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Society for Endocrinology BES 2008


System-specific effect steroids

ea0015s13 | System-specific effect steroids | SFEBES2008

Glucocorticoid signalling in the brain

Lightman Stafford , Atkinson Helen , Droste Susanne-Katrin , Harbuz Michael , de Kloet Ronald , Linthorst Astrid , McKenna Mervyn , Reul Johannes , Seale Josephine , Wiles Crispin , Wood Susan , Conway-Campbell Becky

Aims: To define the ultradian pattern of corticosterone secretion in the rat, how this may be altered in different physiological states and the relevance of these patterns to nuclear signalling in the hippocampus.Methods: Rats were cannulated and attached to our automated blood sampling system. Some rats had simultaneous intracranial microdialysis for free corticosterone in the hippocampus and other rats were adrenalectomised and corticosterone replaced ...

ea0015s14 | System-specific effect steroids | SFEBES2008

Glucocorticoids, 11β HSDs and neuroprotection

Holmes Megan C

Glucocorticoids have profound effects on the brain, particularly during development and during the ageing process. The glucocorticoid metabolising enzymes, 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11β-HSDs) type 1 and 2, interconvert active corticosterone (or cortisol) and inactive 11keto-derivatives to modify intracellular glucocorticoid levels. Hence, these enzymes add another layer of complexity to glucoocorticoid action in addition to circulating hormone and receptor (MR...

ea0015s15 | System-specific effect steroids | SFEBES2008

Glucocorticoids, liver, fat and metabolic syndrome

Stewart Paul

The seminal studies of Harvey Cushing informed us of the deleterious consequences of circulating cortisol excess – hypertension, osteoporosis and obesity that contributes to diabetes and premature mortality. As such Cushing’s syndrome offers an excellent paradigm for the metabolic syndrome. However circulating cortisol concentrations are invariably normal in patients with metabolic syndrome. The tissue-specific generation of cortisol, independent of circulating level...

ea0015s16 | System-specific effect steroids | SFEBES2008

Glucocorticoids, folliculostellate cells and the pituitary

Christian Helen

Glucocorticoids act within the pituitary gland to maintain the blood levels of glucocorticoids within appropriate limits by negative feedback on the secretion of corticotrophin (ACTH). Annexin 1 (ANXA1) is a calcium- and phospholipid binding protein which was originally identified as a mediator of the anti-inflammatory actions of glucocorticoids in the host defence system. Subsequent work has shown that it that plays an important role in the early delayed (30 min-3 h) feedback...