Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0070ep552 | Hot topics (including COVID-19) | ECE2020

Vitamin D deficit in type 2 diabetes patients during COVID-19 lockdown with and without supplementation

Hernández Lázaro Alba , Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge Paula Maria , Kuzior Agnieszka , Esteban Nivelo-Rivadeneira Manuel , Santana-Suarez Ana Delia , Quintana-Arroyo Sara , Acosta-Calero Carmen , Arnás León Claudia , Javier Martinez-Martin Francisco

Introduction: Low vitamin D status has been associated to COVID-19 risk, and type 2 diabetic patients are a vulnerable group. Even though the Canarian archipelago is one of the sunniest spots in Europe, our prevalence of vitamin D deficit is known to be very high. The mandatory lockdown may have worsened this deficit, increasing the need for vitamin D supplementation.Objectives: Our main objective was to assess and compare the prevalence of vitamin D def...

ea0056p76 | Adrenal medulla | ECE2018

Can patients with a large sporadic pheochromocytoma and very high norepinephrine secretion be normotensive? Yes, they can!

Dolores Perez-Ramada Maria , Ramos-Gomez Isabel , Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge Paula , Delia Santana-Suarez Ana , Esteban Nivelo-Rivadeneira Manuel , Kuzior Agnieszka , Acosta-Calero Carmen , Arnas-Leon Claudia , Quintana-Arroyo Sara , Javier Martinez-Martin Francisco

Introduction: Classically, hypertension (sustained or paroxysmal) is described in > 98% of diagnosed pheochromocytomas. Nowadays the systematic workup of adrenal incidentalomas has made uncovering normotensive pheochromocytomas no longer exceptional. However, normotensive pheochromocytomas have a catecholamine secretion characteristically lower than hypertensive pheochromocytomas. It must be emphasized that the perioperative hemodynamic instability is comparable in hyperte...

ea0056p79 | Adrenal medulla | ECE2018

Why is it important to screen secondary endocrine hypertension in resistant cases? Lessons from a patient with progressive renal failure

Esteban Nivelo-Rivadeneira Manuel , Ramos-Gomez Isabel , Dolores Perez-Ramada Maria , Delia Santana-Suarez Ana , Kuzior Agnieszka , Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge Paula , Acosta-Calero Carmen , Arnas-Leon Claudia , Quintana-Arroyo Sara , Javier Martinez-Martin Francisco

Introduction: Even though most hypertensive patients have essential hypertension, in the resistant cases the prevalence of secondary hypertension is much higher; therefore its screening should be mandatory. Resistant hypertension usually causes a progressive decline of renal function if blood pressure is not adequately controlled. Such decline is often irreversible; however a timely diagnosis leading to a resolutive treatment can alleviate or even revert the progression of the...

ea0056ep28 | Adrenal and Neuroendocrine Tumours | ECE2018

The infradiagnosis of primary aldosteronism as a public health problem

Martinez-Martin Francisco Javier , Gonzalez-Diaz Paula , Tocino-Hernandez Alba Lucia , Perdomo-Herrera Esperanza , Martin-Perez Marta , Santana-Suarez Ana Delia , Nivelo-Rivadeneira Manuel Esteban , Kuzior Agnieszka , Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge Paula , Calero Carmen Acosta

Objectives: Understanding and propagating the knowledge of the burden caused by the massive infradiagnosis of Primary Aldosteronism (PA), partly due to unawareness of its high prevalence and partly to the complexity of its screening in Primary Care and workup in Specialized Care.Methods: Review of the relevant literature and personal reflections.Results: PA is the first cause of secondary hypertension and a highly prevalent disease...

ea0056ep69 | Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism | ECE2018

When is it possible to withdraw insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes and multiple cardiovascular risk factors? Can the new drugs be of help?

