ea0026p647 | Clinical case reports | ECE2011
Gavan Vadim
, Caragheorgheopol Andra
, Vaduva Adrian
, Poalelungi Crsitian
, Lichiardopol Radu
, Badiu Corin
Introduction: Ovarian hyperthecosis is a rare cause of severe hyperandrogenism. Unlike PCOS, it is also described in postmenopausal women.We report the case of a 67-year-old obese (BMI=37.5 kg/m2) and dyslipidemic woman, gravid 5 para 3, menopause at 49, with poor controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (HbA1c=10%). She was in treatment with insulin for the last 12 years, currently on 168 U/24 h (1.71 U/kg)- indicating severe insulin resistance, c...