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15th International & 14th European Congress of Endocrinology

Poster Presentations

Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others

ea0029p400 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

New diabetic emergency; acute rhabdomyolysis complicating hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma successful management and insight into pathogenesis

Vaz C. , Chaudhuri A.

We describe a case of severe rhabdomyolysis(peak CK 48897 μ/ml and massive myoglobinuria) complicating hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma. A 57y/o M with DM2 on metformin presented with polyuria, polydipsia, weakness and confusion. On admission he had GCS E2M3V1 no signs of trauma or infection. Na 137 mEq/l K 4.8 mEq/l HCO3 22 mEq/l Cl 93 mEq/l BUN 116 mg/dl Cr 3.2 mg/dl glucose 1710 mg/dl pH 7.22 ketones +small, Mg 5.2 mg/dl P 3.3 mg/dl Ca 9.6 mg/dl TSH 1.47 &#95...

ea0029p401 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Laminopathy and auto-immune sclerodermia: chance or necessity?

Parent E. , Balavoine A. , Lamblin B. , Ytier H. , Vigouroux C. , Vantyghem M.

Some laminopathies associate both progeria and sclerodermic components (Am J Med Genet A 2006 Hennekam, J Cell Sci 2008 Sagelius), but most sclerodermic syndromes are not associated to LMNA mutations despite the presence of nuclear envelope antibodies, mainly directed to lamin (PNAS 1983 McKeon, Eur Respir J 2011 Dib).A 15-th year old girl was referred for severely imbalanced diabetes and a voracious appetite interpreted as bi...

ea0029p402 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Pendred’s syndrome: genetics and phenotypic variability

Alves M. , Bastos M. , Vieira A. , Gouveia S. , Saraiva J. , Moreno C. , Carvalheiro M.

Background: Pendred syndrome (PS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by defective organification of iodine, goiter and deafness. It is caused by mutations in pendrin gene (SLC26A4), a transporter of chloride/iodide that mediates the efflux of iodine from thyroid follicular cells to the follicular lumen.Clinical case: Case-index: MJFS, female, refered to consultation at 35 years for enlarged neck. Personal history: congenital deafness, thyro...

ea0029p403 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

A rare case of vanishing fetal goiter and role of colour doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis

Panchani R. , Saini A. , Varma T. , Tripathi S.

Introduction: Fetal goiter is a rare condition. The incidence of goitrous hypothyroidism is 1/30 000–50 000 live births. We describe a case of antenatal fetal goiter that vanished upon delivery and was not detected in the newborn. The case report is followed by a discussion wherein we review the literature on thyroid problems in pregnancy and management of fetal goiter.Case report: A 27-year-old known hypothyroid woman with bichorial biamniotic preg...

ea0029p404 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Gastrostomy solves severe hypoglycemias after bariatric surgery

Gonzalo Marin M. , Gonzalez-Molero I. , Dominguez-Lopez M. , Garcia Arnes J.

Introduction: Patients with bariatric surgery require close monitoring because of possible metabolic complications. It has been published some cases of severe and persistent hypoglycemias resistant to diet and pharmacologic treatment being necessary a pancreatectomy. We present a case report of nesidioblastosis after gastric bypass that required subtotal pancreatectomy but despite this, hypoglycemias persisted. Before performing total pancreatectomy we placed a tube feeding in...

ea0029p405 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Pubertal induction with testosterone of a boy with bilateral anorchia guided by the development of his monozygotic twin brother

Van Caenegem E. , Vandewalle S. , Wierckx K. , Taes Y. , Kaufman J. , Craen M. , T'Sjoen G.

Introduction: We describe a monozygotic twin pair, of which one boy was diagnosed with anorchia. Both were followed-up till age 17.Case report: At birth, in one twin 46 XY boy (A), testes were not palpable while his brother (B) was unaffected. Stimulation with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and orchidopexia were unsuccessful at age 3. A second hCG-stimulation test was performed at age 8, where serum testosterone response failed to increase. No testi...

ea0029p406 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib: a case of occult familial disease

Adamidou F. , Anagnostis P. , Kita M.

Introduction: Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) constitutes a heterogenous group of disorders characterized by end-organ resistance to parathyroid hormone (PTH), due to a defect in the stimulatory G protein-activated cAMP formation. PHP type Ib is characterized by renal resistance to PTH, without the phenotypic features of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO).Case report: A 31-year old woman was referred to our clinic for investigation of severe hypocal...

ea0029p407 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Considering familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcemia on differential diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism

Gouveia S. , Paiva S. , Gomes L. , Ribeiro C. , Vieira A. , Alves M. , Saraiva J. , Moreno C. , Carvalheiro M.

Introduction: Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most common cause for hypercalcemia. Familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FBHH) is an unusual autosomal dominant disease. The mutation in the calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) determines a shift to the right in the calcemia set-point that inhibits PTH secretion. Generally asymptomatic, these patients present with mild hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia, normal or slightly increased PTH levels and hypocalciuria. Daily calci...

ea0029p408 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

The diagnostic challenge of a parathyroid adenoma undetectable by Tc-99m Sestamibi scintigraphy or computed tomography in a patient with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis and hypercalcaemia

El-Sheikha J. , Hutchinson I. , Pettit A.

Hypercalcaemia is a common finding in numerous diseases processes but is non-specific to its cause. We report a case of a 55-year-old lady with known sarcoidosis who developed hypercalcaemia and elevated parathyroid hormone due to a parathyroid adenoma. Both these disease processes are independently associated with hypercalcamia, but it is unusual to have both in combination and difficult to establish which is the primary cause. In our case the diagnosis was complicated by a n...

ea0029p409 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Severe gestational hypothyroidism due to anti-TSH receptor blocking antibodies

Di Bella B. , Moleti M. , Presti S. , Di Mauro F. , Sturniolo G. , Agretti P. , De Marco G. , Tonacchera M. , Trimarchi F. , Vermiglio F.