Ramos-Gomez Isabel , Perez-Ramada Maria Dolores , Santana-Suarez Ana Delia , Nivelo-Rivadeneira Manuel Esteban , Kuzior Agnieszka , Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge Paula , Acosta-Calero Carmen , Quintana-Arroyo Sara , Arnas-Leon Claudia , Martinez-Martin Francisco Javier

Introduction: Insulin is not an optimal treatment in obese type 2 diabetic patients with insulin resistance. We often introduce it as a last resort hoping to improve the metabolic control of our patients. However it is not always effective, and tends to increase body weight, worsen the global cardiovascular risk and cause hypoglycemias. New drugs such as the GLP-1 agonist receptors can be a better alternative and sometimes allow withdrawal of insulin.Cli...

ea0073pep7.2 | Presented ePosters 7: Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2021

Resolution of severe anorexia nervosa by testosterone treatment in two male transsexual young patients

ández Lázaro Alba , Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge Paula Maria , Leon-Durango Ricardo de , Kuzior Agnieszka , Acosta-Calero Carmen , Arnas-Leon Claudia , Nivelo-Rivadeneira Manuel Esteban , Martin-Perez Marta , Hernandez-Felipe Esther , Martinez-Martin Francisco Javier

IntroductionAnorexia nervosa is a severe and potentially lethal eating disorder. We report hereby the cases of two female-to-male transsexual patients whose anorexia nervosa was promptly resolved when they started gender-affirming hormone therapy.MethodsReview of the patients’ clinical records and of the relevant literature.Case reportsA 15 year-old male tran...

ea0073pep15.8 | Presented ePosters 15: Late Breaking | ECE2021

Aggressive follicular thyroid carcinoma in a patient with Carney complex

Maria Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge Paula , Hernandez-Lazaro Alba , de Leon-Durango Ricardo , Kuzior Agnieszka , Nivelo-Rivadeneira Manuel Esteban , Santana-Suarez Ana Delia , Arnas-Leon Claudia , Acosta-Calero Carmen , Gonzalez-Diaz Paula , Martinez-Martin Francisco Javier

IntroductionCarney Complex is a rare syndrome characterized by lentiginosis cutis and/or blue nevi, multiple endocrine neoplasia and non-endocrine tumors (cutaneous, mucosal, mammary or cardiac myxomata, bone osteochondromyxoma, psammomatous melanotic schwannoma, multiple ovarian cysts, multiple mammary ductal adenoma). Most cases are familiar, with autosomal dominant heredity and penetrance close to 100%. It is caused by a variety of mutations that acti...

ea0073aep431 | General Endocrinology | ECE2021

A giant GIST of the greater omentum in a female transsexual patient, hopefully not a side effect of hormonal therapy

Gonzalez-Diaz Paula , Leon-Durango Ricardo de , Hernandez-Lazaro Alba , Paula Maria Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge , Kuzior Agnieszka , Acosta-Calero Carmen , Velazquez Yanina Elizabeth , Hernandez-Felipe Esther , Maria del Pino Perez-Garcia , Martinez-Martin Francisco Javier

IntroductionMany transsexual patients are concerned about the risk of cancer associated with hormonal gender-affirming therapy. However, the general risk seems to be very low. We hereby report the case of a strikingly large gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) in a male-to-female transsexual patient, after 25 years of hormonal therapy.MethodsReview of the patient’s clinical records and the relevant lite...

ea0073aep800 | Late Breaking | ECE2021

Vitamin D deficit in type 2 diabetes patients during the winter in Northern Gran Canaria with and without supplementation

Alba Hernández Lázaro , Paula María Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge , Ricardo de Leon-Durango , Kuzior Agnieszka , Manuel Esteban Nivelo Rivadeneira , Carmen Acosta-Calero , Claudia Arnas-Leon , Sara Quintana-Arroyo , Paula Gonzalez-Diaz , Francisco Javier Martinez-Martin

IntroductionVitamin D deficiency is associated with higher risk of COVID-19, and type 2 diabetic patients are a vulnerable group. We described an alarming rate of vitamin D deficiency (81.0% < 30 ng/ml plasma calcifediol) in unsupplemented type 2 diabetes patients during the 2020 spring lockdown in Northern Gran Canaria. During the winter period (December 2020 to February 2021) some restrictions for social gatherings and a nightly curfew have been en...

ea0073ep14 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2021

Severe adrenal hemorrhage in a hypertensive patient, with high plasma aldosterone and metanephrines

Paula Maria Fernandez-Trujillo-Comenge , Alba Hernández Lázaro , Ricardo de León Durango , Kuzior Agnieszka , Manuel Esteban Nivelo-Rivadeneira , Ana Delia Santana-Suarez , Francisco Javier Martinez-Martin

IntroductionSevere hemorrhage is a rare and potentially lethal manifestation of adrenal gland nor usually associated with primary aldosteronism.Material and methodsReview of the patient’s clinical record and of the relevant literature.Case reportA 47-year-old male with personal history of asthma, untreated stage II hypertension, obesity, dysphagia associated ...