Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0094p42 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2023

Neonatal hypocalcaemia and association with maternal magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) administration in a single center, at the neonatal unit in walsall manor hospital

Kollurage Udeni , Morley Elizabeth , Baachaa Zuro , Dogar Azeem , Gireesh Rayasandra

Introduction: Hypocalcaemia is a biochemical abnormality noted in neonates and considered a possible side-effect of maternal MgSO4 administration. Suggested mechanism is maternal hypermagnesemia inhibits secretion of maternal parathyroid hormone, causing maternal and foetal/neonatal hypocalcaemia.Objectives: This study is aimed to identify common risk factors, presentation, biochemical abnormalities, severity, and any co...

ea0087p10 | Poster Presentations | UKINETS2022

What is the prevalence of bile acid malabsorption in neuroendocrine tumour patients (NET) at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Mair Reena , Shah Tahir , Bradley Elizabeth

Introduction: Bile acid malabsorption (BAM) may be a contributing factor causing diarrhoea in patients with NETs, particularly among those who have undergone previous surgical resection of the terminal ileum and/or right colon or cholecystectomy (Naraev et al 2019). Aim(s): To identify the prevalence of bile acid malabsorption in neuroendocrine tumour patients (NET) at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB). Materi...

ea0094p246 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary | SFEBES2023

Assessing growth hormone replacement practice in patients with hypopituitarism in queen elizabeth hospital birmingham

Sakthivel Pavithra , Wong Anson , Criseno Sherwin , Toogood Andrew

Background: In the UK, adults with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) are treated with recombinant Growth Hormone (GH) therapy according to NICE guidelines (TA64). Provided that patients show an initial improvement in their quality-of-life score, assessed using the Quality-of-Life Assessment of GHD in Adults (Qol-AGHDA) questionnaire, they can continue with their GH treatment long-term. However, in clinical practice, many patients are observed to discontinue GH r...

ea0094p364 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary | SFEBES2023

Audit of compliance with NICE TA64 on prescribing growth hormone treatment in adults at the queen elizabeth hospital, birmingham

Tarr Charlotte , Anderson Jennifer , Criseno Sherwin

Adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) is a metabolic syndrome characterised by osteoporosis, increased visceral fat, adverse lipid profiles, decreased muscle mass and reduced energy levels. As such, it is associated with reduced quality of life (QoL) and increased mortality from cardiovascular disease. Synthetic growth hormone (GH) can be given to replace natural GH; however, treatment is costly at around £3350 per patient per year and could cause side effects including ...

ea0065p248 | Metabolism and Obesity | SFEBES2019

Using problem-based learning (PBL) to engage undergraduate medical students in endocrinology at Edinburgh Medical School

Pender Frederic T , Morley Steven D

Background: Endocrinology, taught in Year 2 of the Edinburgh undergraduate MBChB curriculum to approximately 200 medical students, can present a complex challenge and a test of engagement. Core biomedical curriculum content is delivered as large group teaching (lectures) and then revisited in smaller groups (clinical-cased based tutorials, PBL) designed to integrate learning by applying basic knowledge in a clinical context. PBL first implemented in the 1960s at McMaster Unive...

ea0020s6.3 | Epigenetics and endocrine programing | ECE2009

Programming of the stress system by the maternal care in animal models

Maccari S , Morley-Fletcher S , Darnaudery M

Life events occurring during the perinatal period have strong permanent long-term effects on the behavioural and neuroendocrine response to stressors. In rats, repeated restraint stress of the pregnant dam during the last week of pregnancy produces long lasting changes in the HPA axis function and behaviours in the offspring. These changes include a hyperactivity of HPA axis response associated with a reduction in the number of hippocampal corticosteroid receptors. The HPA dys...

ea0013p133 | Growth and development | SFEBES2007

The mosaic pattern of 21-OHase/LacZ transgene expression changes during organogenesis and growth of the adrenal cortex

Chang Su-Ping , West John , Morley Steven

The mouse steroid 21-hydroxylase-A gene promoter (21-OH) directs adrenal cortex-specific expression of the β-galactosidase reporter in 21-OHase/LacZ transgenic mice. Multiple independent 21-OHase/LacZ transgenic lines show a similar mosaic pattern of reporter expression probably reflecting stochastic transgene silencing. In the adult, the mosaic reporter expression occurs as radial stripes spanning the adrenal cortex. A similar radial striped pattern occurs ...

ea0031s1.2 | Irn bru, to drink or not to drink: endocrinology and iron | SFEBES2013

The iron-regulatory hormone hepcidin

Nemeth Elizabeta

The hepatic peptide hormone hepcidin is the principal regulator of iron absorption and tissue iron distribution. Hepcidin circulates in blood plasma and acts at nanomolar concentrations by inducing degradation of its receptor, the cellular iron exporter ferroportin. Ferroportin exports iron into plasma from absorptive enterocytes, from macrophages that recycle the iron of senescent erythrocytes, and from hepatocytes that store iron. Therefore, hepcidin-mediated degradation of ...

ea0006oc18 | Growth and Development | SFE2003

Testosterone 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD) activities of mouse type I and VI 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases

Howe B , Howie A , Morley S , Payne A , Mason J

3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) expression is essential for the synthesis of all classes of steroid hormones, converting delta5beta-hydroxysteroids into hormonally active delta4-3-ketosteroids in NAD+-dependent reactions. Numerous 3beta-HSD isoforms have been described in mouse, rat, human and other mammals, all with distinct tissue and developmentally specific expression, distinct kinetics, with alternative substrate specificity...

ea0046p34 | (1) | UKINETS2016

An exploration of psychological symptoms in vasoactive hormone-secreting neuroendocrine tumours (carcinoid syndrome)

Friend Elizabeth

Introduction: Psychological symptoms such as aggression, confusion, irritation, anxiety and depression have been observed clinically in patients with carcinoid syndrome. It has been suggested that vasoactive-hormone secretion are involved in provoking psychological symptoms. The objective of this qualitative study is to explore the presence and experience of specific psychological symptoms in vasoactive hormone-secreting NET (carcinoid syndrome).Methods:...