Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0020s20.2 | Thyroid cancer | ECE2009

Ultrasound diagnosis and follow-up of thyroid cancer

Erdogan Murat

Utlrasonography is now a crucial part of diagnosis and the follow-up of thyroid cancers as well as other thyroid disorders. If you are an endocrinologist of the age 40 or below and if you still do not perform ultrasonography by yourself, we believe you have an important skill to learn, which will guide you through out your thyroid practice and totally change your vision to thyroid disorders.We hereby discuss the importance of thyroid ultrasonography for ...

ea0056s16.2 | Changing practice in the management of thyroid neoplasms | ECE2018

Composite approach in the evaluation and management of thyroid nodule

Erdogan Murat Faik

Thyroid nodules are common in the population. Ultrasound would detect nodules, in about 25% of the adult and half of the elderly population(>60 years). Only 5% of these nodules are malignant, and 60–70% of the detected benign nodules, remains similar or decrease in size during the long term follow-up. Few nodules, i.e >1.3 cm, would function autonomously and cause thyrotoxicosis. Rarely, large single nodules or multinodulated glands could cause compressive symptom...

ea0049ep1199 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ECE2017

Riedel thyroiditis presenting with pleuro-pericardial involvement

Canpolat Asena Gokcay , Erdogan Murat Faik

Riedel thyroiditis (RT) is a rare kind of chronic thyroiditis which may be a part of a multifocal systemic fibrosis syndrome. When it is generally accepted as a thyroid manifestation of IgG4 related systemic disease. We hereby present a 54 year old woman who was suffering from shortness of breath because of a mass lesion originating from thyroid and invading neck and upper mediastinal structures, leading to dyspnea and dysphagia, as shown by CT, 15 years ago. After an isthmect...

ea0101ps1-09-07 | Nodules | ETA2024

Active surveillance of bethesda iv nodules

Bas Aksu Ozge , Begum Bahcecioglu Adile , Faik Erdogan Murat

Objective: Treatment decision-making for Bethesda IV nodules remains challenging. Active surveillance(AS) is now a well-established strategy for low-risk, differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Since most of the Bethesda IV nodules are operated on unnecessary basis, and molecular testing is costly and is not available in a lot of centers. We started AS for the clinically low-risk Bethesda IV nodules, which would be a practical option, and hereby we are sharing our preliminary resul...

ea0084ps3-15-141 | Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment | ETA2022

What do different echogenic micro-foci in papillary thyroid carcinoma nodules and metastatic lymph nodes represent in histopathology?

Bahcecioglu Begum , Gursoy Alptekin , Ilgan Seyfettin , Bilezikci Banu , Dizbay Sak Serpil , Erdogan Murat

Objective: Ultrasonographic (US) echogenic micro-foci are frequently seen in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). General belief is that microcalcifications represent psammoma bodies. But the subject is debatable and other sonographic intranodular echogenic figures can be seen in PTC. We aimed to examine the nonshadowing echogenic figures and their histopathological correlations in PTC.Methods: We prospectively collected US video records of PTC cases with ...

ea0090p298 | Calcium and Bone | ECE2023

Localization studies in 443 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism by using a stepwise approach

Balcı Gulşah , Begum Bahcecioglu Mutlu Adile , Avcı Merdin Fatma , Erdogan Murat

Objective: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) is a common endocrine disorder diagnosed biochemically, common use of autoanalyzers increased the incidence of PHP throughout last decades. Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy has been preferred to the explorative surgical approach due to shorter operating time, lower complication rate, and smaller incision size. Thus localization studies have become very important. We aimed to investigate clinical and laboratory characteristics of...

ea0090p502 | Thyroid | ECE2023

Long-Term Effects of Radioiodine Treatment on Thyroid Functions, Thyroid Volume, Nodule Volume and Ultrasonographic Features in Patients with Toxic Adenoma and Toxic Multinodular Goitre

Koc Ilgın , Begum Bahcecioglu Mutlu Adile , Avcı Merdin Fatma , Araz Mine , Erdogan Murat

Background: Radioiodine(RAI) has been used to treat hyperthyroidism for more than seven decades. Effects of RAI treatment on thyroid function tests(TFT), risk of hypothyroidism, gland and autonomous nodule volumes and on ultrasonographic features in toxic adenoma (TA) and toxic multinodular goitre TMNG patients, have been previously studied by ourselves and other. However, studies evaluating ultrasonographic changes in thyroid and toxic nodule volumes usually have a follow-up ...

ea0049ep1487 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2017

Development of hypoparathyroidism due to targeted therapies

Gokcay Canpolat Asena , Aydogan Berna Imge , Canlar Sule , Gullu Sevim , Erdogan Murat Faik

Due to inhibition affect on proliferation, motility, resistance to apoptosis and growth of metastasis, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor erlotinib and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGF) and EGFR inhibitor vandetanib are viable treatment options for treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer and thyroid cancer respectively. Advanced non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC) or medullary and differentiated thyroid carcinomas (MTC and DTC) m...

ea0041ep254 | Clinical case reports - Pituitary/Adrenal | ECE2016

Bilateral adrenal mass mimicking adrenocortical carcinoma

Canlar Sule , Idemen Celal , Yalci Aysun , Azap Alpay , Faik Erdogan Murat

Introduction: Bilateral adrenal mass presents a unique diagnostic challenge and carries additional risk of being metastasis. The differential diagnosis of bilateral adrenal mass include primary or secondary neoplastic disorders (adrenocortical carcinoma, lymphoma, metastases), pheochromocytoma, longstanding congenital adrenal hyperplasia and macronodular adrenal hyperplasia, infections such as tuberculosis, histoplasmosis and blastomycosis.Case: Thirty-f...

ea0020p143 | Thyroid | ECE2009

Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of thyroid hemiagenesis: ultrasound screening in patients with thyroid disease and normal population

Gursoy Alptekin , Anil Cuneyd , Unal Asli Dogruk , Nar Asli , Tutuncu Neslihan Bascil , Erdogan Murat Faik

Objective: Thyroid hemiagenesis is a rare form of thyroid dysgenesis, in which one thyroid lobe fails to develop. The true prevalence of this rare abnormality is about 0.05–0.2% in normal population. We aimed to determine prevalence of thyroid hemiagenesis in patients with various thyroid disorders and a normal population in a mild to moderate iodine-deficient area.Subjects and methods: The clinical and thyroid ultrasonography records of 4.833 patie...