Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0034s1.1 | GNRH biology ‐ from pulses to longevity (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Journal of Molecular Endocrinology</emphasis>) | SFEBES2014

Systems approaches to understanding GnRH signalling

Perrett Rebecca , Voliotis Margaritis , Armstrong Stephen , Pope George , Tsaneva-Atanasova Krasimira , McArdle Craig

GnRH acts via Gq/11-coupled GPCRs on gonadotropes to control synthesis and secretion of LH and FSH. We use mathematical and statistical approaches as well as automated cell imaging to explore this system. In cells expressing ERK2–GFP and GnRH receptors, GnRH pulses cause rapid and transient nuclear translocation of ERK2–GFP, providing a live-cell readout for ERK activation1. A mathematical model trained against this data predicted greater sensitivity to re...

ea0025p46 | Clinical biochemistry | SFEBES2011

A case of Di George’s syndrome presenting in late adulthood

Brewster Sarah , Rajendran Rajesh , Coppini David , Richardson Tristan

Introduction: Di George’s syndrome is a rare congenital disease that is usually diagnosed in childhood due to its presentation with velo-cardio-facial abnormalities.Case report: A 42-year-old man was incidentally found to be hypocalcaemic (corrected calcium 1.71 mmol/l) during a ‘well-man check’. A subsequent parathyroid hormone (PTH) was inappropriately low at 0.8 pmol/l (reference range 0.5–4.4 pmol/l).He was ...

ea0013p45 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2007

Di-George syndrome presenting as hypocalcaemia in adulthood

Hunter Steven , Johnston Philip , Morrison Patrick

A 29 year old female presented with a two year history of recurrent numbness and tingling in her hands. Trousseau’s sign was positive. Investigations confirmed hypocalcaemia with serum calcium 1.64 nmol/L (2.10–2.60), phosphate 1.23 nmol/L (0.80–1.55), alkaline phosphatase 82 U/L (35–120). Parathyroid hormone was inappropriately normal at 36 pg/ml (10–65), Vitamin D 78 nmol/L (50–75). Her mother reported a history of hypocalcaemia when she was two...

ea0032p818 | Paediatric endocrinology | ECE2013

Case report: two patients with Di George syndrome with different diagnostic peculiarities

Coles Diana , Teleanu Raluca , Vasile Daniela , Matei Margarita

Introduction: Di George syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by deletion of chromosome 22. The main features are congenital heart defects, absence or hypoplasia of thymus (with consecutive immunodeficiency and infections), hypoparathyroidism with hypocalcaemia, gastrointestinal problems, delayed psychomotor development, craniofacial abnormalities, tendency to develop seizures and psychiatric disorders.Case report: We present the case of two patients wit...

ea0031p312 | Pituitary | SFEBES2013

Metformin treatment of PCOS: St George's Hospital Endocrine Unit Clinical Experience

Walton Hannah , Mason Helen , Bano Gul

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine condition affecting women and is associated with hyperinsulinaemia and hyperandrogenism. Obesity is present in at least 30% of cases and plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of PCOS as well as affecting the severity of the clinical and endocrine features. Significant improvements in symptoms of androgen excess and ovulatory function are seen with even a modest weight loss of 5% in women with PCOS. M...

ea0011p103 | Clinical case reports | ECE2006

Di-George syndrome presenting with hypocalcaemia and personality disorder in adulthood – a case report

Jose M , Iqbal N , Gaut P , Balakrishnan D , Maksoud H

We report the case of a 42-year-old transsexual with Di-George syndrome (DGS) presenting in adulthood with profound hypocalcaemia and personality disorder. The patient had multiple hospital admissions with episodes of deliberate self-harm and recurrent seizures. Routine investigations revealed hypocalcaemia secondary to hypoparathyroidism. The diagnosis of DGS was delayed until six years later. The clue to the underlying condition was the finding of DGS in the patient’s d...

ea0035p164 | Calcium and Vitamin D metabolism | ECE2014

The child with Di George syndrome born to a mother with primary hypothyroidism diagnosed during pregnancy

Orlowska-Florek Renata , Dudek Adam , Swider Grzegorz

Di George syndrome is, in 93% of cases, the result of spontaneous mutations within the chromosome 22. Environmental factors may affect its occurrence. Phenotypic characteristics of Di George syndrome in children of alcohol-abusing or treated with izotretionin mothers were described. The case of a baby with Di George sndrome born to a woman with symptomatic hyperparathyroidism during her pregnancy is presented.Case report: A 30-year-old woman at 27 weeks ...

ea0048cp2 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2017

Scratch below the surface: you never know what you might unearth A case of suspected Di-George at 64 years of age

Robbins Timothy , Ventre Rachel , Bhudia Sunil , Baskar Varadarajan

Case history: We present the case of a 64 year old gentleman diagnosed with hypoparathyroidism following presentation with acute hypocalcemia post thoracic aneurysm surgery for aortic dissection. The etiology was felt to be a complication of thoracic surgery with possible disruption of blood supply to the parathyroid glands.Deeper investigation at a subsequent review revealed persistent hypocalcaemia predating surgery by over 10 years. This was on the ba...

ea0016gh1biog | The Geoffrey Harris Prize Lecture | ECE2008

Geoffrey Harris Prize Lecture

Chrousos George P

This prestigious prize is intended for established workers in the field of basic or clinical neuroendocrinology, and is generously support by Ipsen. This year's recipient is Professor George P Chrousos. The prize will be presented as part of the ECE 2008 opening ceremony where Professor Chrousos will deliver his lecture. Professor Chrousos will also give two other lectures at future ESE scientific meetings. Further information can be found at <a href="http://www...

ea0059ep34 | Bone and calcium | SFEBES2018

An atypicalpresentation of primary hyperparathyroidism

Colley Jack , Southgate Jeremy , Pope Andrew , Skene Anthony , Richardson Tristan

A 46 year old female presented to orthopaedics with a painful swelling at the base of the middle finger, which was gradually increasing in size. Ultrasound and x-ray showed a highly vascular irregular mass with bony involvement of the third metacarpal. Initial suspicions were of an enchondroma. Following an MRI scan, the orthopaedic team proceeded to biopsy the lesion. The histology suggested a giant cell tumour. Curretage of the lesion, with bone grafting was performed and fu...