predict pituitary tumour location, especially when lateralizing to the right

Koulouri Olympia , Nigam Nishita , Powlson Andrew , Donnelly Neil , Mannion Richard , Pickard John , Koo Brendan , Halsall David , Gurnell Mark

Background: BIPSS remains the gold standard for differentiating pituitary and ectopic sources in ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome. A pituitary:peripheral ACTH ratio >2 in the basal state, and/or >3 following CRH stimulation, is considered indicative of pituitary Cushing’s, with a range of sensitivities and specificities cited in the literature. In addition, in Cushing’s disease a peak interpetrosal gradient of >1.4 has been reported to predict the s...

ea0028p267 | Pituitary | SFEBES2012

Potential pitfalls in the management of thyrotropinoma

Koulouri Olympia , Kandasamy Narayanan , Moran Carla , Melvin Alison , Donnelly Neil , Mannion Richard , Pickard John , Halsall David , Chatterjee Krishna , Gurnell Mark

Case Report: A 49-year-old man presented with a two-year history of thyrotoxic symptoms for which he had been investigated on several occasions. He had a past medical history of dilated cardiomyopathy, which had been attributed to excess alcohol consumption, and had also suffered episodes of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. His family history was strongly positive for autoimmune thyroid disease. Eventually, he was found to have an elevated fT4 (53 pmol/L, RR 12–22) ...