Autoimmune hypothyroidism due to thyroid stimulation blocking antibodies (TSB-Ab) is uncommon. When occurring in pregnancy, this condition may be responsible for feto-neonatal complications as a result of both maternal hypothyroidism and trans-placental TSB-Ab transfer to the fetus.Clinical case: September 2010: a 27 year-old woman was diagnosed with autoimmune severe hypothyroidism (TSH 325 mIU/l (n.v 0.4–4.0), FT4 1.54 pmol/l (n.v. 11.5...

ea0029p410 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

A case of refractory hypoglycemia

Wang J. , Singh D. , Jayashekara A. , Ellis S. , Kaplan F.

A 74-year-old diabetic lady presented to emergency-department following a collapse due to hypoglycaemia (blood glucose 1.7 mmol/l) and responded dramatically to intravenous–glucose. She had recurrent hypoglycaemic episodes in the last-fortnight, despite discontinuation of her oral hypoglycaemics and no other obvious precipitating factors/toxins like alcohol. She was on prednisolone, 10 mg along with azathioprine, 150 mg, atenolol, 25 mg, and candesartan, 8 mg. She has rhe...

ea0029p411 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Double jeopardy in pregnancy: a case of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2 in a pregnant patient

Li R. , Mejia A. , Manalo M. , Lantion-Ang F. , Tamban C.

This is a case of an adult female who presented with 1 year history of palpitations, heat intolerance, easy fatigability, hyperdefecation and proptosis. She was admitted to this institution due to 3 month history of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flank pain and generalized weakness. During admission, she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism supported by laboratory findings of suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone and elevated free thyroxine levels and was then treated with m...

ea0029p412 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Pseudo malabsorption of levothyroxine

Alves M. , Rodrigues D. , Baptista C. , Ribeiro C. , Oliveira P. , Vieira A. , Gouveia S. , Saraiva J. , Moreno C. , Bastos M. , Carvalheiro M.

Background: Therapy with levothyroxine (L-T4) is essential in hypothyroidism treatment. The marked elevation of thyrotropin (TSH) in patients treated with appropriate doses of L-T4 is rare and can result from malabsorption, drug interaction or poor adherence. The non-adherence, omitted by the patient, is called pseudo malabsorption.Clinical report: ACCS, female, 30 years old, hospitalized for persistent...

ea0029p413 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Vitamin D deficiency and elevation of para-thyroid in Thalassemia minor: a case study

Debnath S.

βThalassemia Minor cases unlike Thal-Major don’t require immediate medical attention, due to effective compensatory haematopoiesis and remain transfusion independent and patients may remain metabolically deficient lowering quality of life. To impose an artificial genetic bottleneck and suppress the dispersion of Thal-minor and Thal-major mutationsas in a population early detection is the only way out. Hypocholestreloemia, Vitamin D deficiency and marginally elevated ...

ea0029p414 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Study of hormone and thyroid antibodies of auto-immune thyroid disorders

Buukuu G.

Auto-immune thyroid diseases (AITD) such as Graves’ disease (GD) and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) which are archetypical organ specific auto-immune diseases are increasing in recent years and about 2–4% of women and up to 1% of men are affected worldwide, and the prevalence rate increases with advancing age. The AITD are characterized by the presence of raised serum antibodies directed against thyroid antigens. The development of antibodies to antithyroid micros...

ea0029p415 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

New insulin receptor mutation in a patient with primary amenorrhea

Proietti Pannunzi L. , Morgante S. , Deiana M. , Chiefari A. , Caprioli S. , Vottari S. , Monti S. , Barbetti F. , Toscano V.

Primary amenorrhea is a rare disease that affects <1% of adolescent girls. The most common causes of primary amenorrhea include chromosomal abnormalities, hypothalamic and pituitary disorders, lack or structural abnormality of reproductive organs.18 years old woman was referred to us by her pediatric physician for evaluation of primary amenorrhea and hirsutism. She had low birth weight, 1.9 kg, and hypostaturism. At the age of 6 years underwent to cl...

ea0029p416 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Plasmapheresis therapy in a case with recurrent pancraetitis attacks as a consequence of hypertryglyceridemia

Polat B. , Onal E. , Kaya G. , Dilek I. , Ersoy R. , Cakir B.

Hypertygiceridemia is responsible from the 1–4% of acute pancreatitis cases. When serum triglyceride level rises above 1000–2000 mg/dl, risk of having acute pancreatitis also increases. Medical therapy is usually inadequate for treatment of hypertryglyceridemia cases which cause severe and recurrent pancreatitis attacks. In our case we have reported a patient having recurrent attacks under medical therapy and underwent plasmapheresis.Case: 45 y...

ea0029p417 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Association of thyroid hormone resistance and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Perez-Luis J. , Jerez-Arzola E. , Lopez-Fernandez J.

Introduction: Patients with resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) have variable tissue hyporesponsiveness to thyroid hormone (TH) due to a defect in the TH receptor (TR) β gene. So far, 124 different mutations have been identified among 343 unrelated families. Despite the TH resistance, some patients have symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism and may have goiter. RTH is characterised by high TH and normal or high TSH concentrations. Differential diagnosis includes a TSH-pro...

ea0029p418 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

5-Alpha reductase type 2 deficiency: a case report

Hekimsoy Z. , Hatipoglu O. , Oz D. , Alarslan P. , Ozmen B.

