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Endocrine Abstracts (2005) 9 P76

BES2005 Poster Presentations Growth and development (48 abstracts)

Intercellular adhesion molecule 1, ICAM-1, in polycystic ovary syndrome: relationship to insulin resistance or obesity

J Vrbikova 1 , M Vankova 1 , D Sramkova 1 , M Hill 1 , S Stanicka 1 , K Dvorakova 1 , D Cibula 2 , H Kvasnickova 1 , K Vondra 1 & B Bendlova 1

1Institute of Endocrinology, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Department of Obsteric and Gynecology, General Teaching Hospital, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

The relationship of insulin resistance, androgens and endothelial dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome ,PCOS, is controversial till now. We evaluated if ICAM-1 levels differ between PCOS and healthy women and whether this marker of the early endothelial damage is associated with the particular metabolic and/or hormonal characteristics.

After signing written informed consent, 39 PCOS women -median of age 25 yrs, BMI 24.9 and 10 age matched healthy women -median BMI 21.5, not taking hormonal therapies, cholesterol-lowering and antihypertensive drugs, underwent an euglycaemic hyperinsulinemic clamp and oral glucose tolerance test. Basal blood samples for ICAM-1, testosterone, androstendione, 17OH progesterone, DHEA S, SHBG, LH, FSH and lipid spectrum were taken in the early follicular phase of menstrual cycle. Blood pressure and anthropometric parameters were measured. Statistical evaluation: Mann Whitney test, ANCOVA and Spearmans correlations .

As expected, PCOS patients were hyperandrogenic - higher testosterone, p=0.001; DHEA S, p= 0.002; with higher LH, p= 0.007 and lower SHBG, p=0.005; with higher BMI, p=0.007 and WHR, p=0.001 in comparison with controls. The groups did not differ in the parameters of insulin sensitivity derived from the clamp. However, the higher stimulated glucose, G30 p=0.03; fasting insulin, p=0.002 and C peptide, p=0.03 as well as dyslipidaemia, lower HDL cholesterol, p=0.0007; higher triglycerides, p=0.05 in PCOS patients were detected. PCOS women had also higher ICAM-1 levels, p=0.03 even after the adjustment for BMI -ANCOVA. ICAM-1 positively correlated with basal and stimulated insulin, fasting triglycerides and with BMI, WHR, negatively with HDL cholesterol.

Conclusions: In PCOS, significantly higher levels of ICAM-1 than in healthy women were found. ICAM-1 correlated with body composition, lipids and insulin secretion, but not with insulin resistance.

The Ethical Committe of Institute of Endocrinology approved the protocol.

Supported by grant No. 301/04/1085 GACR.

Volume 9

24th Joint Meeting of the British Endocrine Societies

British Endocrine Societies 

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