Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0092ps3-30-08 | Thyroid Physiology in Periphery & Development Basic | ETA2023

Identification of FOXE1 promoter variants in families with cleft palate, struma ovarii and thyroid lesions

Pires Carolina , Saramago Ana , M. Moura Margarida , Li Jing , Marques Ines , Cabrera Rafael , Machado Ana , Grunewald Thomas , Leite Valeriano , Cavaco Branca

Introduction: Forkhead box E1 (FOXE1) gene encodes a transcription factor crucial for thyroid morphogenesis, differentiation, and function. We previously found evidence of the involvement of a rare germline FOXE1 variant in familial non-medullary thyroid carcinoma (FNMTC) etiology. FNMTC most common subtype is papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), and family members frequently present thyroid follicular nodular disease (FND). Germline FOXE1 mu...

ea0094p15 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular | SFEBES2023

Genetic aetiology of primary adrenal insufficiency in Sudan

Smith Chris , Abdullah Mohamed , Hassan Samar , Fauzi Luqman , Qamar Younus , Hall Charlotte , Maitra Saptarshi , Maharaj Avinaash , Marroquin Ramirez Lucia , Read Jordan , Chan Li , Metherell Louise , Musa Salwa

Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) in children is usually congenital with more than 25 causal genes with overlapping phenotypes. Genetic diagnosis helps to guide management and genetic counselling but can be challenging in resource limited settings. The most common genetic aetiologies for PAI in Sudan are congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH; mostly CYP21A2) and Triple A syndrome (AAAS). Here we investigate other genetic aetiologies of PAI in a cohort of 43 Sudanese families (...

ea0095p64 | Obesity 1 | BSPED2023

Developing TechnOlogy to Support ChAnge (TOSCA tudy) for young people and their families seen in the complications of excess weight service

Gee Brioney , Teague Bonnie , Farrar Matt , Farrar Victoria , Szinay Dorothy , Ong Ken , Chan Li , Jackson Ben , Naughton Felix , Wilson Jon , Webb Emma

Background: Complications of excess weight (CEW) clinics were commissioned by NHSE in 2021 to be leaders in the field of paediatric obesity using innovative models to deliver the highest quality patient care. Technological approaches offer a widely accessible tool which could potentially complement current clinical models of care. This study aims to explore children and young peoples (CYP) views on whether digital technology could/should be used to enhance CEW...

ea0098c16 | Clinical – Chemo/SSA/Biologics | NANETS2023

Comparison of well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic grade 3 neuroendocrine tumors (G3NETS): de novo and in the setting of apparent grade progression over time

Khuong Le Bryan , Paciorek Alan , Moon Farhana , Lawhn Heath Courtney , Hope Thomas , Fidelman Nicholas , Mulvey Claire , Lindsay Sheila , Zhang¬ Li , Nakakura Eric , Joseph Nancy , Bergsland Emily K.

Background: G3NETs demonstrate variable clinical behavior (Ki-67>20-100%). Treatment extrapolated from grade 1/2 (G1/2) NETs and neuroendocrine carcinomas depending on clinicopathologic features. Therapy for treatment-emergent G3NETs remains especially ill-defined.Methods: Retrospective chart review of patients with de novo G3NETs or progressing from low-to-high grade (L-H) (G1/2 at diagnosis and G3 >=3 months later). Treatment patterns compared ...

ea0098c25 | Clinical – Nuclear Medicine/Interventional Radiology/Imaging | NANETS2023

A pilot study of pembrolizumab and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy for patients with metastatic well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors

Fidelman MD Nicholas , Keenan MD, PhD Bridget P. , Oh MD David Y. , Fong MD Lawrence , Chan BS Kira , Zhang PhD Li , Bergsland MD Emily K. , Hope MD Thomas A.

