Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0049ep1400 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2017

A case report: co-occurence of medullary thyroid carcinoma and papillary thyroid carcinoma

Camur Beliz , Celik Mehmet , Bulbul Buket Yilmaz , Ayturk Semra , Tastekin Ebru , Can Nuray , Sezer Atakan , Ustun Funda , Guldiken Sibel

Introduction: Co-occurence of medullary thyroid carcinoma and papillary thyroid carcinoma in the same patient is unusual. We report a case with this rare event.Case: A 39 year old woman was presented with cough and shortness of breath. She had no prior history of radiation exposure, cigarette or alcohol consumption and no family history of thyroid cancer. On physical examination, a 3x5 cm thyroid nodule was palpated in the middle portion of thyroid gland...

ea0037ep982 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2015

Co-occurrence of Graves' disease and immune thyrombocytopenia: a case report

Yalcin Mehmet Muhittin , Arslan Emre , Toruner Fusun Balos , Altinova Alev , Akturk Mujde , Dumludag Burak , Yagci Munci , Yetkin Ilhan , Arslan Metin

Also cytopenies can be established in the evaluation of GravesÂ’ disease (GD), isolated thrombocytopenia is very rare. Here, we present a case of immune thrombocytopenia incidentally found in the evaluation of GD. A 48-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with palpitation and anxiousness. The thyroid function tests were concordant with thyrotoxicosis. She had two subcentimetre nodules in the right thyroid lobe. Thyroid gland had increased iodine uptake. And thyroid...

ea0049ep1405 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2017

Our experience of strain elastography in the evaluation of thyroid nodules

Fenkci Semin Melahat , Coşkun Mehmet , Topsakal Senay , Yaylalı Guzin Fidan

Introduction: Thyroid nodule is a common finding in neck ultrasonography performed in adult age group. Appropriate management of patients with thyroid nodules accuretly is very difficult process. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), is the traditional invasive method used to identify nodules. Investigations are continuing for noninvasive techniques. Elastography is the imaging new technic,to evaluate the nodules. Aim of this study to evaluate the results of FNAB and elastogra...

ea0049ep1403 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2017

Co-occurrence of papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma in a patient

Yigitbasi Ahmet , Celik Mehmet , Bulbul Buket Yilmaz , Ayturk Semra , Can Nuray , Tastekin Ebru , Sezer Atakan , Ustun Funda , Guldiken Sibel

Occurance of papiller carcinoma with foliculer thyroid carcinoma is a rare situation. We report a 49-year-old male with asymptomatic goiter. The first biopsy from the right tyroid lobe from a 6×6×4 cm iso-hypoechogen heterogeneous nodule showed bening, hurthe cell and thyrocyte rich cytology. Two months later the patient went through right lobectomy which patology defined as 4.3 cm minimal invasive follicular carcinoma. Two months after right thyroidectomy, a second ...

ea0063mte9 | (1) | ECE2019

Co-morbidities in Klinefelter syndrome

Skakkebaek Anne

Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY; KS) is still a diagnostic challenge. Many patients are misdiagnosed, or remain undiagnosed, and thereby prevention and treatment of associated comorbidities is often delayed. The presence of the additional X chromosome is associated with a number of health problems involving multiple organs and consequently are both morbidity and mortality significantly increased. The increased morbidity seen in KS is due to an increased risk of developing physica...

ea0058oc5.2 | Oral Communications 5 | BSPED2018

Screening for co-morbidities in fibrous dysplasia

Huma Zilla , Mackinnon Natasha , Pollock Rob , Aston William

Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a rare bone disease which usually presents to Endocrinologists as part of McCune albright syndrome or as precocious puberty. A variety of other co-morbidities have been described for FD including renal phophate wasting secondary to an excess of FGF23; abnormal thryoid and growth hormone production and abnormal cortisol production. A large number of children are referred to our Regional Sarcoma Service with lytic bony lesions, many of which are subsequ...

ea0013p34 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2007

Co-existence of elevated PTH and PTHrP

Lakshmi Santhosh , Browne Duncan

Patients with significant hypercalcaemia unrelated to primary hyperparathyroidism have suppressed or undetectable levels of Parathyroid Hormone (PTH). We present a case where the hypercalcaemia was not due to primary hyperparathyroidism yet the PTH was elevated.82 year old male was admitted with 2 weeks history of lethargy, vomiting, increased frequency of micturiton, light headedness and confusional state. Past medical history included Type 2 diabetes, ...

ea0050p015 | Adrenal and Steroids | SFEBES2017

How relevant is aldosterone and cortisol co-secretion?

Bhatt Padmanabh Shrikant , Sam Amir H , Salem Victoria , Meeran Karim

Background: Studies suggest that glucocorticoid hypersecretion alongside primary hyperaldosteronism (PA) is common and may contribute to the adverse metabolic phenotype. Adrenal crisis post-surgery for PA is rare.Aim: To determine the prevalence of cortisol co-secretion in PA in patients at Imperial College London NHS Trust, Hammersmith Hospital (a tertiary referral centre for adrenal tumours).Methods: Am...

ea0050p015 | Adrenal and Steroids | SFEBES2017

How relevant is aldosterone and cortisol co-secretion?

Bhatt Padmanabh Shrikant , Sam Amir H , Salem Victoria , Meeran Karim

Background: Studies suggest that glucocorticoid hypersecretion alongside primary hyperaldosteronism (PA) is common and may contribute to the adverse metabolic phenotype. Adrenal crisis post-surgery for PA is rare.Aim: To determine the prevalence of cortisol co-secretion in PA in patients at Imperial College London NHS Trust, Hammersmith Hospital (a tertiary referral centre for adrenal tumours).Methods: Am...

ea0003p134 | Endocrine Tumours and Neoplasia | BES2002

A role for co-regulators in estrogen receptor function

Fleming F , Hill A , Duffy M , McDermott E , O'Higgins N , Young L

The estrogen receptor is encoded by two genes (ER-alpha and ER-beta). Both function as transcription factors to modulate expression of target genes. ER-alpha has been shown to interact with co-regulators to enhance or inhibit transcription in vitro. We hypothesised that the existence of these co-regulators contribute to the differing clinical response of patients to treatment with the anti-estrogen four hydroxytamoxifen (4-HOT). The aim of this project was to localise ER-alpha...