Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0007p232 | Thyroid | BES2004

Thyroxine replacement monitoring using a computerised register: the North Trent experience

Lee S , Stevens V , Parramore A , Weetman A , Allahabadia A

Background: Community based surveys have revealed that approximately 20% of patients taking thyroxine have low serum TSH concentrations. Likewise, a high proportion of patients (27%) have been found to have high TSH concentrations. Suboptimal thyroxine treatment, in particular overtreatment, is associated with significant potential health risks including atrial fibrillation and osteoporosis. In Sheffield, thyroxine treated patients are routinely enrolled on a computerised thyr...

ea0031p298 | Pituitary | SFEBES2013

Steroid regulation of gene and protein expression of osteopontin and αvβ3 integrin in ovine endometrium

Tremaine Tina , Fouladi-Nashta Ali , Khalid Mohammed , Wathes Claire

At implantation, the ability of an embryo to successfully attach to the luminal epithelium is dependent on the receptive phenotype the endometrium must acquire. This spatially and temporally restricted period of uterine receptivity is defined by endometrial molecular adaptations, highly regulated by embryonic-derived signals and ovarian steroids. Critical to this isthe expression of adhesivemoleculesintegrins and osteopontin (OPN) at the foetal-maternal interface which facilit...

ea0028oc5.2 | Growth, tumours and pituitary | SFEBES2012

A network analysis of gene expression through childhood highlights changes related to age and growth

Stevens Adam , Whatmore Andrew , Clayton Peter

Objective: To assess age- and growth-dependent gene expression in children and correlate this with biological pathways.Methods: We conducted a gene expression meta-analysis on datasets from normal children curated from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO). Four datasets were combined to form a group of 87 individuals ranging from 0.2 to 29.3 years of age (average 7.7±6.9yr). Analysis of gene expression data was performed using hierarchical cluster...

ea0085p83 | Pituitary and Growth 2 | BSPED2022

DNA haplotypes influencing the response to growth hormone therapy are disproportionately inherited from neanderthals

Murray Philip , Hussain Asad , Garner Terence , Stevens Adam

Background: Neanderthals split from an ancestral human population ~500,000 years ago and lived in Eurasia until 40,000 years ago. Early modern humans emerged in Africa ~350,000 years ago migrating into Eurasia 50,000 years ago. Interbreeding occurred between early modern humans and Neanderthals leading to the introduction of Neanderthal DNA into the early human population, a process termed introgression. In modern Eurasian populations around 2-4% of DNA is of Neanderthal origi...

ea0034p164 | Growth and development | SFEBES2014

Distinct gene expression is associated with epigenetic and growth-related network modules in relation to gender differences in the timing of the pubertal growth spurt

De Leonibus Chiara , Chatelain Pierre , Clayton Peter , Stevens Adam

Background: The return to active long bone growth in puberty is a distinctly human event1 and occurs ~2 years earlier in girls compared to boys. Evolutionarily conserved networks of genes are associated with the developmental phases of childhood in multiple tissues2, implying the existence of a genetic program that controls the pubertal return to growth.Objectives: To identify biological functions associated with gender and age-rela...

ea0081rc3.6 | Rapid Communications 3: Thyroid 1 | ECE2022

The mRNA of fibronectin 1 and of the integrin subunit alpha V are powerful prognostic indicators in papillary thyroid carcinoma

Vitale Mario , Marotta Vincenzo , Tortora Anna , Izzo Giulia , Rocco Domenico

Integrins are cell-extracellular matrix adhesion molecules considered functionally related to the development of cancer metastasis. Starting from the dataset of mRNA-seq of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) from the TCGA, we determined the expression of fibronectin 1 (FN1) and fibronectin-binding integrins in PTC. We then analyzed the association of the expression of these two genes with the driver genes, the stage of the disease and its outcome. 355 PTCs and 58 normal thyroid...

ea0070aep227 | Bone and Calcium | ECE2020

Osteogenesis imperfecta type V due to a rare mutation c.119C> T in the IFITM5: A case report

Grebennikova Tatiana , Gavrilova Alina , Tiulpakov Anatoly , Tarbaeva Natalia , Melnichenko Galina , Belaya Zhanna

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heritable skeletal disorder caused by defective bone formation. OI type V (MIM#:614757) develops due to mutation in the IFITM. Mutation c.-14C >T in the IFITM5 is more common whereas only five reported patientshave a c.119C >T mutation. Patients with IFITM5:c.119C >T mutation usually have low-traumatic fractures in the prenatal period of development, severe limb and chest deformities, short height, verteb...

ea0012oc7 | Young Endocrinologist prize session | SFE2006

T3 stimulation of MAP kinase and cell proliferation in human osteoblast-like cells is initiated at integrin αVβ3

Scarlett AL , Parsons MP , Hanson PL , Sidhu KK , Milligan TP , Burrin JM

T3 and T4 rapidly activate intracellular signalling cascades via thyroid hormone receptor (TR)-independent actions, suggesting the existence of a plasma membrane receptor. Recent studies support a role for the RGD recognition site of integrin, a transmembrane glycoprotein, as a cell surface TR. We have demonstrated, using PCR and Western blotting, the expression of integrin αVβ3 mRNA and protein in the transformed human osteosarcoma cell line MG...

ea0031oc4.3 | Obesity, metabolism and bone | SFEBES2013

Adult offspring of undernourished sheep exhibit epigenetic alterations in HPA axis glucocorticoid receptor

Begum Ghazala , Stevens Adam , Oliver Mark , Jaquiery Anne , Harding Jane , Challis John , Bloomfield Frank , White Anne

Maternal programming increases the risk of alterations in the offspring’s HPA axis. Previously we showed that maternal undernutrition in sheep induces epigenetic changes in the glucocorticoid receptors (GR) within hypothalamic energy balance pathways, without affecting HPA axis GR. However, these studies focussed on fetal tissues1. Here, we investigated whether GR is epigenetically altered in the HPA axis of adult offspring to determine the status of the pathwa...

ea0034p218 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2014

Young women with polycystic ovary syndrome have increased concentrations of circulating annexin V-positive microparticles derived predominantly from platelets

Willis Gareth , Connolly Katherine , Ladell Kristin , Miners Kelly , Price David , Guschina Irina , Clayton Aled , James Philip , Rees Aled

Background: Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may have increased cardiovascular (CV) risk but the mechanisms are unclear. Microparticles (MP), small circulating vesicles released from platelets, monocytes and endothelial cells, are elevated in patients with CV disease, and may increase CV risk through altered cell content and/or increased surface exposure of procoagulant phosphatidylserine (PS).Aims: To compare MP characteristics between women ...