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Endocrine Abstracts (2024) 99 EP635 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.99.EP635

ECE2024 Eposter Presentations Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition (383 abstracts)

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) satisfaction in patient with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM), An audit of Irish population attending Diabetes outpatient clinic

Hurmat Walli 1 , Derek O’Keefe 2 , Donal O’Shea 1 & Catriona Jennings 2

1St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Ireland; 2University of Galway, Galway, Ireland

Aims: • To audit CGM satisfaction in adult patients with T1DM, in Irish outpatient setting.• To compare CGM satisfaction of patients attending public vs private setup.• To compare CGM satisfaction of patients to perception of Diabetes Educators regarding CGM satisfaction of their patients.

Methods: This audit is a cross-sectional survey, conducted from April 2023 to June 2023, using a validated questionnaire; The Glucose Monitoring Satisfaction Survey (GMSS)1. Total 114 patients with T1DM, attending Diabetes Outpatients Clinic in St. Vincent’s University Hospital and St Vincent’s Private Hospital participated in the survey and completed the questionnaire. 8 Diabetes Educators (7 Diabetes Specialist Nurses and 1 Dietician), also completed the GMSS to express their perception of device satisfaction of their patients with T1DM using CGM. Participants were also invited to make any additional comments they have, to have qualitative data.

Results: All patients with T1DM were found to have high overall device satisfaction (M= 4.07, SD 0.66787). No statistically significant difference was observed among CGM satisfaction of patients attending public vs private setups (t (96) = -0.088, ρ = 0.381). Diabetes Educators also perceived high device satisfaction of their patients and comparison with CGM satisfaction of patients did not yield any statistically significant difference (t (102) = 0.311 ρ = 0.756).

Conclusion: High device satisfaction was found in patients with T1DM attending Diabetes clinic in St. Vincent’s university and St. Vincent’s private hospital. Diabetes Educators also perceive that their patients are satisfied with their device use.

Table 1. CGM satisfaction of patients with T1DM.
Mean Count Maximum Minimum Standard Deviation
Emotoinal Burden 4.10 114 5.00 1.75 .89
Behavioral Burden 4.31 114 5.00 2.50 6.5
Trust 3.72 114 5.00 1.00 1.02
total 4.07 114 5.00 2.20 .66
Table 2. Comparison of CGM satisfaction of patients attending Public Vs Private outpatient services.
Group Statistics
total Hospital name N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
St. Vincents University Hosital (public) 44 4.0000 .64476 .09720
St. Vincents Private Hosital 58 4.1161 .67035 .08802

Keywords: Type 1 Diabetes, CGM satisfaction, QoL, Adults, Diabetes Educators

Reference: 1. Development of a New Measure for Assessing Glucose Monitoring Device-Related Treatment Satisfaction and Quality of Life. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2015;17(9):657-63.

Volume 99

26th European Congress of Endocrinology

Stockholm, Sweden
11 May 2024 - 14 May 2024

European Society of Endocrinology 

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