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Society for Endocrinology BES 2009


Finding the right balance of dietary and metabolic influences in fetal and adult life

ea0019s10 | Finding the right balance of dietary and metabolic influences in fetal and adult life | SFEBES2009

Chronic stress, glucocorticoids, insulin and obesity

Dallman Mary

Although stressors generally reduce the intake of boring but healthy foods (chow for rats), both acute and repeated restraint stress increase the intake of highly palatable calories (32% sucrose, lard), when they are available. This behavioural effect is mediated by elevated glucocorticoids, and depends on the accompanying increase in circulating insulin concentrations. In the periphery, whereas glucocorticoids mobilize stored calories and greatly increase the rate of gluconeo...

ea0019s11 | Finding the right balance of dietary and metabolic influences in fetal and adult life | SFEBES2009

Transgenerational effects of glucocorticoid programming

Drake A

Epidemiological studies have demonstrated an association between low birth weight and an increased prevalence of cardio-metabolic disorders in later life. Both human and animal studies suggest that this phenomenon of ‘early life programming’ is not limited to the first generation offspring. Epidemiological studies in humans have shown intergenerational effects on birth weight, cardiovascular risk factors and type 2 diabetes. Transgenerational effects on birth weight,...

ea0019s12 | Finding the right balance of dietary and metabolic influences in fetal and adult life | SFEBES2009

Consequences of unbalanced maternal nutrition

Hanson Mark

A critical aspect of the environment before birth and in infancy is nutrition. It is estimated that 850 m people in the world (820 m in developing countries) are hungry. This has long-term consequences for their later health and economic potential but also for their children. Such figures do not include those people who have unbalanced nutrition, both in terms of macronutrients and micronutrients. An unbalanced diet can lead to ‘malnutrition’ even in those who have a...

ea0019s13 | Finding the right balance of dietary and metabolic influences in fetal and adult life | SFEBES2009

The fetal cost of maternal cafeteria diets

Stickland Neil , Bayol Stephanie

Obesity is a multi-factorial condition generally attributed to diet and lack of exercise. More recent evidence suggests that maternal malnutrition during pregnancy and lactation can contribute to the development of obesity in offspring. We have developed an animal model to examine the specific influence of a maternal ‘junk food’ diet rich in fat, sugar and salt and have shown that offspring exposed to this junk food diet during their fetal and suckling lives overate ...