5-Alpha reductase deficiency is a rare 46, XY disorder of sex differentation caused by mutations in the 5-alpha reductase type 2 gene (SRD5A2) located on chromosome 2p23. Affected patients have a deficiency of the 5-alpha reductase type 2 enzyme, which becomes partially or totally unable to convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, the latter being responsible for the development of the external genitalia, prostate, and urethra in the male fetus. Most affected individuals...

ea0029p419 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Subacute or hashimoto thyroiditis? a diagnostic dilemma: case report

Popovici R. , Ciobanu D. , Ionescu L. , Idriceanu J. , Vasiliu I. , Potorac I. , Bivoleanu E. , Cristea C. , Mogos V. , Vulpoi C.

Introduction: Subacute thyroiditis (SAT) is characterized by cervical pain. Rarely, other thyroid diseases, like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT), may be associated with cervical pain, leading to confusions with SAT. We report a particular case of painful goitre.Case report: D Maria, 50 years old, presented with cervical pain, low grade fever, inflammatory syndrome (ESR=132 mm/1 h), and was diagnosed with SAT. Thyroid function was normal. Ultrasound (US...

ea0029p420 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

True hermaphroditism with a rare 46,XX/47,XXY Klinefelter’s mosaicism: a new unique case and review of previous reports

Akulevich N. , Boiko J. , Makarava Y. , Khmara I.

Introduction: Only few cases of true hermaphroditism with male phenotype and 46,XX/ 47,XXY Klinefelter’s mosaic karyotype with clinical features different among cases have been previously described.Case report: A 12-year-old patient was referred to our clinic for mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Since birth he has ambigous genitalia: unilateral criptorchidism on the right and perineal hypospadia; left gonad was palpable in the scrotum since birth. At the a...

ea0029p421 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Genetics of HLA-identical monozygous twins with different manifestations of polyglandular autoimmune syndrome

Csajbok , Magony S. , Valkusz Z. , Puskas L. , Zvara

Summary: The autoimmune polyglandular syndromes (APS) comprise a wide spectrum of autoimmune disorders and are divided into a very rare juvenile (APS 1) and a relatively common adult type with (APS 2) or without adrenal failure (APS 3). APS 1 is caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulatory (AIRE) gene on chromosome 21 and is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Mutations of the AIRE gene result in defective proteins which cause autoimmune destruction of target organ...

ea0029p422 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Papillary thyroid-type carcinoma arising from struma ovarii: a case report

Barrera J. , Ang F.

Struma Ovarii and its malignant transformation to thyroid-type carcinoma are rare conditions. In recent reviews of reported literatures, only 53 cases of papillary thyroid-type carcinoma arising from struma ovarii were documented from 1924 to 2008. Due to the rarity of the disease, lack of uniform histological criteria for malignancy and protracted clinical course, its management is not also universally accepted by physicians. The aim of this paper is to present a very rare ca...

ea0029p423 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Hypothyroidism with extensive pericardial effusion: different therapeutical approaches

Kvasnickova H. , Svejda J. , Kvasnicka J. , Sochman J. , Veselka J. , Vondra K.

Introduction: Disturbances of the thyroid gland are the most common diseases of the endocrine system. Their prevalence is increasing with age and can be easily under diagnosed. Advanced forms of thyroid disease can mimic cardiovascular, psychiatric disorders, malignancy or other disorders and can result in life threatening conditions.Case reports: In the current study we present two case reports concerning patients with cardiovascular symptoms. In both p...

ea0029p425 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

A case of persistent hypoglycemia in the setting of connective tissue disease

Choong K. , Venugopal Y. , Vethakkan S. , Pendek R.

Introduction: Autoimmune forms of hypoglycemia are uncommon. However, they should be considered in any patient with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia. Here we present a case of persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia caused by insulin receptor antibodies.Case report: A 65-year-old chinese woman with mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) and hypothyroidism presents with a 2-week history of persistent hypoglycemia since discontinuation of her immunosuppresan...

ea0029p426 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Successful pregnancy in a patient with biologically inactive LH or partial LHCGR resistance

Rao P. , Straffen A. , Skull J. , Jones H.

Introduction: LH resistance is very rare and there are only a few case reports in the literature. We describe a patient who presented to us with secondary amenorrhea and very high isolated LH levels who subsequently had a successful pregnancy with IVF.Case report: A 16 year old girl was referred to us to investigate the cause of her oligomenhorrea. She had attained menarche at the age of 13 and had only 5 periods in 3 years. She had no symptoms/signs of ...

ea0029p427 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Quadruple metachronous malignancy in a single patient with multiple sclerosis: case report

Buta M. , Milovanovic Z. , Lavrnic D. , Djurisic I. , Oruci M. , Pupic G. , Dzodic R.

Introduction: Quadruple primary malignancies occur with an incidence of <0.1% and <100 cases have been published to our best knowledge. We are presenting a patient with multiple sclerosis and triple thyroid carcinoma, double melanoma and a breast cancer.Case report: Over the course of 4 years we treated a single patient due to stage III (T3, N1a, M0) medullary thyroid carcinoma size 45 mm in the right lobe and two micropapillary carcinomas in the...

ea0029p428 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Hungry bone syndrome in a patient with McCune–Albright syndrome after total thyroidectomy: case report

Kollerova J. , Koller T. , Kostalova L. , Payer J.

McCune–Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare disease. It is characterized by a combination of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, autonomous overproduction of hormones and skin hyperpigmentation.Thirty-year-old patient with significant bone deformities and the history of multiple fractures of long bones despite treatment presented with multinodular goiter with long standing hyperthyroidism. During thyroidectomy in 2009 two enlarged nodules suspected for bein...

ea0029p429 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

A case with thyroid metastasis from small cell lung carcinoma

Can A. , Koksal G. , Sarman M.

Background: Among the lung carcinomas metastasizing to the thyroid, adenocarcinomas are the commonest followed by squamous, small cell, large cell and bronchioloalveolar carcinomas.Case presentation: A 55-year-old man who presented with superior vena cava syndrome was found to have an 11 cm mediastinal mass encasing superior vena cava and compressing trachea and esophagus. The mass reached right pulmonary hilus. A bronchoscopic biopsy showed small cell c...

ea0029p430 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Central hypothyroidism following peripheral hyperthyroidism: a brief case report

Crea T. , Frehling E. , Malvaux S. , Laguerre N. , Cuny P.

