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18th European Congress of Endocrinology

18th European Congress of Endocrinology 2016

Clinical Endocrinology Trust Award & Lecture

ea0041cetl1 | Clinical Endocrinology Trust Award & Lecture | ECE2016


Arlt Wiebke

Steroids are central regulators of human physiology and disease. Steroid synthesis does not only taking place in adrenal and gonads but in all cells of the body that are equipped with steroidogenic enzymes, which allows targeted tissue-specific steroid activation and inactivation. We have developed steroid metabolomics as an innovative approach to the understanding of steroid biology by combining mass spectrometry-based steroid measurement with large scale data analysis with m...

ea0041cetl1biog | Clinical Endocrinology Trust Award & Lecture | ECE2016

Clinical Endocrinology Trust Award & Lecture

The Clinical Endocrinology Trust (CET) Award is given for clinical research that addresses aspects of endocrinology at the forefront of clinical practice. The award is sponsored by the Clinical Endocrinology Trust, and consists of an honorarium and a prize medal. The winner is invited to give a lecture at the annual European Congress of Endocrinology.Wiebke Arlt is the William Withering Chair of...