Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea00100oc8 | Oral Communications | SFEEU2024

Dexamethasone-suppressed PET CT, using an 18F-ligand (‘CETO’), allows non-invasive diagnosis of unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma, and prediction of complete clinical cure after adrenalectomy

Kearney Jessica , Goodchild Emily , Wu Xilin , Cheow Heok , Gurnell Mark , Drake William , Brown Morris J

Case History: A 57-year-old lady was referred with a 6-year history of hypertension and hypokalaemia necessitating hospital admission. Her medical background included breast cancer managed with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. She required Eplerenone 50 mg OD and Amlodipine 5 mg to control her hypertension, and Sando-K 2 tablets TDS to maintain normokalaemia. The patient was enrolled into the MATCH trial comparing adrenal vein sampling (AVS) with [11C]-metomi...

ea00100p37 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2024

PET CT and ultrasound-guided endoscopic radiofrequency ablation: almost a one-stop, minimally-invasive cure for hypertension due to an aldosterone-producing adenoma

Kearney Jessica , Goodchild Emily , Wu Xilin , Goodchild George , Cheow Heok , Gurnell Mark , Drake William , Brown Morris

Case history: A 39-year-old gentleman was referred to the Endocrine clinic with a 5-year history of hypertension and intermittent hypokalaemia. He had been seen in the hypertension clinic, screened for secondary causes, and found to have an aldosterone of 604 pmol/l, renin <0.2 nmol/l/hr and potassium 3.7 mmo/l (off interfering medication), in-keeping with a diagnosis of Primary Aldosteronism (PA). His blood pressure was 126/82 mmHg on Ramipril 10 mg, Amlodipine 5 mg OD an...

ea0077p95 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary | SFEBES2021

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)-related pituitary apoplexy

Serban Laura , MacFarlane James , Senanayake Russell , Stastna Daniela , Mathew Rajeev , Sharma Rishi , Mannion Richard , Gurnell Mark , Bashari Waiel

Background: Pituitary apoplexy is a relatively rare but important clinical syndrome which may be associated with acute headache, visual compromise and hypopituitarism. It can be the initial presentation of a previously unsuspected pituitary macroadenoma. Recognised risk factors include hypertension and the use of antiplatelet agents and/or anticoagulant therapy. It may be life-threatening, requiring emergency endocrine (e.g hydrocortisone) replacement therapy[1] and...

ea0055p32 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2018

Clinical and biochemical acromegaly associated with a functioning pituitary FSHoma

Huang-Doran Isabel , Koulouri Olympia , Oddy Sue , Halsall David , Allinson Kieren , O'Donovan Dominic , Mannion Richard , Gurnell Mark

Case history: A previously healthy 39 year-old male presented to his optometrist with visual disturbance. Visual field perimetry confirmed bitemporal hemianopia, prompting referral to endocrinology. On questioning, he reported an increase in hand and shoe size, but no headache or diaphoresis. Examination revealed classical acromegaloid features including prognathism, spatulate hands and prominent orbital margins, as well as marked bilateral macro-orchidism.<p class="abstex...

ea0081ep84 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2022

The primary aldosteronism rollercoaster: hypoaldosteronism as a potential postoperative complication

Palma August , Hu Lihua , Cheow Heok , Mendichovszky Iosif , Kosmoliaptsis Vasilis , Marker Alison , Bashari Waiel , Senanayake Russell , Gurnell Mark

Introduction: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a common and potentially reversible cause of secondary hypertension, characterised by resistance to standard antihypertensive therapy and possible hypokalaemia. Lateralisation investigations, including adrenal vein sampling (AVS), are required to distinguish between unilateral or bilateral disease, with unilateral disease representing a potentially surgically curable form of PA. The majority of patients proceeding to adrenalectomy re...

ea0050p291 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary | SFEBES2017

Predictors of post-operative hypopituitarism following transsphenoidal surgery

Mulay Akhilesh , Moneim Joe , Keenan Heather , Flynn Rachel , Walsh Sean , Misquita Lauren , Koulouri Olympia , Powlson Andrew S , Gurnell Mark

Background & Aims: The aims of transsphenoidal surgery (restoration/preservation of vision and amelioration of hormonal excess) are balanced against the risk of inducing new post-operative pituitary deficits. This study aims to assess the rate of new anterior hormonal deficits following transsphenoidal pituitary adenoma surgery in our centre and to assess whether the visibility of normal pituitary gland on pre-operative imaging predic...

ea0050p291 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary | SFEBES2017

Predictors of post-operative hypopituitarism following transsphenoidal surgery

Mulay Akhilesh , Moneim Joe , Keenan Heather , Flynn Rachel , Walsh Sean , Misquita Lauren , Koulouri Olympia , Powlson Andrew S , Gurnell Mark

Background & Aims: The aims of transsphenoidal surgery (restoration/preservation of vision and amelioration of hormonal excess) are balanced against the risk of inducing new post-operative pituitary deficits. This study aims to assess the rate of new anterior hormonal deficits following transsphenoidal pituitary adenoma surgery in our centre and to assess whether the visibility of normal pituitary gland on pre-operative imaging predic...

ea0069p4 | Poster Presentations | SFENCC2020

Applying a novel molecular imaging technique in a case of pseudo-phaeochromocytoma

Sheikh Anum , Senanayake Russell , Bisambar Chad , Bashari Waiel , Shaw Ashley , Cheow Heok , Challis Ben , Gurnell Mark , Casey Ruth

Case history: A 41 year old female was admitted following development of severe hypertension (226/146 mmHg), complicated by heart failure and acute kidney injury. She otherwise had no relevant past medical history. On clinical examination she was obese (BMI 51.94 kg/m2). As part of her cardiac investigations, she underwent a cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which detected a 3 cm right sided adrenal nodule. An adrenal biochemical screen identified an elevated...

ea0065p341 | Nursing practice | SFEBES2019

One-week biochemical investigations in Cushing’s disease – from the endocrine specialist nurse perspective

Serban Laura , Palma August , Hu Lihua , Hale Julia , Tapa Denise , Pitfield Deborah , Senanayake Russell , Bashari Waiel A , Gurnell Mark

Background: Cushing’s disease is the most common cause of endogenous Cushing’s syndrome in adults, affecting females>males (ratio 3:1). In suspected cases, careful clinical assessment is required to ascertain a pre-test probability. This is followed by robust biochemical testing, which guides further management.One-week test protocol: Congruent biochemical tests are conducted over a one-week period in an outpatient setting. Patients attend on d...

ea0048cp4 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2017

A novel approach to the investigation of an atypical adrenal lesion: 11C-metomidate PET-CT combined with 18F-FDG PET-CT in a rare case of adrenal Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Powlson Andrew S , Koulouri Olympia , Cheow Heok K , Shaw Ashley , Jamieson Neville V , Follows George , Gurnell Mark

Case history: A 66-year-old man presented with a 1 month history of a productive cough, in the context of a 20 pack-year smoking history. CT chest revealed minor bronchiectasis and an incidental 3 cm right adrenal lesion. He was referred to the endocrine clinic for further evaluation. On questioning, he reported no symptoms suggestive of adrenal hormone hypersecretion and, aside from a short history (<1 month) of sweating episodes at night, he described no other constituti...