Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2013) 31 YE1.1 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.31.YE1.1

SFEBES2013 Young Endocrinologists Session Maintaining your endocrine career despite what life throws at you (6 abstracts)

Maintaining an active basic research career whilst juggling an academic and personal life

Gareth Lavery

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.

We all want to be earnest and successful basic researchers; usually this means running a group and this can be difficult when as an academic you will also have administrative duties, committees to attend and teaching to give. And as a rounded and fulfilled human being you will have a personal life that rewards in many other ways, such as a passion for sport, family or other activities. Life is and should be fluid, so it is unrealistic and unrewarding to schedule an equal number of hours for each of your various work and personal activities, you have to use common sense, get support from friends and family, involve mentors and managers and offer it in return, to ultimately balance all the important things in life.

For some, working long hours creates value and balance in their lives. For others, it is not a routine they can productively or enjoyable maintain. A good work-life balance for someone who has no children may be different than that of someone with children. The best work-life balance for you may be different than that of your co-workers or your manager.

We will explore some ways in which we can balance our academic and personal lives so that we are fulfilled at all levels and therefore better equipped to continue being contented and successful scientists. We will also discuss how building around you a team of trusted and dependable colleagues, supportive family, friends, mentors and managers will provide balance, harmony and productivity. It is important that you, as an individual, find ways to create the right work-life balance for yourself.

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