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Endocrine Abstracts (2018) 56 EP11 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.56.EP11

Central Hospital of Army, Algiers, Algeria.

Introduction: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNET) are a heterogeneous group with various clinical presentations and lineage. They have an incidence of one per 100 000 individuals per year and represent about 1–2% of all pancreatic tumors. Non functional PNET (NF-PNET) are incidentally discovered in most cases. Pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors constitue a distinct category of tumors with morphologic and biologic neuroendocrine features, they present 20–30% of all NETs and 11–14% of all lung cancers. The association of the two tumors has never been reported.

Case report: We report a case of 46-year old men without particular pathological history admitted to our unit in October 2017 for impairment of general condition and abdominal pain. Clinical examination found a weakened (BMI: 17 kg/m2) anorexic patient emaciated and jaundice. No carcinoid syndrome or clinical signs of tumor hypersecretion. The thoraco-abdomino-pelvic CT scan objectified a left mediastino-pulmonary mass measuring 162*91 mm with a necrotic pancreatic cephalic mass measuring 34*32 mm. Transthoracic pulmonary biopsy was realized; the pathological study concluded to a large cell lung primitive neuroendocrine carcinoma with positive immuno-histo-chemical study to chromogranin; synaptophysin; TTF1; and a Ki67 very high at 80%. We completed our investigation with a echoendoscopic biopsy of the pancreatic mass. The pathological and immunohistochimical study concluded to a primitive low differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma grade 3 (chromogranine − synaptophysine +; CD56+; Ki67: 60%). Brain scan has found multiple cerebral secondary locations. Chemotherapy has been proposed to our patient, unfortunately he died before starting this treatment.

Conclusion: The combination of two primitive neuroendocrine tumors at the same time is very rare, the case of our patient is probably the first case reported in the literature.

Volume 56

20th European Congress of Endocrinology

Barcelona, Spain
19 May 2018 - 22 May 2018

European Society of Endocrinology 

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