Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0038p201 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2015

eNAMPT-monomer plays a critical role in pathophysiology of experimental diabetes and represents a novel target for treatment of type 2 diabetes

Kieswich Julius , Silvestre Marta , Harwood Steven , Yaqoob Muhammad , Caton Paul

Extra-cellular nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (eNAMPT; also referred to as visfatin/PBEF) concentrations are elevated in serum of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the relationship between abnormally elevated serum eNAMPT and the pathophysiology of T2D is unclear. eNAMPT circulates in functionally and structurally distinct monomer and dimer forms. eNAMPT-dimer exerts NAD-biosynthetic activity. The role of eNAMPT-monomer is unclear but may exert NAD-independ...

ea0010dp1 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFE2005

Stimulation of insulin secretion by an aqueous extract of Gymnema sylvestre: role of intracellular calcium

Asare-Anane H , Huang G , Amiel S , Jones a P , Persaud S

ObjectivePlant-derived extracts have long been used to treat Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), but their effects have not been rigorously investigated at the cellular level in vitro. The aims of the current study were to determine the effects of a virgin isolate of Gymnema sylvestre (GS), designated OSA, on pancreatic β-cell function.Materials and MethodsCell viability was measured by Trypan...

ea0090ep595 | Endocrine-related Cancer | ECE2023

Immune checkpoint inhibitors induced endocrinopathies: a possible indicator of improved survival

Ornelas Mariana , Borges-Canha Marta , Gouveia Pedro , Maria Morna Ferreira Margarida , Resende Eduarda , Santos Sa Elena Maritza Pontes , Silvestre Abreu Francisco

Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) are an innovative oncologic therapy used in several types of solid and hematological neoplasms. This treatment enables the antitumoral immune system response and results in significant improvement of clinical outcomes and survival rate. However, endocrine related adverse effects (ERAE) have been related, with thyroid and pituitary dysfunction being the most common endocrine diseases described. An association between the surge of e...

ea0081rc11.5 | Rapid Communications 11: Thyroid 2 | ECE2022

Which factors can influence the occurrence of two nondiagnostic results in fine-needle aspiration cytology of the same thyroid nodule?

Cosme Ines , Silvestre Catarina , Joao Bugalho Maria

Introduction: Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of thyroid nodules can be associated with non-diagnostic (ND) results, despite the usage of ultrasound (US) guidance. It is recommended to repeat the FNAC because of the possible risk of malignancy in these nodules.Aim: To evaluate the influence of demographic, clinical and echographic characteristics in the recurrence of ND FNAC in a thyroid nodule.Methods: Retrospective review ...

ea0083tp3 | Thyroid | EYES2022

Possible factors of hypercalcitoninemia in a benign nodular thyroid disease

I Cosme , C Silvestre , M. J. Bugalho

Background: Calcitonin (CT) is a specific marker of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (MTC). However, its routine measurement in the assessment of nodular thyroid disease (NTD) remains controversial because MTC is rare and CT may have false positive results.Objective: To evaluate the frequency of hypercalcitoninemia (hyperCT) among patients with benign NTD and to disclose possible underlying factors.Methods: Retrospective study including...

ea0090p647 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023

New onset diabetes mellitus and thyroid dysfunction following Prembolizumab – a case report

Matos Tania , Dias Daniela , Silvestre Catarina , Serra Filipa , Sapinho Ines

Introduction: Prembrolizumab, a programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) inhibitor, is one of the immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) that have revolutionized cancer therapy. However, ICIs can also trigger immune-related adverse events (irAEs) in different organ systems, including endocrine glands. While thyroid dysfunction is among the most common endocrinopathies reported, ICI-induced diabetes mellitus (DM) is extremely rare, with an overall incidence ranging from 0.9 to 2%.</p...

ea0090p706 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2023

Rare causes of adrenal tumours and the possible role of adrenal arterial embolization - two case reports

Manique Ines , Cortez Luisa , Abreu Silvestre , Silva-Nunes Jose

Introduction: Adrenal oncocytoma (AO) and ganglioneuroma (GN) are rare causes of adrenal masses, corresponding usually to nonfunctional and benign tumors. However, 20% of the AO shows some elements of malignancy and 10–20% of them affect adrenal hormone production. GNs account for 0.3%-2% of adrenal incidentalomas, with punctate calcifications in CT imaging being highly suggestive. However, preoperative differential diagnosis remains challenging. Adrenal arterial emboliza...

ea0049gp98 | Diabetes therapy &amp; complications 1 | ECE2017

Gestacional diabetes mellitus: the new screening criteria and its outcomes

Gouveia Pedro , Sa Maritza , Resende Eduarda , Ferreira Margarida , Abreu Silvestre

Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common illness of pregnancy. Despite its frequency, there’s no worldwide accepted screening criteria for GDM. In 2011, Carpenter and Coustan (CC) screening (50-g glucose challenge test (GCT) followed by 100-g glucose tolerance test (OGTT) if GCT screen was positive) was abandoned and began the implementation of the screening of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) 20...

ea0049ep119 | Clinical case reports - Pituitary/Adrenal | ECE2017

Adrenal haemorrhage: from Urology to Endocrinology

Silvestre Catarina , Gomes Ana , Carvalho Raquel , Bugalho Maria Joao

Background: Bilateral adrenal haemorrhage (Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome) is a rare consequence of sepsis (usually a result of meningococcal infection), with an estimated 15% mortality. Despite the predominant association with meningococcal infection, there are other recognised aetiologies: sepsis resulting from other organisms, and non-infectious causes, such as anticoagulant treatment, trauma and postoperative adrenal haemorrhage.Case report: A...

ea0040p11 | (1) | ESEBEC2016

Acromegaly caused by hepatic metastasis of a pulmonary neuroendocrine tumor

Resende Eduarda , Gouveia Pedro , Sa Maritza , Ferreira Margarida , Abreu Silvestre

Introduction: Acromegaly is usually caused by a pituitary adenoma; ectopic or eutopic secretion of GHRH is a rare condition, responsible for <1% of the cases. Ectopic secretion of GH itself is even rarer.Case report: A 34-year-old woman was referred to the Endocrine Clinic with a multinodular goiter. However, on physical examination there were some physical signs of acromegaly: coarsening of facial features, protusion of the lower jaw and thick, oily...