Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0013p266 | Steroids | SFEBES2007

A case of Addison’s disease associated with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism

Zachariah Sunil , Hyer Steve

A 30 year old gentleman was admitted to our department with symptoms of tiredness and weight loss over the past 3 weeks. He also gave a history of erectile dysfunction for several years. His only significant past history was asthma well controlled on inhalers. On examination he appeared tanned. There was no buccal or skin crease pigmentation. Smell sensation was normal and he had normal external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics.Initial inve...

ea00100wf5.1 | Workshop F: Disorders of the parathyroid glands, calcium metabolism and bone | SFEEU2024

An unusual life threatening presentation of hypocalcemia

Verma Amit , Zachariah Sunil

A 40 y /M with no previous CVS/family history, presented with fall. On history, he was feeling unwell, had Appetite loss × 3 months, progressive SOB, Orthopnoea, PND and palpitations. No chest pain/fever. On Examination, he had tachycardia (160) and irregular rhythm, raised JVP, SpO2 92%, B/l ankle edema, bibasal fine inspiratory crackles in chest, Hepatomegaly(3 cm) CVS :S3 gallop, mild TR, MR. ECG: sinus rhythm with freq ectopics, long QT, paroxysms of tachycardia, T wa...

ea0021p387 | Thyroid | SFEBES2009

Bulbar myopathy as a rare presenting feature of severe thyrotoxicosis in an elderly man

Martin Allison , Foster Kenneth , Zachariah Sunil

A 74-year-old gardener developed progressive dysphagia for solids and liquids over 15 months. He lost five stone in weight and became increasingly weak. There was nothing significant in his past medical and drug histories. He is married, never smoked and drank little alcohol.He had an acute medical admission via A&E in April 2008 for profound dehydration and cachexia. His weight was 41.5 kg. There were no gross neurological deficits but he had hoarse...

ea0013p281 | Steroids | SFEBES2007

An adrenal ‘coming full circle’

Zachariah Sunil , Nussey Steve , Bano G

37 year old gentleman presented with Cushing’s disease at the age of 15 with obesity, growth retardation, and vertebral fracture. After bilateral adrenalectomy and pituitary irradiation he was treated with hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone. After being lost to follow up for a number of years he was referred to our endocrine clinic in 1999. Clinical examination revealed that he was obese (BMI 39.2), hypertensive and had marked abdominal striae. Investigations revealed an ...

ea0069p38 | Poster Presentations | SFENCC2020

Requirement of staged interventions in a complex case of Acromegaly and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Dhar Mili , Elias Jennifer , Field Benjamin , Zachariah Sunil , Emmanuel Julian

Section 1: Case history: We present the case of a 35-year-old gentleman referred by his GP to Endocrinology clinic for loss of libido and testosterone deficiency. His co-morbidities included obesity (BMI 59 kg/m2), hypertension and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) requiring overnight continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) therapy. Routine pituitary profile showed luteinising hormone 4.8 IU/l (1–8), testosterone 7.1 nmol/l (8–25), prolactin 232 mU/l (86&...

ea0048cp7 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2017

Postpartum diagnosis of a phaeochromocytoma: A lucky escape!

Raj Suchitra , Edwards Sophie , Clark James , Field Benjamin , Zachariah Sunil

A 34-year old lady presented in the postpartum period following her 3rd pregnancy with severe hypertension. Her first two pregnancies were 3 and 5 years previously where she delivered via elective Caesarean section without any complications. During this pregnancy which was a twin pregnancy, her antenatal care was mainly unremarkable but on specific questioning, she reported increased sweating for a period of 4 months. Her blood pressure was noted to be normal during her antena...

ea0041gp61 | Clinical Case Reports | ECE2016

An unusual presentation of an ovarian teratoma

Hill Natalie , Lakshmipathy Kavitha , Clark James , Field Benjamin , Zachariah Sunil

Introduction: Hormone-secreting teratomas are well described. However teratomas secreting pancreatic hormones are rare, with even fewer cases producing clinically significant effects. We describe possibly the first documented case of hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia due to an insulin-secreting ovarian teratoma.Case report: A 23-year-old woman presented with transient symptoms of lethargy and weakness. She had used her father’s capillary glucose meter...

ea0034p101 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2014

Efficacy and safety of doxazosin in perioperative management of phaeochromocytoma

Das Gautam , Clark James , Field Benjamin , Zachariah Sunil

Case history: We present the case of a 40-year-old man who was referred to a cardiologist with hypertension. He was initiated on bisoprolol and doxazosin. Investigations revealed elevated urinary metanephrines and catecholamines, with normetadrenaline 7.4 μmol/24 h (normal <2), noradrenaline 820 nmol/24 h (normal <500) but normal dopamine levels. He was referred to our clinic. Two further 24 h urine catecholamine assays were elevated. Dexamethasone suppression tes...

ea0028p384 | Thyroid | SFEBES2012

Audit of one stop thyroid nodule clinic

Chinnasamy Eswari , Ziauddin Veqas , Zachariah Sunil , Clark James

Introduction: Palpable thyroid nodules have a prevalence of 4–7%, which increases with imaging. About 5% are malignant. Efficient management is essential. USG and FNAC are valuable in assessing and preventing unnecessary thyroidectomies. Objective To compare our practice with local and Royal College of Pathologists guidelines. Methods All thyroid nodule patients seen in clinic between April to September 2010 were included. Data collected included age, gender, TFT, thyroid...

ea0015p39 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2008

Granuloma annulare: a rare association with autoimmune Addisons disease

Nasruddin Azraai , Pusalkar Pawan , Zachariah Sunil , Russell-Jones David

We describe our patient, a 50 year old lady who developed Addisons disease 10 years ago with typical signs and symptoms of weight loss, hyperpigmentation, tiredness and postural hypotension. She is under follow up at our clinic for last 4 years. Her identical twin was diagnosed with Addisons disease and hypothyroidism at age 27 and with Coeliac disease when she was 43. Both of them are positive for anti-adrenal and TPO antibodies.Our patient developed le...