Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0065p240 | Metabolism and Obesity | SFEBES2019

Safe use of variable rate intravenous insulin infusion: a trust wide audit

Siddique Rana , Tauni Rahat Ali

Aims and objectives: Variable rate insulin infusion (VRII) is commonly used to achieve normoglycaemia in hospitalised patients. Joint British Diabetes Society (JBDS) produced guidelines on VRIII in 2014 to minimise complications related to inpatient VRII use. Local guidance along with a new VRII chart was introduced in 2017 at the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and staff training provided. We performed an audit to review compliance to national and local VRII guidance.<p...

ea0065p440 | Thyroid | SFEBES2019

Thyroiditis in a returning traveller

Soong Elaine , Ali Tauni Rahat

Thyroiditis can often lead to initial thyrotoxicosis and it is important to differentiate among the causes as many cases do not require antithyroid drugs. We present a case report of a 48 year old lady who presented with 10 days history of fever, fatigue, myalgia and a painful goitre after returning from a cruise at Caribbean. Examinations showed pyrexia of 38 C but no localising signs of infection. She had a smooth tender goitre and no signs of thyrotoxicosis. Investigations ...

ea0062p02 | Poster Presentations | EU2019

Pituitary hyperplasia due to untreated hypothyroidism

MacKenzie Heather , Imran Syed Ali

Case history: A 51-year old female presented to emergency with occipital headache for 5 days on a background of recurrent headaches for over a year. She had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease at the age of 30 and given levothyroxine, which she discontinued 5 years ago due to aversion to take medications. She had noticed cold intolerance and low energy. At presentation her body mass index was 25.26 kg/m2 and the physical exam was unremarkable; specifically,...

ea0059ep51 | Clinical practice, governance &amp; case reports | SFEBES2018

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: An unusual cause of bilateral adrenal masses with adrenal insufficiency

Crabtree Thomas , Elhag-Ali Hisham

Adrenal insufficiency is not commonly associated with a finding of bilateral enlarged adrenal gland when diagnosed in late adulthood. Various cases in the literature to date seem to indicate that the combination of these two findings may be suggestive of adrenal lymphoma. Our patient was initially referred to Gastroenterology with weight loss, nausea and early satiety from where he was referred for a whole body computed-tomography (CT) scan as part of a screen for malignancy. ...

ea0070aep107 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2020

A congenital adrenal hyperplasia patientpresented with myocardial infarction due to inadequate glucocorticoid therapy

Melin Uygur Meliha , Dogan Ali

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) refers to an autosomal recessive condition due to 21 hydroxylase (21OHD) deficiency, is characterized by impaired biosynthesis of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid. The consequent increase in the ACTH leads to bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia and hyperandrogenism. Nonclassic CAH (NCCAH) manifests with a less severe clinic that presents later in life with the sympthoms of excessive androgen production. Clinical features include premat...

ea0032p437 | Diabetes | ECE2013

Relation of high sensitive CRP and insulin resistance to retinopathy in type 2 diabetes

Bonakdaran Shokoufeh , Yaghoubi Mohammad Ali

Background: Pathophysiology of Diabetic retinopathy is a complex process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between insulin resistance, high sensitive CRP level as inflammation markers and diabetic retinopathy.Methods: In this cross-sectional, 342 patients with type 2 diabetes were selected. The following data were recorded: age, sex, duration of diabetes and type of medical treatment. HbA1c, FBS, HSCRP, lipid profiles and insulin lev...

ea0032p1134 | Thyroid cancer | ECE2013

Brain metastases of papillary thyroid cancer: a case report and literature review

Ahmed-Ali Leila , Chentli Farida

Introduction: Papillary thyroid carcinoma is characterized by a good prognosis and a slow progression. Its metastases are usually located in cervical lymph nodes. But, sometimes they can reach the lung and bones. Cerebral metastases are exceptional as they have been reported in only 4%. Single or multiple, they can be totally symptomatic, but they are life threatening and require specific care as in the following caseCase report: A man aged 56, was refer...

ea0005p163 | Growth and Development | BES2003

Identification of GATA3 zinc finger 1 residues that are important for interactions with friend of GATA 2 (FOG2)

Ali A , Nesbit M , Thakker R

GATA3 is a member of the family of zinc finger transcription factors that recognise (A/T)GATA(A/G) motifs in DNA, and mutations that lead to haploinsufficiency cause the hypoparathyroidism, deafness and renal dysplasia syndrome (HDR). GATA3 has two zinc fingers, of which the carboxy-terminal finger (ZnF2) is essential for DNA binding, whereas the amino-terminal finger (ZnF1) stabilizes this binding and physically binds with other multi-type zinc finger proteins, which are refe...

ea00100p46 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2024

Cranial DI underlying diagnosis unmasked by exacerbating secondary Nephrogenic DI

Chaudri Tahir , Abou Ali Naji

I present a case of a 32 year old woman who presented in September 2023 with abdominal pain and vomiting. Her blood tests showed; Hb 151 g/l, WCC 18.3, Na 130 mmol/l, K 1.8 mmol/l, Ur 4.7 mmol/l, Creatinine 91 umol/l, Corrected Calcium 2.93 mmol/l, Phosphate 0.54 mmol/l, Lipase 191 unilts/l. Venous Blood Gases showed pH 7.25, Bicarbonate 15.6, Lactate 1.9, pCO2 4.5, Glucose 7.0 mmol/l. She had a background of treated TB aged 25, recent diagnosis of H. Pylori gastritis, and gav...

ea0035p1 | Adrenal cortex | ECE2014

Which serum cortisol after high dose short synacthen test, 30 or 60 min?

Ali Mansour Abbas , Ali Alhamza Ali Hussein , Almomin Ammar Mohamd Saead

Background: Short synacthen(cosyntropin)test, has replaced the insulin stress test as the first-line test to assess adrenal insufficiency. The aim of this study, was to determine the utility of the 30 and 60 min cortisol measurement in the high dose (250 μg) short synacthen test.Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted by reviewing the database of patients underwent short synacthen test in Al-Faiha Diabetes Endocrine and Metabolism Center (FDEMC...