Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0099ep310 | Thyroid | ECE2024

Propylthiouracil-induced severe hepatotoxicity in grave’s disease: a unique case illustrating complex challenges and therapeutic strategies

Qamar Sulmaaz , Masood Beenish , Palani Raghavendar , Karimaghaei Nazanin , Yousseif Ahmed , Patel Dipesh , Khoo Bernard , Karra Efthimia , Armeni Eleni

Background: Hyperthyroidism often presents with aberrant liver function. The differential diagnosis of this presentation includes thyrotoxicosis-associated liver dysfunction or antithyroid drug-induced liver dysfunction. We present a case where Propylthiouracil treatment resulted in acute liver failure. Case Presentation: A female patient diagnosed with Grave’s disease in August 2023 initially received carbimazole but discontinued this due to vomiting. S...