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15th European Congress of Endocrinology


Cushing's Disease with negative pituitary imaging

ea0032s2.2 | Cushing's Disease with negative pituitary imaging | ECE2013

Surgical approach to corticotroph adenomas poorly visible at preoperative imaging

Buchfelder Michael

Most pituitary operations for Cushings’s disease are technically difficult procedures. Since the souce of excessive ACTH-secretion in Cushing’s disesase is almost invariably a pituitary microadenoma, selective resection of this minute tumor is considered the primary standard therapy. However, almost half of the tumors escape direct preoperative detection even by sophisticated magnetic resonance imaging. Thus, in these the indication for surgery is based on laboratory...

ea0032s2.3 | Cushing's Disease with negative pituitary imaging | ECE2013

Medical approach to Cushing’s disease: results of a French multicentre study

Castinetti Frederic

Surgery remains the first line treatment of Cushing’s disease. However, recent studies based on long term follow-up showed that the risk of late recurrence was close to 20–30% cases, whatever the immediate post-surgical cortisol level. In other cases, surgery is not possible due to contra-indications, or refusal by the patient. Medical treatment is thus of major importance in the management of Cushing’s disease, also taking into account the delay to obtain maxim...