Objective: Measuring thyroid stimulating hormone levels alone may be insufficient to appropriately evaluate thyroid function. Reduced thyroid stimulating hormone levels associated to normal/reduced FT4 levels should prompt investigation of pituitary function.Case: A 31-year-old man underwent biochemistry and thyroid function assessment for asthenia. He developed thyrotoxicosis due to painless thyroiditis with. positive.antithyroid antibodies. ...

ea0029p431 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Impact of glibenclamide therapy in a patient with neonatal diabetes and intermediate DEND syndrome with the V59M mutation in the KCNJ11 gene

Giestas A. , Borges T. , Oliveira M. , Guimaraes A. , Cardoso H.

Introduction: Neonatal diabetes is a rare condition diagnosed within the first months of life. Activating mutation of KCNJ11, the gene encoding the Ki6.2 subunit of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel, is the most common cause of permanent neonatal diabetes, and ~20% of patients have neurological features.Patients with the severe neurological phenotype exhibit developmental delay, motor weakness, and epilepsy in addition to diabetes (DEND syndrome). Inte...

ea0029p432 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Parkinson-like syndrom as a unusual manifestation of primary hypoparathyroidism: case report

Krcma M.

We describe case of 50-year patient with poliomyelitis in childhood, no other concomitant ilnesses, admitted in 2010 to neurologic departement of our hospital for grave parkinson-like syndrom with loss of motor function, symetric quadruparesis with spasticity, epileptic seizures and mental deterioration. These problems started about 12 months before and progressively worsened, patient was treated by levodopa and primidone. Patient was after bilateral intraocular lens implantat...

ea0029p433 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Van Wyk e Grumbach syndrome: case report

Francisco B. , Haber J. , Santos R.

Introduction: In 1960, Van Wyk and Grumbach described the association of hypothyroidism and precocious puberty. Hypothyroidism leads to delayed bone age and a reduction in growth rate by reducing the amplitude of GH pulses. When precocious puberty is associated with thyroid hypofunction, estrogen action on the epiphyseal plates reduce this delay. We report the case of a child who developed incomplete puberty and reduced growth rate, caused by primary hypothyroidism.<p clas...

ea0029p434 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Primary hyperparathyroidism associated with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type III and isolated IgA deficiency

Savic S. , Zarkovic M. , Ciric J. , Beleslin B. , Stojkovic M. , Nisic T. , Stojanovic M. , Trbojevic B.

Introduction: Isolated IgA deficiency (SIgAD) is the most common form of primary immunodeficiency. Patients with SIgAD have an increased risk of both systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) are the most common autoimmune endocrine disorders. They occur frequently together, and this combination is nominated as autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 3 (APS 3). Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is th...

ea0029p435 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Reversible Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: clinical, hormonal, autoimmune and ultrasonographic evidence

Niedziela M.

Introduction: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) and Graves' disease (GD) constitute a spectrum of autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD). An abnormal thyroid echographic pattern characterized by a diffuse low echogenicity has been described in both AITD. This hypoechogenicity is due to three components: increase of intrathyroidal flow, functional changes in thyroid follicles with increased cellularity and decrease of the colloid content, resulting in the reduction of the cell/coll...

ea0029p436 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Hypoparathyroidism - a rare cause of heart failure

Zoric S. , Micic D. , Kendereski A. , Cvijovic G. , Sumarac-Dumanovic M. , Stamenkovic-Pejkovic D. , Jeremic D.

Introduction: Calcium plays a key role in myocardial contractions and relaxation. Heart failure induced by hypocalcemia is rare but potentially reversible case.Case report: We present the case of 50 years old woman with muscle cramps, cataract, chest pain and dyspnea that lasts 2 years. In regional health center she was treated as psychiatric patient and COPD. Last few months she became extremely malaise with crural edemas and walking distance of 100 m. ...

ea0029p437 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Hypogonadism with subsequent multi-organ involvement: a mystery solved

Mohandas C. , Barnes D. , Harrington D. , Haq M.

A 53-year-old gentleman was seen following a recent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in May 2009. He had suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage in 1993 and remained under the local tertiary centre after developing secondary hypogonadism treated with testosterone replacement. The cause had never been established.The patient had previously been diagnosed with seronegative HLA B27 arthropathy and in December 2008 was admitted with acute cardiac failure and atrial ...

ea0029p438 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Thyrotoxicosis-associated acute myocardial infarction and ventricular fibrillation in a patient with normal epicardial coronary arteries

Trifanescu R. , Bicescu G. , Radulescu L. , Poiana C.

Introduction: Hyperthyroidism-associated myocardial infarction with normal epicardial coronary arteries on angiogram is seldom reported.Case report: A 61-year-old Caucasian man, resident in an iodine sufficient area, presented with chest pain in the emergency unit. ECG revealed inferolateral myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation. Soon after admission, the patients developed collapse due to primary ventricular fibrillation, requiring defibrillat...

ea0029p439 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

A case of papillary thyroid carcinoma with esophageal invasion treated by targeting PEI and transesophageal argon plasma coagulation

Nakano M. , Fukunari N.

There are several choices for treating esophageal cancer. But only operation is the standard therapy of papillary thyroid carcinoma with esophageal invasion. Esophageal stent and gastric fistula are chose when the patient can’t swallow because of esophageal stenosis by tumor invasion. But those put a lot of strain on the patient, and lower their quality of life. To reduce the burden on patient, it is useful to adopt targeting percutaneous ethanol injection (targeting PEI)...

ea0029p440 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Association between diabetes mellitus and sarcoidosis: a case report

Bulgar A. , Brehar A. , Paun D. , Cojocaru A. , Dumitrache C.

