Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0095p133 | Miscellaneous/other 2 | BSPED2023

Patient and public involvement: Techniques used to engage with children and young people about research in congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Tonge Joseph , Bacila Irina , Barker Nicki , Aslam Muniba , Salim Eliza , Walsh James , Phillips Bob , Krone Nils , Lawrence Neil

Background: Incorporating the ideas and views of children and young people (CYP) with endocrine conditions from early stages in the research life cycle will increase the benefit for patients and contribute to high impact research.Methods: We conducted two days of patient and public involvement (PPI) sessions with patients from a tertiary endocrine centre who are living with Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia (CAH). We explore...

ea0006ds3 | Hypertension and diabetes | SFE2003

Epidemiology of hypertension and diabetes

Phillips D

Hypertension and diabetes are prevalent conditions. Population studies suggest that blood pressure in excess of 140/90 mmHg is found in nearly 30% of adults while type 2 diabetes occurs in 3-4%. However, both conditions are strongly age-dependent, and exhibit large geographical variations. Non-european populations typically have much higher prevalence rates. Worldwide, there has been a dramatic increase in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. It has long been known that these co...

ea0081ep683 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2022

Pituitary Coma? Discordant pituitary biochemistry after consumption of a commercially available ‘Sleep Activator’.

Phillips Benjamin , Kumar Mohit

We present a case of discordant pituitary biochemistry which resolved after discontinuing a commercially available combination vitamin supplement. A 35 year-old man presented following an episode of headache and dizziness, preceding collapse and possible seizure activity. Investigations revealed deranged pituitary function: TSH 0.02 mU/l (0.35-5.50), fT4 3.6 pmol/l (10.0-20.0), 9 am cortisol 18 nmol/l (200-500), testosterone >52 nmol/l (8.4-28.7), FSH <0.3 U/l (1.0-18....

ea0038p52 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2015

Impact of a multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic on patient outcomes

Phillips Lowri , Osborne Louise

Introduction: Foot disease in diabetes is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Diabetic foot disease requires complex care with input from a range of healthcare professionals. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network guideline 116 recommends that all patients with diabetes and foot ulceration are seen at a multidisciplinary foot clinic. Our aim was to assess the impact on patient outcomes of introducing a multidisciplinary foot clinic within NHS Fife.<p ...

ea0033oc3.6 | Oral Communications 3 | BSPED2013

A feasibility study of intra-gastric balloons (supported by a lifestyle programme) for the treatment of severe adolescent obesity – the (BOB) Study.

Sachdev Pooja , Reece Lindsey , Copeland Rob , Wales Jerry , Wright Neil

Rationale: Although many adolescents meet the NICE criteria for bariatric surgery there is a reluctance to undertake or commission such irreversible procedures in young people. Balloons are temporary, reversible, safer and more acceptable and in adults have been shown to promote a clinically significant change in BMI of 4.0–9.0 kg/m2 But due to subsequent weight regain, bypass surgery is preferred.This is a feasibility study of endocsopic...

ea0010p4 | Clinical case reports/Governance | SFE2005

Persistent partial hypopituitarism following an episode of cerebral oedema caused by diabetic ketoacidosis

Phillips S , Al-Mrayat M

There have been several case reports over the years of hypopituitarism occurring after cerebral oedema caused by diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). The case reports have ranged from a single hormone defect to a more extensive loss of hormone production. What is not reported in the literature so far is what happens to these patients and their hormone deficiencies in the longer term.This is a case report of a young man who presented with DKA aged twelve who rapi...

ea0037gp.22.02 | Pituitary–Therapy of Cushing's disease | ECE2015

Surgical outcome and factors associated with Cushing's disease recurrence in 101 consecutive patients operated on by a single pituitary neurosurgeon: the Cleveland Clinic experience

Johnston Philip C , Hamrahian Amir H , Bena Jim , Weil Bob , Kennedy Laurence

Background: Transsphenoidal tumour resection (TSS) is the first-line treatment for Cushing’s disease (CD). With an experienced neurosurgeon, immediate remission rates >80% are expected for patients with microadenomas (<10 mm).Aim: To report initial and long-term remission rates in a specialist centre, and to ascertain factors associated with disease recurrence after TSS.Methods: Patients with CD (n=101, 28M, 7...

ea0021p159 | Diabetes and metabolism | SFEBES2009

Brain natriuretic peptide shows no response to acute hypobaric hypoxia in humans

Woods David , Hooper Tim , Mellor Adrian , Hodkinson Pete , Wakeford Rob , Peaston Bob , Ball Steve , Green Nic

Background: Effective acclimatization to high altitude involves a natriuresis and diuresis facilitated by a suppressed aldosterone. Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is common but poorly understood. A cardiac hormone, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), is released primarily in response to cardiomyocyte stretch but animal models suggest BNP secretion is also stimulated by acute hypoxia. An increase in BNP causes a diuresis, natriuresis and a reduction in aldosterone. We hypothesized ...

ea0044p71 | Clinical biochemistry | SFEBES2016

Evaluation of diagnostic cut-offs for aldosterone-renin ratio using iSYS assays for aldosterone and direct renin

Fairclough Charlotte , Milan Anna , Phillips Suzannah

Introduction: ‘Primary Aldosteronism Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines’ from the Endocrine Society (2008) recommend the use of the aldosterone- renin ratio (ARR) to detect primary aldosteronism (PA) in patient groups with high prevalence of PA. The guidelines suggest cut-offs specific to assay type and measurement units. The department of Clinical Chemistry and Metabolic Medicine at RLBUHT recently moved to a direct renin method (iSYS, Immunodiagnostics) ...

ea0025s4.3 | Endocrine regulation of ageing | SFEBES2011

Cortisol, DHEAS and immunesenescence

Lord Janet , Phillips Anna , Arlt Wiebke

Normal ageing is accompanied by increased organismal frailty, reflecting organ specific functional decline, with an associated increase in the likelihood of disease. The immune system undergoes significant decline with age, termed immunesenescence, which results in increased susceptibility to infection and reduced vaccination responses. Significant changes in the hormonal milieu also occur with age and it is clear that age-related changes in adrenal hormone secretion can impos...