Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0095p84 | Adrenal 2 | BSPED2023

Evaluation of early morning cortisol levels compared to short synacthen test to assess adrenal function

Bornat Sylvie , Gorman Samantha , Hendriks Emile , Labeja Betty , Reyes Karis , Sparrow Susan , Thankamony Ajay , Marchovecchio Loredana , Oddy Sue , Walton-Betancourth Sandra

Background: The short synacthen test (SST) is commonly used to evaluate the integrity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis in children. However, this test is time-consuming, requiring cannulation, several blood samples, and medical observation. Studies in adults have suggested an early morning serum cortisol level could be used to rule out or confirm adrenal insufficiency, reducing reliance on SSTs, however, few studies have evaluated thi...

ea0065p352 | Reproductive Endocrinology and Biology | SFEBES2019

Oxytocin as a new target in treating ejaculatory disorders?

Stadler Beatrix , Kampschulte Marian , Wagenlehner Florian , Exintaris Betty , Middendorff Ralf

Oxytocin was suggested to affect sperm volume and ejaculation. The most distal part of the epididymis stores the sperm until ejaculation and was therefore our main focus when investigating parts of the rat epididymis and vas deferens for local differences of the contractile responses to oxytocin in comparison to norepinephrine regarding their usability for targeted drug development. Single loops of the coiled epididymal duct from defined parts of the epididymis and the adjacen...

ea0044ep9 | (1) | SFEBES2016

Case of prolonged hypoaldosteronism after unilateral adrenalectomy for Conn’s syndrome

Shrikrishna Natasha , Koko Naing , Jones Ellen , Loumpardia Betty , Wong Steven , Nyunt Aye

Introduction: Unilateral adrenalectomy is an effective treatment for aldosterone producing adenoma. However, after adrenalectomy, suppression of the contralateral zona glomerolura (ZG) function can lead to transient hypotension & hyperkalaemia. We present a protracted case of post-operative adrenalectomy related hypoaldosteronism.Case: A 54-year-old hypertensive male with confirmed primary hyperaldoseronism (PRA<0.1 nm/h, aldosterone 1050 pmol/l;...

ea0027p51 | (1) | BSPED2011

Continuing variation in DKA guidelines despite national guidelines

Messazos Betty , Payne Susan , Ackland Frances , McAuley Antoinette , Hind Ed , Burren Christine , Edge Julie

Since the introduction of national BSPED DKA guidelines we wondered whether the previous variability in DKA guidelines would be abolished.Aim: To explore the variability of guidelines in three regional diabetes networks in South West (SW) and South Central England and to compare them to the current BSPED guidelines.Methods: Within an audit of in-patient care, a copy of the DKA guidelines was requested from 27 services. General layo...

ea0028oc1.7 | Young Endocrinologists prize session | SFEBES2012

Progressive adrenal insufficiency and 46,XY DSD caused by two novel mutations in the cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (CYP11A1) gene

Parajes Silvia , Chan Angel , But Betty , Rose Ian , Taylor Angela , Griffin Aliesha , Dhir Vivek , Arlt Wiebke , Krone Nils

Cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A1) catalyses the first and rate-limiting step of steroidogenesis. CYP11A1 firstly converts cholesterol into 22R-hydroxycholesterol, which relies on mitochondrial steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR)-mediated cholesterol import. Two further StAR-independent CYP11A1 reactions facilitate pregnenolone biosynthesis. CYP11A1 deficiency is rare and manifests with adrenal insufficiency (AI), and, in 46,XY individuals, with nor...