Introduction: Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology, characterized by noncaseating granulomas, predominantly in the lymph nodes, lungs, eyes and skin, although any organ may be involved.Sarcoidosis may also be associated with endocrine autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroiditis.Case report: We present a case of a 24-year-old young man who was diagnosed in August 2010 with t...

ea0029p441 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Noninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia syndrome as a rare cause of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia: case report

Vukovic B. , Icin T. , Novakovic-Paro J. , Mitrovic M. , Kovacev-Zavisic B. , Todorovic-Djilas L. , Medic-Stojanoska M.

Introduction: Adult-onset noninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia syndrome (NIPHS) associated with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia is a very rare entity. Clinical features of NIPHS are similar to those of insulinoma. Hypoglycemia with neuroglycopenic symptoms presents the main diagnostic condition. NIPHS is often poorly responsive or unresponsive to medical management necessitating surgical intervention with resection of pancreatic tissue.Case report: W...

ea0029p442 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

A case of pneumomediastinum and tracheomalasia in thyroid storm with longstanding goiter

Lee K. , Park C.

Tracheomalasia is extremely rare condition in Graves’ disease and may result in pneumomediastium with fistular formation from longstanding compression by a large goiter. There is no report that Graves’ disease combined with tracheomalasia and pneumomediastinum. A 24-year-old woman presented with abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. On physical examination, a large goiter was detected on her anterior neck. Computed tomography of chest showed large amount of air in ante...

ea0029p443 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

A case of pancytopenia with hyperthyroidism

Won K. , Park S. , Moon J. , Yoon J. , Lee H.

Atypical manifestations of hyperthyroidism include hematological, cardiovascular, dermatological manifestation. Especially single lineage abnormalities such as anemia (34%), leukopenia (5.8%), thrombocytopenia (3.3%) are reported, but pancytopenia is a rare presentation of hyperthyroidism. The suspected etiologic mechanisms include ineffective hematopoiesis, reduction in blood cell life span, autoimmune process, toxicity of thyroid hormone.We report a ca...

ea0029p444 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Struma ovarii and the thyroid surgeon

Srivastava R. , Gunasekaran S. , Kopecka E. , Maung K. , England J.

Introduction: Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian monodermal teratoma. The most common presentation is an abdominal pelvic mass with pain, traditionally managed by gynaecologists. The malignant form is extremely rare and consists of differentiated thyroid cancer. It is rare for a struma ovarii to present with features of hyperthyroidism. We present a case series of struma ovarii and discuss the role of the thyroid surgeon in their management.Methods/Results:...

ea0029p445 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Multiple myeloma associated with primary hyperparathyroidism

Kun I. , Szanto Z. , Benedek I.

Introduction: The association of multiple myeloma (MM) with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) is very infrequent. In addition pHPT may be overlooked or later diagnosed, because on the one hand certain clinical and laboratory characteristics of MM, such as hypercalcaemia, asthenia, osteoporosis and impaired renal function overlap with the elements of pHPT, on the other hand modern pHPT include non-classical (e.g. normocalcemic or mild clinical) forms. We present the case of a ...

ea0029p446 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Graves’ disease with a transient lung mass

Tunc U. , Gedik A. , Akkoclu A. , Bayraktar F. , Demir T. , Comlekci A.

Introduction: Involvement of different tissues and organs may be seen during the course of Graves’ disease (GD). We here aimed to present a case with GD and lung mass whose lung lesion disappeared after recieving antithyroid treatment.Case report: A 60 year old man admitted to our hospital with back pain. His thorax computed tomography (CT) revealed a 1.5×3 cm mass in lower right lobe. He was consultated by our clinic preoperatively before thor...

ea0029p447 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Combination of recombinant TSH (rhTSH) and lithium overcomes amiodarone-induced low radioiodine uptake in a thyrotoxic female

Laplano N. , Mercado-Asis L.

Background: Recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) promotes 131I uptake in selected populations. Lithium increases RAI retention by reducing intra-thyroidal release. In this report, combination of rhTSH and lithium overcame low RAIU in Graves’ disease.Objective: We aim to present the case of a Graves’ disease given combination of rhTSH and lithium to overcome amiodarone-induced low 131I uptake.Methods and res...

ea0029p448 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Primary hypoparathyroidism presenting as recurrent TIAs with intracranial calcification

Reddy M. , Tanday R. , Agha-Jaffar R. , Valabhji J. , Cox J.

Intracranial calcification seen on CT may be an incidental finding or it can be a direct cause of neurological symptoms depending on which areas of the brain are affected. The differential cause for the formation of intracranial calcium deposits include hypoparathyroidism, congenital infections i.e. toxoplasmosis and Fahr’s syndrome.A 50–year–old woman was referred to the transient ischaemic attack (TIA) clinic in December 2011, with recur...

ea0029p449 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Ampullary NET presenting as Virchow’s node

Paja M. , Arosa V. , Lizarraga A. , Ugarte E. , Atin del Campo V. , Arbide del Rio N. , Trevino B. Barrios , Iglesias N.

Troisier’s sign names a visible left cervical adenopathy (Virchow’s node) as the first sign of a pancreatic tumor, mainly adenocarcinomas, by dissemination through the thoracic duct. Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) of the ampulla of Vater are extremely rare, no more than 2% of ampullary malignancies, and account for <0.3% of all gastrointestinal NETs.A 59–year old woman presented with an enlarging painless left cervical node. Ultrasonograp...

ea0029p450 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Unusual cause of hypokalemic paralysis

Bhat G.K. , Rajeeb M. , Shetty R.

