Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090ep1106 | Late Breaking | ECE2023

Diabetes treatment with dapagliflozin and its combinations: Insights from clinical practice

Mehta Ajit , Bafna Akshay , Goel Sandeep , Trivedi A.K. , Mishra Chandrakanta , Naik Preethi , Zalte Nitin , Sugumaran Amarnath

Background: Despite global guidelines recommending initiation of SGLT2i drugs like dapagliflozin in type 2 diabetes (T2DM) patients with cardiovascular (CV) or renal risk, its clinical translation is still lacking in India.Objective: To understand clinicians’ perspectives regarding the association of CV risk and T2DM in Indian patients, and the need for the use of combination therapies with dapagliflozin in T2DM patients, in Indian clinical practice...

ea0062p72 | Poster Presentations | EU2019

Challenges in managing a young lady with recurrent unexplained hypoglycaemia

Robbins Tim , Murthy Narasimha , Gholap Nitin

Case history: A 23-year-old Caucasian nurse presented with six months of frequent recurrent symptomatic hypoglycaemic episodes with capillary blood glucose ranging between 1.2 and 3.5 mmol/l and symptoms improving after a carbohydrate snack or a drink. The episodes were more likely to occur during fasting state and after excess physical activities. A careful history excluded intake of any off-prescription medications, dfrugs or psychosocial problem.Inves...

ea0049ep1249 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2017

No impact of subclinical hypothyroidism on cognitive functions among the elderly

Kaur Harleen , Malhotra Nitin , Jacob Jubbin

Background: Most recent cross sectional and longitudinal studies have failed to find an association between cognitive dysfunction and subclinical hypothyroidism. A recent paper from our country however suggested a significant association.Objectives: This study was undertaken to determine the prevelance of cognitive impairement among educated, elderly Indian patients (>60 years) with and without subclinical hypothyroidism.Materi...

ea0037gp.13.07 | Diabetes and obesity – Translational cardiovascular and obesity | ECE2015

Three out of four adult male patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and symptomatic moderate to severe erectile dysfunction have hypogonadism

Jacob Jubbin , Kumar Raman , Malhotra Nitin

Context: Studies suggest that 25–40% of men with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have hypogonadism. Other studies have estimated that 40–50% of men with T2DM have erectile dysfunction (ED). Some guidelines suggest routine measurements of testosterone in all patients with T2DM.Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of hypogonadism in adult male patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and symptomatic erectile dysfunction.Met...

ea0099ep672 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2024

Impact of cakut syndrome and UTI on pediatric BMI

Suchok Svitlana , Yakymenko Oleksandr , Gupta Nitin

Background: Several recent studies suggest that continuous low-dose antibiotics prophylaxis used in VUR may affect the growth of children. Guidos P.J. et al. (2018) found a significant increase in BMI in children who had prior antibiotic usage. CAKUT syndrome involves both the kidney and urinary tract and generally is associated with antibiotic therapy among pediatric patients and metabolism of waste products.Aim: We aimed to evaluate the impact...

ea0077p28 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2021

Case Report: Asymptomatic hypercalcaemia in a patient with TB re-activation

Chaudhury Nadia , Thadani Puja , Ladher Ramesh , Cajic Vjeran , Gholap Nitin

Background: Vitamin D is important for calcium homeostasis. In granulomatous diseases including tuberculosis (TB), hypercalcaemia may be seen. Suspected mechanisms include elevated vitamin D sensitivity and increased extrarenal synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] by alveolar macrophages within granulomas. Prevalence of hypercalcaemia in TB patients vary worldwide, yet is rare in the UK. We present a case of hypercalcaemia in a patient with TB reactivat...

ea0077p159 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2021

Hypercalcaemia as an isolated manifestation of Sarcoid Myositis: A rare case report

Baitule Sudhanshu , Dolan Lauren , Kasavkar Ganesh , Gholap Nitin

Background, case-history: Hypercalcaemia secondary to parathyroid hormone (PTH) independent mechanisms is well known, with differentials including Sarcoidosis. We describe a case of Sarcoid Myositis presenting with symptomatic hypercalcaemia (adjusted serum calcium levels of 3.12 mmol/l) but no muscle weakness in a 39-year-old lady with a background of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperthyroidism, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.Investigations: Laboratory investig...

ea0081ep767 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2022

‘The efficiency of the treatment by Sandostatin-Lar in patients with non-functional pituitary macroadenomas’

Mirtukhtaeva Malika , Grossman Ashley , Leekha Nitin , Akbutaev Alisher , Yulduz Urmanova

The purpose of the study: Is to study the efficiency of the treatment by Sandostatin-Lar in patients with non-functional pituitary macroadenomas (NFPA) Material and methods.: Under our observation there were 20 patients with NFPA, of whom women were 8, men - 12. The average age of patients was 29,2/36.4 years. All patients were subjected to transnasal adenomectomy of pituitary gland (TAG) in our clinic. The whole patients were performed by research compl...

ea0065p434 | Thyroid | SFEBES2019

Concomitant Graves’ & (?) ectopic parathyroid adenoma

Subbiah Kasi , Kumar Nitin , Sivappriyan Siva , Kumar Jesse

This case illustrates a decision paradox on investigations (to exclude secondary hypercalcaemia) and treatment options (in unresponsive thyrotoxicosis despite supra-normal doses of carbimazole). A 56-year-old lady, who was referred with hyperthyroid symptoms and evidence of biochemical thyrotoxicosis, was also found to have symptomatic hypercalcaemia (constipation & polyuria). Investigations were as follows: FT4 >100 pmol/l, TSH <0.02 mU/l, TRAb positive, Ca 3.0 mmol/l...

ea0031p339 | Steroids | SFEBES2013

Spot urine cortisol: creatinine ratio: a useful screening test for patients with Cushing's syndrome

Paul Thomas , Kapoor Nitin , Job Victoria , Lakshmanan Jeyaseelan , Rajaratnam Simon

Introduction: Cushing’s syndrome(CS) is associated with high morbidity and mortality which warrants a good screening test that is less laborious. We explored the possibility of using urine spot cortisol:creatinine ratio (UCCR) as a new screening test for Cushing’s syndrome.Aims and objectives: To study the efficacy of UCCR as a screening test for patients with Cushing’s syndrome.To compare UCCR in patients with CS, o...