Background: Expected progression free survival (PFS) for patients with grade 3 well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (WD NET) treated with peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) is approximately 9 months, and objective response rate (ORR) is 35%. Response rate to single agent immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) for patients with G1-3 NET is <15%. Delivery of targeted radiation using PRRT may potentiate the anti-tumor immune response. The purpose of this study is t...

ea0098t1 | Trials In Progress | NANETS2023

ACTION-1: A randomized Phase Ib/3 trial of RYZ101 compared with SoC in SSTR+ well-differentiated GEP-NET with progression following Lu-177 SSA

Hope Thomas A. , Halperin Daniel , Strosberg Jonathan , Jacene Heather , E.T. Tesselaar Margot , Kunz Pamela L. , Ferreira Denis , Li Joanne , Ma Kimberly , Rearden Jessica , Moran Susan , Singh Simron

Background: Well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs) are commonly characterized by high-density expression of somatostatin receptors (SSTRs), which can be targeted by radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) via radiolabeled somatostatin analogues (SSAs). RYZ101 (225Ac-DOTATATE) is a first-in-class, highly potent alpha-emitting RPT being developed for the treatment of SSTR+ solid tumors. Alpha-particles (such as those emitted by 225<...

ea0098t2 | Trials In Progress | NANETS2023

Phase 2 study of nab-sirolimus in patients with well-differentiated and advanced/metastatic neuroendocrine tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, lung, or pancreas

Demeure, MD Michael J. , Cohn, MD Allen L. , Seery, MD Tara , Ding, MS, MA Li , Aziz, MD Usman , Navarro, MD Willis , Paulson, MD Scott

Background: Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs; ~2% of all malignancies) commonly arise from the GI tract, pancreas, and lung and often present with metastatic disease. The PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is implicated in the pathogenesis and progression of NETs. The oral mTOR inhibitor (mTORi), everolimus, is approved for treatment of patients with NETs of the GI tract, lung, or pancreas. However, due to the rarity and heterogeneity, nonspecific clinical symptoms, and unique indolent biology,...

ea0098t4 | Trials In Progress | NANETS2023

Phase 2, multicenter, open-label basket trial of nab-sirolimus for malignant solid tumors harboring pathogenic inactivating alterations in TSC1/2 (PRECISION I)

Iyer, MD Gopa , Demeure, MD Michael J. , Ding, MS, MA Li , Schmid, PhD Anita N. , Navarro, MD Willis , Kwiatkowski, MD, PhD David J. , Rodon Ahnert, MD, PhD Jordi

Background: nab-Sirolimus, approved in the US for patients with advanced malignant PEComa, is a novel albumin-bound mTOR inhibitor (mTORi) that inhibits the mTOR pathway via suppression of the mTORC1 complex. When TSC1 or TSC2 is inactivated via mutation or loss, the mTOR pathway may be aberrantly activated. TSC1 and TSC2 alterations occur in a range of common cancers. Clinically, in the AMPECT exploratory analysis of nab-sirolimus in advanced malignant PEComa (NCT02494570), 8...

ea0099ep233 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2024

Appropriateness of patient selection for inpatient short synacthen testing in a tertiary hospital

Tan Lyeann , Ramadoss Vijay , Teo Ada , Narula Kavita , Lazarus Katharine , Srinivasa Deepak Doddabele , Zhen Ong Li , Meeran Karim , Meng Khoo Chin , Chia Eng Pei

Background: The Short Synacthen test (SST) is commonly used in clinical practice to evaluate adrenal function. Appropriate patient selection for SST is needed to ensure accurate interpretation of the results and to mitigate increased healthcare costs associated with unnecessary testing and inappropriate glucocorticoid (GC) steroid replacement. This study aimed to investigate the indications of inpatient SSTs over a one-year period, to determine the accuracy of testing.<p c...

ea0081oc6.1 | Oral Communications 6: Endocrine-Related Cancer | ECE2022

Recurrent disease in patients with sporadic pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma

Li Minghao , Prodanov Tamara , Meuter Leah , Kerstens Michiel , Bechmann Nicole , Prejbisz Aleksander , Fassnacht Martin , Timmers Henri , Beuschlein Felix , Fliedner Stephanie , Robledo Mercedes , Lenders Jacques , Pacak Karel , Eisenhofer Graeme , Pamporaki Christina

Background: It is well established that life-long follow-up is required for patients with hereditary pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs), due to the potential of developing recurrent disease. However, whether follow-up of patients with sporadic PPGLs is necessary, remains unclear.Aims: To examine the prevalence and predictors of recurrent disease in patients with sporadic PPGLs.Materials and method: This multicenter study included retrospective ...