Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0081p275 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2022

Heat shock protein 60 and Endothelial function in postmenopausal women

Armeni Elena , Soureti Anastasia , Augoulea Areti , Chondrou Asimina , Rizos Demetrios , Kaparos George , Delialis Dimitrios , Stefos Spyros , Angelidakis Lasthenis , Sianis Alexandros , Dimopoulou Aggeliki-Maria , Alexandrou Andreas , Baka Stavroula , Aravantinos Leon , Stamatelopoulos Kimon , Lambrinoudaki Irene

Background: Heat shock protein 60 (HSP60), a potentially homeostatic antigen, has been shown to be involved in physiological and non-physiological conditions. Experimental data is supporting the role of HSP60 in placental and mitochondrial steroidogenesis. Under stress conditions, HSP60 are translocated into the endothelial-cell plasma membrane and the extracellular space, promoting the atherosclerotic process. Aim: We decided to investigate the associat...

ea0032p298 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid / Others | ECE2013

Hypercalciuria in a patient with central diabetes insipidus

Ginis Alexandros , Kostoglou-Athanassiou Ifigenia

Central diabetes insipidus is characterized by increased water excretion which is corrected by the administration of antidiuretic hormone. Hypercalciuria is known to be associated with osteoporosis. The aim was to describe the case of a patient with central diabetes insipidus, hypercalciuria, vitamin D deficiency and severe osteoporosis.The case of a patient, female aged 64 years, presenting with central diabetes insipidus, hypercalciuria, vitamin D defi...

ea0063p329 | Reproductive Endocrinology 1 | ECE2019

Randomised Controlled Trials in women with polycystic ovary syndrome do not represent the majority of patients who are in a primary care setting: systematic review and meta-analysis

Liarakos Alexandros Leonidas , Levy Miles , Mani Hamidreza

Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age, with important long term health consequences such as higher chance of developing Type 2 diabetes, reduced overall wellbeing with poor quality of life. Such a common condition is mainly treated and investigated in the primary care setting.We therefore set out to see if the randomized controlled trials (RCT) represent the most common setting of care.<p class="abstex...

ea0090ep1162 | Late Breaking | ECE2023

Can we predict medical treatment failure in Graves’ disease? 4-year follow-up data in a single centre

Leonidas Liarakos Alexandros , Foka Anna , Mohamed Ahmed , Kavvoura Foteini

Background: Graves’ disease (GD) is the commonest cause of primary hyperthyroidism in iodine-sufficient areas. First-line treatment is a 12-18 month course of anti-thyroid drugs (ATD). However, around 50% of GD patients will relapse, requiring further assessment and definitive treatment with radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy. Identifying risk factors that predict relapse or treatment failure after stopping ATD is important in guiding management. Several risk factors hav...

ea0063p530 | Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2 | ECE2019

Vitamin B12 and gestational diabetes mellitus

Kouroglou Eleni , Anagnostis Panagiotis , Daponte Alexandros , Bargiota Alexandra

Objective/Design: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has been associated with serious complications for both the pregnant woman and the newborn. Vitamin B12 is implicated in some important metabolic procedures such as methylation and one carbon cycle and its deficiency can cause serious health problems, such as hyperhomocysteinemia, defective synthesis of neurotransmitters and fatty acids and more. However, it is not known if there is a link between vitamin B12 deficiency and...

ea0037ep1245 | Clinical Cases–Pituitary/Adrenal | ECE2015

Simultaneous diagnosis of Graves' hyperthyroidism and adrenal insufficiency

Kostoglou-Athanassiou Ifigenia , Kostakis Ervin , Dermentzoglou Alexandros , Xanthakou Eleni

Introduction: Patients with autoimmune diseases are known to develop other autoimmune conditions. Adrenal insufficiency of autoimmune etiology is known to coexist with autoimmune diabetes mellitus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and vitiligo. However, Graves’ disease in the context of adrenal insufficiency of autoimmune etiology is rare.Aim: The aim was to describe the case of a patient who presented with fatigue and was diagnosed to have hyperthyroid...

ea0070ep42 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2020

Evaluation of pulmonary function and dyspnea index in Greek COPD patients with at least one metabolic comorbidity versus the population of the study without comorbidities – AEOLOS study

Tryfon Stavros , Maniakos Nikolaos , Ginis Alexandros , Markou Ioanna-Laoutselnta

Introduction: Metabolic disorder has been frequently observed in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. In particular, metabolic comorbidities exert a major impact on patients’ morbidity and mortality. Diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and osteoporosis are among the most commonly reported metabolic comorbidities in patients with chronic lung disease. COPD patients with comorbidities, such as metabolic disease, are generally more dyspnoeic and have worse hea...

ea0070ep128 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2020

Asthma control and quality of life in greek patients with metabolic disorders. Results from BOREAS study

Laparidou Sotiria , Seferlis Vasilios , Bertoli Maria , Papanastasiou Polyanthi , Ginis Alexandros

Introduction: Asthma is often associated with various comorbidities, which may affect its clinical intensity and severity. The mechanisms of adult–onset asthma may include several metabolic and inflammatory components that are common to the other diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric diseases.Objectives: Assessment of asthma symptom control and QoL in a subgroup of ast...

ea0022p318 | Diabetes | ECE2010

Proinflammatory cytokines and serum lipids in patients with diabetes mellitus 2

Tzioras Constantinos , Brionidou Adromaxi , Klonaris Nikos , Bantila Alexandros

Introduction: Recently, several cytokines attracted considerable attention as potential effectors of insulin resistance and endothelium dysfunction, both associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) pathophysiology.Serum lipids disturbances also observed in inflammation and immunologic disorders have been found to largely depend on proinflammatory cytokines release.Aim: To establish the presence of cytokines levels disturbances ...