Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0070aep1088 | Hot topics (including COVID-19) | ECE2020

Cushing’s disease recurrence during peripartum period: A case report

Fellipe Carvalho Viola Luiz , Muniz Raquel , Stefanello Lariana , Massucati Negri Maurício , Warszawski Leila

Introduction: Even with a high incidence of infertility owing to the suppressive effects of hypercortisolism in the gonadal axis, either associated or not to hyperandrogenism and ovulatory dysfunction, Cushing’s syndrome (CS) during pregnancy has been reported. This could be due to a greater rate of CS among women in reproductive age; however, it is a rare condition, with fewer than 200 cases reported in the literature. In general, CS affects 2–25 people to every 1...

ea0022p207 | Clinical case reports and clinical practice | ECE2010

Childhood nephrogenic diabetes insipidus revealed by urinary megabladder in two adult male brothers

Barbu Carmen , Ionita Dariana , Minea Liudmila , Fica Simona

We present the history of two brothers, 19 and respectively 21 years old who were admitted in our department for reevaluation in the context of renal complications. From their medical history we keep in mind that central DI was diagnosed 15 years ago and desmopresin treatment was indicated. Meanwhile, patients received desmopresin unsteady for very short periods of time (less than 2 years) due to poor adherence and obvious inefficiency of the treatment. They claim medical care...

ea0090ep1123 | Late Breaking | ECE2023

Trends in Prescription of Anti-Diabetic Drugs and Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetes: 2015/2016 vs. 2020/2021

Soares Daniela , Palma Isabel , Helena Neto Maria , Fraga Mariana , Pereira Joel , Guimaraes Rosa , Helena Cardoso Maria , Maia Ariana , Ferreira Lia

Introduction: The development of new pharmacological classes for type 2 diabetes (T2D) treatment with extra-glycaemic benefits has led to the update of the treatment algorithm, presenting new effective alternatives to patients’ insulinization. The present study aims to evaluate the evolution of prescription and its impact in metabolic control of patients enrolled on an educational diabetes program of a tertiary hospital.Objectives: To evaluate trend...

ea0077p30 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2021

Pregnancy and Lactation Associated Osteoporosis (PLO)- Case Report

Outas Mariana Costache

The partum period can be seen as a transient condition of “menopause” due to the physiological decline to a baseline of the high estrogens found during pregnancy, and bone metabolism is likely to alter. Moreover, high calcium requirements for fetal growth and during breastfeeding are covered in the maternal metabolism from enhanced intestinal absorption in a Calcitriol dependent pathway, and maternal bone reabsorption under control of parathyroid hormone (PTH) parath...

ea0081ep705 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2022

When we count Ki67 in a gonadotropinoma- matters- case report

Costache Outas Mariana

We report the case of a 49 y.o male with an incidental sphenoidal-sellar tumour discovered during a cerebral CT scan during the workup of a medium to severe SARS COV 2 infection. The cerebral MRI describes an invasive tumour located in the sellar region and sphenoidal sinus – extended around the right optic nerve and into both cavernous sinuses. An emergency biopsy from the sphenoidal extension of the tumour revealed a neuroendocrine tumour. The reported diagnostic was ol...

ea0050ep038 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2017

"Calcimimetic" effect of alfacalcidol in a patient with unusual occurrence of familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) and primary hyperparathyroidism - Case Report

Outas Mariana Costache

We report the case of a middle age woman with the first presentation in our clinic for recurrence of hypercalcemia following surgery for parathyroid adenoma.Her personal history was positive for chronic thyroiditis and with long lasting asymptomatic hypercalcemia not exceeding 11 mg /dL for total plasmatic calcium since 2006. In 2011 her hypercalcemia was worsened (maximum level 13.49 mg/dL) and she was diagnosed with primary hyper...

ea0050ep038 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2017

"Calcimimetic" effect of alfacalcidol in a patient with unusual occurrence of familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) and primary hyperparathyroidism - Case Report

Outas Mariana Costache

We report the case of a middle age woman with the first presentation in our clinic for recurrence of hypercalcemia following surgery for parathyroid adenoma.Her personal history was positive for chronic thyroiditis and with long lasting asymptomatic hypercalcemia not exceeding 11 mg /dL for total plasmatic calcium since 2006. In 2011 her hypercalcemia was worsened (maximum level 13.49 mg/dL) and she was diagnosed with primary hyper...

ea0082wb3 | Workshop B: Disorders of growth and development | SFEEU2022

Giant prolactinoma in a prepubertal girl- challenges in the management

Costache Outas Mariana

We report a case of a peripubertal 11 yr old girl with a diagnosis of macroprolactinoma. She was diagnosed 1,5 years before her presentation in our clinic in the context of headache. At the diagnostic, the MRI described a moderate enhancing homogenous mass- of 27/16/14 mm -centred on the diaphragm sellae –extended laterally in the right cavernous sinus in contact with the left optic nerve, anterior in the posterior segment of the olfactory sulcus and inferior to the Meck...

ea0085p35 | Miscellaneous 1 | BSPED2022

A Perfect storm: multisystem endocrine disorders in a girl with T21

Iatan Maria , Grace Mariana

Introduction: Down Syndrome is the commonest genetic disorder with a frequency of 1 in 700 births. Amongst many features associated with this condition, autoimmune and non-autoimmune endocrine disorders are some of the commonest manifestations. We present the case of a child with Down Syndrome with multiple autoimmune endocrine disorders and discuss the challenges she will face in her management as well as upon transition to adult services.Case Report: A...

ea0086p192 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2022

An initial disturbing finding in the follow-up of medullary thyroid carcinoma after surgery- in the Vth laterocervical compartment may represent a positive course of the disease. Case Report

Costache -Outas Mariana

A 60-year lady with a history of thyroidectomy for medullary thyroid presented for her regular follow-up - first presentation in our clinic in Nov 2020 (previous visits to another endocrinology clinic).History: 2005: uretheroplasty for left uretheral hypoplasia January 2017: thyroid ultrasound: a unique left lobe thyroid nodule (1 cm)- basal calcitonin x3 UNL (nr <11.5) and 94 pg/ml calcium stimulated CTN; RET gene - negative for mutations in exons 8...