Introduction: Thyrotoxic hypokalemic paralysis is a disorder most commonly seen in Asian men. The condition primarily affects the lower extremities. The main characteristic features of this condition are elevated thyroid hormones, hypokalemia and proximal muscle weakness or paralysis.CasesCase 1: A 28 year old patient presented to emergency department with 3 day history of progressive weakness of both lower limbs which made him una...

ea0029p451 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Paraneoplastic severe hyponatremia in a patient with GIST: case report

Bonato V. , Lalle M. , De Mattia G.

Hyponatremia may manifest with nausea, disorientation, seizures, coma, cerebral edema and even death. The etiology of hyponatremia as paraneoplastic syndrome has been attributed most often to high levels of vasopressin. Correction of hyponatremia is usually successful at moderately low sodium levels, although it must be done slowly to prevent osmotic demyelination. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) rarely present paraneoplastic reactions, a few cases have been reported.<...

ea0029p452 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Papillary thyroid carcinoma in two patients with primary hyperparathyroidism

Anaforoglu I. , Kose M. , Asik M. , Mollamehmetoglu B. , Algun E.

Introduction: Co-existence of medullary thyroid carcinoma and primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is well described, however, the association of non-medullary cancer and PHPT is less recognised. Herein, we report two cases of patients with PHPT and papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC).Case 1: A 55-year-old woman received a diagnosis of PHPT during investigation of her anemia. (Ca: 11.4 mEq/l, PTH: 256 pg/ml, urinary calcium: 960 mg/day). Thyroid function tes...

ea0029p453 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Marked improvement of gastrointestinal pseudo-obstruction after debulking surgery of malignant pheochromocytoma by Intravenous administration of α-blocker phentolamine

Yamaguchi S. , Shibata H. , Miyashita K. , Kurihara I. , Oguchi H. , Futatsuki K. , Murai-Takeda A. , Mitsuishi Y. , Motosugi Y. , Jo R. , Hayashi K. , Itoh H.

We present a case of severe malignant pheochromocytoma complicated with intestinal pseudo-obstruction, which was refractory to conventional therapies but reacted to intravenous administration of an α-blocker, phentolamine.Malignant pheochromocytoma typically metastasizes to bones, liver, lungs, and lymph nodes, and average 5-year survival rate in the patient with metastases is approximately 50%. Treatment options for malignant pheochromocytoma inclu...

ea0029p454 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism coexisting in patient with liver cirrhosis and coeliac disease: efficiency of preoperative treatment with vitamin D

Swider G. , Orlowska-Florek R.

Introduction: Primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism may coexist unrelated to chronic nephropathy. It can occur more often than expected, especially in elderly population with malabsorption syndrome or /and liver diseases.Case report: A women 60 years of age was admitted to hospital due to long standing ostealgia. The primary hyperparathyroidism was suspected. The medical history presented recently diagnosed coeliac disease and cryptogenic hepatic cir...

ea0029p455 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Primary hyperparathyroidism and metastatic breast cancer: a simultaneous presentation

Tan H. , Waheed N. , Butt M.

Introduction: Hypercalcaemia is a frequent complication of breast cancer with bony metastasis. There is also an increase incidence of primary hyperparathyroidism among patients with breast cancer. We report a patient with breast cancer presenting with hypercalcaemia secondary to both parathyroid hormone- related peptide (PTHrP) from liver metastasis and possibly co-existing primary hyperparathyroidism.Case report: A 53 year old woman, with a history of r...

ea0029p456 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Insulinoma presenting as post-prandial hypoglycaemia

Sriraman R. , Said R. , Jagger C.

A 52 year old lady with hypothyroidism and hypertension was referred by her GP for unexplained low blood glucose on several occasions. There was history of vacant spells with confusion and disorientation over the previous year. When referred for neurological assessment, no abnormality was identified. Her medications included amlodipine 5 mg, ramipril 10 mg, thyroxine 50 mcg, loratidine 10 mg. Her BMI was 44 kg/m2.Additional investigations arra...

ea0029p457 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Malignant, ectopic ACTH secreting occult neuroendocrine tumor: a case report

Mannelli M. , Lotti F. , Pupilli C. , Biagini C. , Piccini V. , Forti G.

Introduction: Occult neuroendocrine tumors are still a difficult diagnostic/therapeutic challenge.Case report: In November 2007, a 29-years-old Caucasian woman was admitted to our in-patients clinic with a 2-month history of rapidly progressing signs and symptoms of chronic hypercortisolism, including a bipolar disorder in psychosis. On admission the patient presented with hypokalemia (3.2 mEq/l), high levels of plasma (3164 nmol/l) and urinary free (26 ...

ea0029p458 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Noonan Syndrome in adulthood: two cases reports

Azriel S. , Ezquieta B. , Martin V. , Diaz Guardiola P. , Olivar J.

Introduction: Noonan syndrome (NS) is an autosomal dominant disorder or may occur on a sporadic basis, characterized by short stature, typical face dysmorphology and congenital heart defects. NS is a clinical diagnosis. Establishing the diagnosis can be very difficult, especially in adulthood. There is a great variability in expression and the phenotype become less pronounced with increasing age. The scoring system of Van der Burgt et al. has been devised to help the di...

ea0029p459 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Unusual course of Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism: case report

Motyka M. , Kostecka-Matyja M. , Pach D. , Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A.

Introduction: Amiodarone a potent antiarrhythmic medication induces thyroid dysfunction in about 20% of patients. Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism (AIH) usually occurs early in the course of treatment, more often in iodine-sufficient areas, in women, and in the presence of thyroid autoantibodies. Long-term treatment with amiodarone is associated with a reduction in prevalence of AIH, which may reflect adaptation of the thyroid autoregulatory mechanisms to iodine excess.<p...

ea0029p460 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: case report

Rangel R. , Martins A. , Leite V.

