Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0065p346 | Reproductive Endocrinology and Biology | SFEBES2019

Islet adaptations to pregnancy: a role for Urocortin 2

Simpson Sian , Smith Lorna , Jones Peter , Bowe James

Previous studies have shown beneficial effects of the corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) family, including the urocortins (UCN1, UCN2 and UCN3), on pancreatic islets and subsequent glucose homeostasis. However, the physiological relevance of this interaction is not currently understood. CRH and urocortins are also expressed by placenta, so this study investigated whether signalling through CRH receptor 1 or 2 (CRHR1/CRHR2) plays a role in the islet adaptation to pregnancy. ...

ea0066p57 | Diabetes 6 | BSPED2019

A retrospective audit comparing diabetes control during summer and winter, in children with type 1 diabetes

Smith Emma , Norman-Bruce Hannah , Jones Christina , Kanumakala Shankar

Introduction: Lifestyle, exercise and diet vary hugely between summer and winter months population-wide. We compared diabetes control in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D), during summer and winter months.Methods: All children under 18 years with T1D attending our diabetes clinics were eligible. Those diagnosed within one year, changed insulin regimen between seasons or with incomplete data were excluded. Summer or winter months were defined by British ...

ea0049gp104 | Diabetes therapy & complications 2 | ECE2017

Non-stimulated c-peptide is independently associated with requirement at 1 year for insulin therapy in patients with diabetes: a retrospective cohort study of 872 patients

Leighton Emma , Smith Karen , Sainsbury Christopher , Jones Gregory

Introduction: C-peptide is frequently used in clinical practice to estimate insulin secretion, and guide need for future insulin treatment. Present practice is based on studies with small patient numbers.Aim: To explore the association between non-stimulated c-peptide and progression to insulin therapy in patients with diabetes.Patients and Methods: 1971 patients with c-peptide measurements were identified (February 2007–Decem...

ea0041ep215 | Cardiovascular Endocrinology and Lipid Metabolism | ECE2016

TNF related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) reduces reactive oxygen species production by human aortic endothelial cells exposed to inflammatory stimuli

Forde Hannah , Davenport Colin , Rochfort Keith , Cummins Philip , Smith Diarmuid

Introduction: Accumulating evidence suggests that one of the most significant contributors to endothelial dysfunction is increased oxidative stress. Excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation can have injurious effects within the vasculature including elevated expression of adhesion molecules, stimulation of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation, and promotion of endothelial cell apoptosis; events which culminate in the formation and progression of atherosclerotic ...

ea0039oc5.8 | Oral Communications 5 | BSPED2015

Neonatal TSH: is it useful and appropriate as an indicator of iodine insufficiency in the UK?

Sharif Sahar , Jones Jeremy , Smith Sarah , Combet Emilie

Introduction: The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that in an iodine sufficient population <3% of neonatal TSH values will exceed 5 mU/l. In Belgium and Wales 2.6 and 1.5% of values were above 5 mU/l respectively.Methods: Neonatal TSH (neoTSH) levels (AutoDELFIA fluoroimmunoassay, 2006–2013, Scotland) were analysed for prevalence of high value according to cut-off, season and feeding mode (IBM SPSS 22).Results: Out o...

ea0059p042 | Bone and calcium | SFEBES2018

Vitamin D status is associated with physical function, frailty and mortality in older patients admitted with acute illness

Alhamamy Noor , Reddy-Kolanu Vinay , Gittoes Neil , Hassan-Smith Zaki

Introduction: Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in adverse health outcomes related to immunity, metabolism and physical function. Comprehensive assessments are required to characterise vitamin D status and relationships with physical function and frailty markers in the acutely unwell.Aims: To assess vitamin D and related parameters for patients admitted acutely to hospital who have been tested and to assess the relationship with muscle function an...

ea0059p077 | Clinical practice, governance &amp; case reports | SFEBES2018

Management of patients with gynaecomastia in a single centre – a retrospective analysis

Asif Izzah , Ayuk John , Gittoes Neil , Hassan-Smith Zaki

Introduction: Gynaecomastia, a benign enlargement of glandular breast tissue in males, may be associated with anxiety, depression and reduced self-esteem.Aims: To assess current practice in management and treatment outcomes in the management of gynaecomastia with a view to improving quality of service and rationalising investigations and referral pathway.Methods: A health informatics search identified 42 patients with documented gy...

ea0059ep28 | Bone and calcium | SFEBES2018

A case of miliary pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by refractory hypercalcaemia following vitamin D replacement

Smith Mark Sutton , Berribi Rony , Kong Wing May

A 54-year-old man was admitted to hospital with a new diagnosis of Miliary Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB). Early in admission he developed septic shock with multiorgan failure requiring organ support and anti-TB medications. Recovery was complicated by persistently low Glasgow coma score (GCS), noradrenaline dependency and limb threatening microvascular injury. At day-25 he was apyrexial but remained hypotensive and drowsy with no evidence of sepsis or hypoadrenalism. Over the ne...

ea0038p68 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2015

Management of thyroid disease in pregnancy: experience from an antenatal thyroid clinic

Thomas Micha , Hassan-Smith Zaki , Bates Andrew , Rahim Asad

Background: Thyroid disease in pregnancy is common with hypothyroidism predominating.Objectives: To determine the aetiology of thyroid disease in patients attending an antenatal thyroid clinic, their baseline biochemical and therapeutic characteristics as well as subsequent management.Subjects/setting: 114 women with a mean 31 years (±5) age were seen by a consultant endocrinologist in the antenatal thyroid clinic, between Sep...

ea0038p182 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2015

Testing causality in the association of plasma cortisol with risk of coronary heart disease: a Mendelian randomisation study

Crawford Andrew , Timpson Nicholas , Davey Smith George , Walker Brian

Background: Elevated morning plasma cortisol is associated with multiple cardiovascular risk factors in metabolic syndrome. Epidemiological studies have also reported a positive association between plasma cortisol and coronary heart disease (CHD), although not all estimates are statistically significant (OR 1.10 (95% CI 0.97 to 1.25)) (Davey Smith et al. Circulation 2005). Importantly, observational studies are unable to infer causality and results may be confounded.<...