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15th International & 14th European Congress of Endocrinology


Endocrinology and the Olympics: Will hormones help to win?

ea0029s35.1 | Endocrinology and the Olympics: Will hormones help to win? | ICEECE2012

Does the high performance athlete need hormone replacement?

Di Luigi L.

Endogenous hormones (e.g. catecholamines, glucocorticoids, growth hormones, androgens, growth factors) may affect the characteristics of physical capacity and performance in athletes by influencing, throughout long-term and short term effects, morphological and functional qualities of neuromuscular, cardiovascular, metabolic and adaptive systems. Exercise per se is associated to the release of different hormones: acute exercise stimulates an acute hormones secretion (e.g. cate...

ea0029s35.2 | Endocrinology and the Olympics: Will hormones help to win? | ICEECE2012

Can an endocrine patient participate in high performance sports?

Auchus R. , Brenna J. , Tobias H. , Zhang Y.

The question posed by this title encompasses three issues. First, certain endocrine diseases present physiologic challenges to high-intensity or endurance activities, including type 1 diabetes mellitus and adrenal insufficiency. Using carefully adjusted insulin regimens evolved in concert with training sessions, several athletes with type 1 diabetes have succeeded in elite competitions, but the endocrinologist must ‘train with the athlete’ and craft regimens that con...

ea0029s35.3 | Endocrinology and the Olympics: Will hormones help to win? | ICEECE2012

Hormone abuse in sports: the knowns and unknowns

Thevis M.

Sports drug testing laboratories are facing multifaceted challenges including the misuse of naturally/endogenously occurring substances, non-approved/discontinued drug candidates, urine manipulation, etc. In order to enable the differentiation of licit drug use and/or the natural variation of hormone concentrations (due to e.g. legal interventions) from doping offences, best-possible analytical performance is required. Therefore, modern doping control analytical assays commonl...