Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0083tp2 | Thyroid | EYES2022

Unilateral Graves Orbitopathy-case report

A Stevchevska , T Milenkovic , I Mladenovska , S Jovanovska Mishevska

Background: Graves’ Orbitopathy (GO) is the most common extra thyroidal feature of autoimmune thyroid disease presentation. It is characterized by development of orbital inflammation that involves both, adipose tissue and extra-ocular muscles. The condition is associated with increased psychological burden and in severe cases may lead to optic nerve damage, causing blindness. While most patients with GO present with bilateral disease, asymmetric or unilateral GO may affec...

ea0026p327 | Obesity | ECE2011

Inflammatory T-lymphocyte proliferation in morbid obesity

van der Weerd K , Dik W A , Schrijver B , Schweitzer D H , Langerak A W , Kiewiet R M , van Aken M O , van Dongen J J M , van der Lelij A J , Staal F J T , van Hagen P M

Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the Western world, and its prevalence is dramatically increasing. Although obesity is primarily a metabolic disease, immunological aberrations also significantly contribute to obesity-related morbidity. The well-established state of chronic low-grade inflammation is considered to be crucial in the development of complications such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. Moreover, obesity is associated with increased suscept...

ea0029p827 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | ICEECE2012

The role of circulating and tumor infiltrating T-cells on clinical outcome in adrenocortical carcinoma

Sbiera S. , Dexneit T. , Schmull S. , Voelker H. , Kraus L. , Steinhauer S. , Allolio B. , Fassnacht M.

In recent years, it was demonstrated that tumor infiltrating and circulating regulatory and cytotoxic T-cells are associated with clinical outcome in several solid tumors. However, their role in adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) was never studied, although 60% of these tumors secrete autonomously cortisol, a well-established potent immunosuppressant that most likely influences the balance between different T-cells.Firstly, we analyzed the circulating regula...

ea0029p683 | Diabetes | ICEECE2012

Role of education in prevention and delay of complications in type 2 diabetic patients

Ahmeti I. , Petrovski G. , Bitoska I. , Milenkovic T. , Lumani S.

Aim: To assess the impact of education of people with T2DM and complications. Patients and methods. Observational study, 100 T2DM patients of age 35–75 years, both sex, duration of DM >1 year.Results. From 100 T2DM 47% were male sex and 53% female. Mean age 60.45±8y, duration of DM 10.45y±3 y. Average A1c 8%±0.6, BMI 27%, systolic BP 140±6 mmHg, TG 2.2±0.3 mmol/L, LDL 4.0±0.6 mmol/L. Education (diet, physical activities, drug compliance) ...

ea0007p63 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | BES2004

Testosterone inhibits Ca2+ currents in A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cells, and in HEK293 cells stably expressing the alpha1C subunit of L-type Ca2+ channels (CaV1.2) and alpha1H T-type Ca2+ channels (CaV3.2)

Scragg J , Jones R , Channer K , Jones T , Peers C

Testosterone reduces myocardial ischaemia in men with coronary artery disease (CAD) and improves symptoms and exercise capacity in men with congestive heart failure (CHF), effects proposed to be due to testosterone-induced vasodilatation. Isolated vessel studies suggest this occurs via a calcium antagonistic action upon voltage-gated Ca2+ channels but this has yet to be investigated directly.We therefore employed patch clamp methodology to stu...

ea0070aep802 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2020

Pituitary response to GnRH stimulation in patients with secondary hypogonadism is modulated by different FSHB -211 G/T genotypes

Sansone Andrea , Schubert Maria , Tüttelmann Frank , Zitzmann Michael , Krallmann Claudia , Kliesch Sabine , Gromoll Jörg

Background: The FSHB –211 G > T single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is known to affect pituitary FSH output by reducing the transcriptional activity of FSHB. Identifying the response of the pituitary to exogenous GnRH stimulation in subjects with FSHB -211 G > T SNP could provide useful information concerning the mechanisms regulating FSH synthesis and release.Objectives: This study aimed to assess the pituitary...

ea0014s16.3 | Immune-endocrine turmoil of pregnancy | ECE2007

Regulatory T cells in pregnancy

Claudia Zenclussen Ana , Rau Juliane , Thuere Catharina , Schumacher Anne , Zimmermann Gerolf , Volk Hans-Dieter , Alexander Henry

The survival of the semiallogeneic fetus within the mother is thought to be due to mechanisms of immunological tolerance. Regulatory T cells (Treg) are believed to have a crucial role in maintaining pregnancy by creating a transient tolerant microenvironment within the maternal uterus as former studies confirmed. We have evidences that Treg expand in lymph nodes from normal pregnant mice already on day 2 of pregnancy. Abortion-prone mice present diminished numbers of Treg in i...

ea0026p392 | Thyroid (non cancer) | ECE2011

Increased Th1 response and regulatory CD4+CD25+CD127low/−FoxP3+ T cells in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection developing interferon-induced thyroiditis

Soldevila B , Alonso N , Martinez-Arconada M J , Julian T , Planas R , Pujol-Borrell R , Martinez-Caceres E M , Sanmarti A

Introduction: Interferon-α (IFN-α) exerts different immune effects and is used in current therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. One of the side-effects of IFN-α therapy is interferon-induced thyroiditis (IIT). The role of lymphocyte subpopulations in IIT remains to be defined.Objective: This study was conducted to assess different peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations, mainly regulatory CD4+CD25+...

ea0092ps2-20-07 | Thyroid hormone receptors basic | ETA2023

Local thyroid hormone action in T cells - shaping T cell immunity

Wenzek Christina , Siemes Devon , Boelen Anita , Westendorf Astrid M. , Engel Daniel , Christian Moller Lars , Fuhrer Dagmar

The systemic function of thyroid hormones (TH) is highly dependent on their local action in distinct cell populations. A major target of TH are immune cells, yet knowledge on the effect of TH on immune responses is still incomplete. Within this study we aimed to determine the impact of TH on T cells, key players of immune responses, in more detail. To this end, we analyzed the activation and function of T cells from mice lacking TRα (TRα0/0) or expressing ...

ea0029p585 | Diabetes | ICEECE2012

Regulatory T cells number and function in patients with LADA

Nikonova T , Pekareva E , Gorelysheva V , Apanovich P , Karpuhin A , Dedov I

CD4+CD25+lymphocytes (Tregs) play a crucial role in self-tolerance and autoimmunity. LADA is associated with the loss of immune tolerance to β-cell autoantigens similar to classic type 1 diabetes mellitus. The aim of the study was to evaluate changes in terms of Tregs number and function (FOXP3 expression) in LADA patients.Material and methods: We examined 74 patients with LADA at different stages of the disease. Fifty-six healthy subjects (control ...