Introduction: Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is characterized by an aggressive clinical course and refractoriness to currently available local and systemic modalities of treatment. It is considered the most aggressive solid tumor, with few patients alive more than 1 year following diagnosis.Bible et al have reported a combined therapy of radiation and radiosensitizing adjuvant chemotherapy, with some positive results.Case repor...

ea0029p461 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

‘Collision tumor’ of the thyroid: a case report

Yilmaz M. , Gedik A. , Durak M. , Ozdogan O. , Kocdor M. , Bayraktar F.

Introduction: Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (papillary and follicular) being the most common type of thyroid malignancy (80%), originates from the thyroglobuline secreting follicular cells. Medullary thyroid cancer derived from parafollicular C-cells producing calcitonin is relatively rare (5–10%). In this report we aimed to present a case with simultaneous papillary and medullary carcinoma in the same thyroid nodule.Case report: Sixty nine year ...

ea0029p462 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Unknown reason of continuing hypercalcemia after successful extirpation of parathyroid gland

Semanova Z. , Kristianova M. , Capova V. , Zemberova E.

It is to delineate two categories of hypercalcemia: hypercalcemia associated with dysfunction of the parathyroid gland and hypercalcemia that occurs despite appropriate parathyroid suppression.There is casuistic model of 73 years old woman with several years personal history of hypercalcemia and clinical polyarthritis. After standard examinations there was diagnosed primary hyperparathyroidism. USG screening expected adenoma of parathyroid gland right do...

ea0029p463 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Catastrophic bone deformities associated with primary hyperparathyroidism in a middle-aged man

Agbaht K. , Aytac A. , Gullu S.

Background: Parathyroid carcinoma is a very rare cause of primary hyperparathyroidism. We aimed to present a case of middle-aged man, who was initially misdiagnosed as parathyroid adenoma, with parathyroid carcinoma and severe bone deformities associated with hyperparathyroidism.Case: A 36-years old male presented with leg aches and severe hypercalcemia in 2001, when he was diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism (corrected serum calcium 18.5 mg/dL (8...

ea0029p464 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Severe fetal and neonatal hyperthyroidism following radioiodine therapy in a woman with Graves’ disease

Bjorgaas M. , Farstad H. , Christiansen S. , Blaas H.

Introduction: Radioiodine (RAI)-therapy for Graves’ disease (GD) is often followed by worsening autoimmunity, and the increase in TRAb may persist for several years. In pregnant women TRAb pass the placenta and may stimulate the fetal TSH receptor with a risk of fetal and neonatal hyperthyroidism.Case report: A 21-year old woman with GD was treated with RAI, and subsequently was euthyroid with L-T4-replacement. Before RAI-therapy, TRAb was 8 U/l (re...

ea0029p465 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Hypercalcaemia in pregnancy

Stokes V. , Whitelaw N. , Mihai R. , Ali A.

A 28 year old female with no significant medical history, 25 weeks into her second pregnancy was referred to endocrinology with adjusted calcium of 2.99 mmol/l. She had a short history of generalised aches and tiredness. Examination did not reveal any stigmata of MEN1 or the HPT-JT syndromes. There was no known family history of endocrine disorders. Her PTH was 7 pmol/l, confirming primary hyperparathyroidism. As parathyroid Tc-scintigraphy would be contraindicated in pregnanc...

ea0029p466 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Ectopic Cushing’s syndrome and thymic hyperplasia

Vieira A. , Paiva I. , Alves M. , Gouveia S. , Saraiva J. , Moreno C. , Carrilho F. , Carvalheiro M.

Introduction: Thymic hyperplasia has been described after hypercortisolism resolution. The natural history remains poorly defined: emergence ≧1 month after hypercortisolism resolution, variable duration, usually spontaneous resolution/benign course.Case Report: ♂, 24, referred in 2000 for secondary hypothyroidism: TSH: 0.25 μUI/ml (0.25–5); FT4: 5.55 pmol/l (9–20). Clinical evaluation: insomnia, nocturnal sweating, facial eryt...

ea0029p467 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Synchronous papillary thyroid cancer and astrocytoma: case report

Makarov A. , Loskutova K. , Innokentyeva A. , Makarova E. , Korosteleva L.

Introduction – aim: The incidence of multiple primary cancers is reported to be between 0.3 and 4.3%. The second primary lesion is identified either simultaneously with the primary lesion (synchronous) or after a period of time (metachronous). We report such a rare occurrence of dual malignancy of the thyroid and brain in order to stress the importance of a good preoperative workup to arrive at such a diagnosis preoperatively and also to stress the importance of radical s...

ea0029p468 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Exogenous thyrotoxicosis by consumption of pork sausage

Cano Megias M. , Diez J. , Perez Lopez G. , Garcia Villanueva M. , Iglesias P. , Matei A.

Background: Exogenous hyperthyroidism is a rare cause of thyrotoxicosis. It is caused by ingestion of excessive amounts of thyroid hormone, which could be intentional or surreptitious (known as factitious thyrotoxicosis). One of the most exceptional cause is the intake of meat or sausage containing thyroid tissue, inadvertently mixed with traces of muscles and other tissues of the animal’s neck (hamburger thyrotoxicosis). The clinical symptoms are indistinguishable from o...

ea0029p469 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and autoimmune primary hypothyroidism in two members of a family

Hedayati Omami M. , Molaei Lngroudi R. , Ghazanfari Amlashi F.

Background: Spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (sOHSS) occurs rarely and has been associated with high level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), mutated FSH receptor (FSHr) gene and hypothyroidism. We report sOHSS in two members of a family with autoimmune hypothyroidism.Patient Findings: A 15 years old girl presented with abdominal pain and distention and typical features of hypothyroidism.Serum TSH was >100 mIU/l and anti-TPO antibody...

ea0029p470 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Novel treatment option in the management of SIADH related Hyponatremia: two case reports

Anwar S. , De P.

