Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0031p347 | Steroids | SFEBES2013

A case of hypocalcaemia in ectopic ACTH production

Thida Myat , Drake Sarah , Abbas Afroze

A 70-year-old female presented with general lethargy and a two day history of painful muscle twitching and paraesthesia in her right hand. No other symptoms were reported. Past medical history included hypertension, hypothyroidism and she had recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Examination was unremarkable.The overall biochemical picture was that of a hypokalaemic alkalosis with hypocalcaemia and hyperglycaemia: Na+140 mmol/l, K...

ea0030p64 | (1) | BSPED2012

Rhabdomyolysis and hypoglycaemia in profound hypothyroidism

Isaac Augusta , Wardhaugh Barbara , Drake Amanda

Introduction: Symptoms of hypothyroidism in childhood include tiredness, poor growth, weight gain, dry skin and constipation. Whilst muscular manifestations including myalgia, muscle weakness, aches and cramps, stiffness and delayed tendon jerk relaxation are common, rhabdomyolysis has also rarely been reported.Case presentation: An 11-year-old female presented to her GP with a history of tiredness and poor growth. Initial blood tests performed by the GP...

ea0024oc2.2 | Oral Communications 2 (Brief Communications) | BSPED2010

An unbalanced maternal diet in pregnancy is associated with epigenetic effects in the offspring

Drake A , Knox R , Seckl J , Reynolds R

Epigenetic dysregulation may be one mechanism underpinning the link between early life conditions and later cardiometabolic risk. In animal models, environmental manipulations including modified maternal diet change DNA methylation and offspring phenotype. Manipulations altering the epigenetic state reverse the phenotype suggesting causality. We have previously reported higher blood pressure (BP) and cortisol in an adult cohort whose mothers were advised to eat a high-protein,...

ea0012p21 | Clinical case reports/Governance | SFE2006

An illustration of the potent anti-natriuretic effect of growth hormone

Misra S , Drake WM , Johnston LB

The anti-natriuretic properties of growth hormone (GH) are well established. GH deficiency (GHD) results in salt and water depletion and studies confirm that replacement leads to sodium and vasopressin-mediated water retention, in patients with intact posterior pituitary function.We report the case of a 20-year-old male patient with septo-optic dysplasia, fixed cranial diabetes insipidus (DI) and an abnormal thirst threshold. He first presented after bir...

ea0012p90 | Pituitary | SFE2006

Cabergoline is an effective and well tolerated primary and adjunctive treatment for acromegaly

Moyes VJ , Metcalfe KA , Drake WM

Cabergoline is a dopamine agonist that may be used as primary or adjunctive therapy for acromegaly. Although one study suggested biochemical control may be achieved in a substantial proportion of patients (Abs et al, JCEM 1998), it is still commonly perceived to be a relatively ineffective treatment, possibly on account of inadequate dosing.We performed a retrospective case notes review of 9 consecutive acromegalic patients to determine the effectiveness...

ea0007p40 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | BES2004

Understanding the fetal origins of the metabolic syndrome and its amplification by obesity; high fat feeding potentiates the programming of hepatic insulin resistance by antenatal dexamethasone in rats

Drake A , Raubenheimer P , Seckl J , Walker B

Mechanisms underlying the association of low birth weight with the metabolic syndrome in adults remain poorly understood. Epidemiological studies suggest that obesity is not programmed by early life events, but amplifies the risks of intra-uterine growth retardation. We have explored the effects of dietary obesity in rats in which features of the metabolic syndrome have been programmed by prenatal dexamethasone.16 pregnant Wistar rats were treated with d...

ea0094p320 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular | SFEBES2023

An audit of the use of plasma renin measurements to guide mineralocorticoid therapy in primary aldosteronism

Jacob Anu , Wu Xilin , Drake William

Introduction: Primary aldosteronism (PA) accounts for 5-10% of patients with hypertension. Approximately 40-50% of cases are bilateral, usually managed using mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs). Recent literature suggests a higher risk of renovascular disease and cardiovascular events in PA patients treated medically, compared to those with essential hypertension. This excess risk is mitigated in individuals with unilateral disease managed surgically...

ea00100wd5.2 | Workshop D: Disorders of the adrenal gland | SFEEU2024

A case of primary aldosteronism with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and a horseshoe kidney

Conti Alessandro , Goodchild Emily , Drake William

A 56-year-old man of Ghanian descent was referred to the endocrine clinic with a 16-year history of drug resistant hypertension. His past medical history was of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, chronic kidney disease, and horseshoe kidney. He is one of seven hypertensive siblings, two of whom died of complications of hypertension. An incidental finding of bilateral adrenal nodules was noted on abdominal computed tomography. Plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) was 1020 pmol/l, p...

ea0055p15 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2018

A surgical treatment for cardiomyopathy

Kirresh Omar , Gurnell Mark , Drake William , Chung Teng Teng

Case history: A 59 year old Afro-Carribbean male with a 25 year history of cardiac enlargement and hypertension, on multiple anti-hypertensives, presented with increasing breathlessness and several years of markedly reduced exercise tolerance. He was intolerant of spironolactone and eplerenone. His past medical history included hypertersion, obstructive sleep apnoea, Steven-Johnson syndrome secondary to allopurinol, thyrotoxicosis treated with radio-active iodine, monoclonal g...

ea0055wd7 | Workshop D: Disorders of the thyroid gland (II) | SFEEU2018

A challenging case of progressive follicular thyroid cancer

Hussain Shazia , Brennan Carmel , Plowman Nick , Newbold Kate , Drake William

A 60 year old gentleman with a history of renal stones presented 5 years ago with left sided flank pain. A CT of his renal tract showed an unexpected metastatic deposit in the left iliac crest. Cross-sectional whole body imaging, performed to locate the primary, also identified an expansile soft tissue mass in the T8 vertebral body and a predominantly cystic looking left sided thyroid nodule. He proceeded to have an iliac crest biopsy which was consistent with metastatic folli...