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Endocrine Abstracts (2016) 41 EP706 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.41.EP706

ECE2016 Eposter Presentations Growth hormone IGF axis - basic (12 abstracts)

The association between neutrophil and lymphocyte ratio in patients diagnosed with acromegaly

Kenan Çadırcı 1 , Yasemin Kaya 2 , Şenay Durmaz 3 , Abdulmuttalip Arslan 1 & Ayşe Çarlıoğlu 1

1Department of İnternal Medicine, Erzurum Training and Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey; 2Department of İnternal Medicine, Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey; 3Department of İnternal Medicine, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale, Turkey.

Aim: İmpaired glucose tolerance and hyperinsulinism/insulin resistance frequently accompany by acromegaly. NLO (Neutrophile lymphocyte ratio) is demonstrated as a simple indicator of systemic inflammation and it is also known that NLO is associated with atherosclerosis progression in coronary artery and a risk factor in coroner artery disease. In this study, we intend to search the association between both coronary atherosclerosis seen frequently in patients diagnosed with acromegaly and glucose metabolism disorders occurring based on hyperinsulinism as the result of excessive GH release and NLO ratio.

Method: This study included 106 persons which 59 of them were patients with acromegaly and 47 of them who were healthy and no significantly different statistically in terms of age were in control group. The mean age of patients was 44.1±13.8 years and the mean age of control group was 38.8±15.4 years. There was no a significant difference statistically between them (P=0.06).

Result: In our results, we statistically detected a significant difference in NLO level (mean NLO levels 2.1±1.0 in acromegaly group vs. 1.5±0.6 in control group, respectively, P=0.002) CRP level (mean CRP level 3.5±3.3 mg/dl in acromegaly group vs. 1.3±1.2 mg/dl control group, respectively, P=0.004). There was a significant difference statistically between the patients and control groups, respectively in terms of neutrophile (4.9±1.9 and 3.9±1.2 P=0.01), fasting blood glucose (111.6±37.1 and 88.2±6.8 P=0.0001) and fasting insulin levels (20.1±19.3 and 8.4±6.7 P=0.03). It was determined a positive correlation between NLO and neutrophile (r=0.58, P=0.0001), between CRP and HOMA score (r=0.61, P=0.003) in the patients with acromegaly.

Discussion: Based on the outcomes provided by this study, it was found that excessive growth hormone release formed an inflammatory environment by effecting glucose mechanism and also increasing coroner atherosclerosis

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