Introduction: Current treatment for SIADH related hyponatremia is unsatisfactory. We describe two cases of effective Tolvaptan use in SIADH related to disseminated cancer.Case 1: Fifty-three year old female with metastatic ovarian carcinoma, vomiting from partial intestinal obstruction, was referred with sodium 121 mmol and normal renal function. She was clinically dry and mildly confused. SIADH was confirmed but urine Na was <10 suggestive of hypovo...

ea0029p471 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Growth hormone: ‘beginning of a new life’

Chahal H. , Casey E. , Hawkins A. , Nikookam K.

We report three patients who were referred for possible chronic fatigue syndrome and presented with a long standing history of a multitude of symptoms. Comprehensive investigations revealed a low IGF1 and subsequent insulin tolerance test (ITT) demonstrated growth-hormone (GH) deficiency with a normal MRI pituitary in each case. The first patient presented at the age of 34 years with lethargy, aches and difficulty concentrating. Biochemically the only abnormality in th]e basal...

ea0029p472 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Severe amiodaron: induced thyrotoxicosis

Dokupilova A. , Payer J.

Indroduction: Amiodaron is an potent antiarrhythmic drug used for the treatment of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias. Long-term amiodaron therapy can cause a thyroid abnormalities in up to 14–18% patients. There are two main forms of AIT: type 1, a form of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, and type 2, a drug-induced destructive thyroiditis. Differentiation of these 2 types is essential for determining the best management of the disease.Case...

ea0029p473 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Thyreotoxic periodic paralysis in a Caucasian man after corticosteroid administration

Dimarakis V. , Tsentidis C. , Georgakopoulou S. , Gogali F. , Proikaki S.

Introduction: Thyreotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a very rare complication of hyperthyroidism in Caucasians. Furthermore there have been reported only a few cases that paralysis was induced by corticosteroids in patients with TPP.Case presentation: We report the case of a 35-years-old Greek sailorman who had a spider bite in his right hand during a trip in Mexico. He was admitted to local hospital due to the significant swelling of his arm, where he ...

ea0029p474 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Adrenal crisis due to unusual cause: case report

Rathi M.

Introduction: A 40-year-old woman, despite previously well controlled Hypothyroidism and Addison’s disease, presented with adrenal crisis due to extremely rare cause.Case Report: In 2002, age 31 years, she presented with symptoms of anorexia, weight loss and postural hypotension. She was subsequently diagnosed to have Addison’s disease and primary hypothyroidism (confirmed with positive adrenal and thyroid peroxidase antibody). She was started ...

ea0029p475 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Persistently abnormal thyroid function in a 26 year old Afro-Caribbean man: a diagnostically challenging case

De Souza L. , Ormerod J. , De P.

Introduction: While most common aetiologies accounting for hyperthyroidism are straightforward and respond predictably to treatment, a subset provides diagnostic or therapeutic challenge. We report such a case.Case report: A 26-year-old Afro-Caribbean male presented with symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. FT4 was 50 (12–20 pmol/l), FT3 11.5 (3–8 pmol/l) and TSH 5.38 (0.27–4.20 mU/l). He had diffuse non-tender thyromegaly without eye signs. Thyroi...

ea0029p476 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Asymptomatic hypocalcemia in elderly

Marti J. , Chinesta J. Rodriguez

Introduction: Hypocalcemia varies from asymptomatic biochemical abnormality to life-treating disorder, depending on the duration, severity and rapidity of development.Case report: A 77-year-old woman was admitted for study of asymptomatic hypocalcemia discovered in routinely laboratory test. Past medical history, left thyroidectomy by goiter 53 year ago without follow-up. She denied any symptoms. Physical examination. Actinic keratosis in right cheek, sc...

ea0029p477 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Thyroid nodule: dormant, but lethal

Chahal H. , Pittathankal A. , Casey E. , Ojo A. , Hawkins A. , Nikookam K.

We report two patients with thyroid nodules where thyroid cancer has unexpectedly been found. The first patient presented at the age of 58 years with a lump in her neck. She was clinically and biochemically euthyroid. Ultrasound revealed a solitary left hypoechoic nodule (23×17 mm), with no other suspicious sonographic features. She had two FNA’s over a two year period which were reported as showing no malignant cells (THY2). Three annual ultrasounds showed no change...

ea0029p478 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Morbid obesity: what can be and should be done?

Lukashova M. , Luchina E. , Meleshkevich T. , Ipatkin R. , Gabunia Z. , Vardaev L.

Patient C Caucasian male, 41 years old was admitted to the inpatient department of endocrinology with newly diagnosed T2 DM, morbid obesity on the 03.03.2011.Anamnesis: Overweight since childhood, but in the past few years he started to gain weight rapidly (because of smoking cessation). Arterial hypertension since 2003, with maximum increase up to 210/125 and he took antihypertensive drugs regularly. In 2006 painless myocardial ischemia was f...

ea0029p479 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Sever Grave’s disease and diabetes melitus

Luchina E. , Lukashova M. , Meleshkevich T. , Reshetov D.

March 2011. Patient P. Caucasian female, 53 years. Diagnosis: severe Grave’s disease (GD), recurrent course. Endocrine ophthalmopathy (EO) NOSPECS – 4, CAS – 7. Thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Thyrotoxic proximal myopathy of the lower limbs. Thyrotoxic hepatitis. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Anamnesis: GD was first diagnosed in 2001, when she started to complain of weight lost (...

ea0029p480 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ICEECE2012

Secondary hypertension: a case presentation

Aboul-Seoud M.

Introduction: Secondary causes of hypertension exist in 10% of hypertensive subjects. Hypertension refractory to antihypertensive treatment must prompt the physician to screen for secondary causes.Case presentation: A female 53-year old patient from Libya married and has three children. She works in a factory.Complaints: Headache in attacks 1 year and 4 months, palpitations 4 months. She was discovered to be severely hypertensive a...