Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0032p1134 | Thyroid cancer | ECE2013

Brain metastases of papillary thyroid cancer: a case report and literature review

Ahmed-Ali Leila , Chentli Farida

Introduction: Papillary thyroid carcinoma is characterized by a good prognosis and a slow progression. Its metastases are usually located in cervical lymph nodes. But, sometimes they can reach the lung and bones. Cerebral metastases are exceptional as they have been reported in only 4%. Single or multiple, they can be totally symptomatic, but they are life threatening and require specific care as in the following caseCase report: A man aged 56, was refer...

ea0081p242 | Thyroid | ECE2022

Dyslipidemia in subclinical hypothyroidism : a case control study

Ahmed Ali Leila , Soumaya Fedala Nora

Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) represents a mild or compensated form of primary hypothyroidism. Although the relationship between SH and lipid profile have been reported in several studies, the results are conflicting. The objective of the present study is to assess dyslipidemia among patients with SCH. Our study included 107 patients vs 108 sex matched controls. Clinical information and medical history were obtained through a questionnary from all SCH patients and normal co...

ea0056p55 | Adrenal cortex (to include Cushing's) | ECE2018

Abnormal salivary cortisol result in patient with low probability of Cushing disease

Ahmed Ali , Shah Najeeb , Mohammed Kamrudeen

We presenting a case of 26 old lady who is known to have Denys-Drash syndrome, epilepsy and bronchial asthma who presented with history of recent significant weight gain, extensive abdominal bruising and significant muscle weakness which she described literally as not able to use her upper limbs to move to help shuffle her bottom in the floor, a manoeuvre that she was able to do before. Patient is on Carbamazepine, sodium valporate, levetiracetam , salbutamol and Pulmicort inh...

ea0032p1135 | Thyroid cancer | ECE2013

Choroidal bilateral metastases from thyroid carcinoma: report of a case and review of the literature

Ahmed-Ali Leila , Amirou Lylia , Chentli Farida

Introduction: Metastases of thyroid carcinoma to the choroid and/or orbit are rare and usually occur at an advanced stage of the disease. The principal symptoms are decreased or blurred vision and/or persistent eye pain but they can be totally asymptomatic. They are diagnosed by ultrasound ocular CT and/or MRI scanning. The diagnosis is certain if they fix radioactive iodine. Their prognosis is very bad. Enucleation is the treatment of choice in cases of visual impairment. We ...

ea0037ep35 | Adrenal cortex | ECE2015

The safety of steroid replacement and patient's knowledge

Ahmed Ali , Mumdzic Enis , Wolfsan Paul , Atabani Suha , Malik Mohammed

Background: In steroid dependent patients the knowledge of steroid dose change during illness and stress is of paramount importance.Objectives: i) To assess patient’s knowledge of steroid management during acute illness and stressful condition. ii) To evaluate whether there is a relation between patient knowledge and admission with documented adrenal crisis. iii) To improve medical access to information about patients on steroid at Emergency Departm...

ea0037ep856 | Thyroid cancer | ECE2015

Brain metastases of thyroid carcinoma: a report of two cases and review of the literature

Leila Ahmed-Ali , Soumeya Fedala Nora , Farida Chentli

Introduction: Brain metastases of thyroid carcinomas are rare (0.1–5%) according to the literature data. They generally occur in a context of metastatic spread which has a serious impact on survival. We report two cases and will review the literature data.Observations: Case 1: 57-year-old patient monitoring for papillary thyroid carcinoma in its solid form trabecular classified T4N0M1with lung metastases. Following a neurological symptoms of tonic-c...

ea0037ep889 | Thyroid cancer | ECE2015

Pleural metastasis of papillary thyroid carcinoma: case report and review of literature

Leila Ahmed-Ali , Soumeya Fedala Nora , Farida Chentli

Introduction: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has generally good prognosis, and distant spread is rare. Common sites of distant metastasis are lung parenchyma and bone. Pleural metastasis is less common (0.6%), and most cases have been detected because of pleural effusion. Malignant pleural effusion is a poor prognostic factor among patients with PTC. We report a case of pleural metastasis of PTC proved by pleural biopsy.Case report: A 62-year-old man ...

ea0029p1845 | Thyroid cancer | ICEECE2012

Bilateral adrenal metastases due to follicular thyroid carcinoma: case report and litterature review.

Ahmed Ali L. , Latreche B. , Aimeur C. , Baba Ahmed R. , Mansouri B. , Chentli F.

Introduction: Apart from pulmonary and bone localizations, distant metastases from well differentiated thyroid carcinomas are very rare. Among them the adrenal ones are exceptional, and have generally a poor prognosis. The proof of the thyroid origin is not easy except if there is a histological confirmation by a CT guided biopsy of the adrenal tumor as in this observationObservation: A woman aged 56 was referred to our unit for pulmonary metastases of a...

ea0065p311 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEBES2019

Intrasellar cyst masquerading as empty sella syndrome: history repeating itself

Wright Thomas , Tao Steven , Harding Joseph , Chatharoo Sarah , Chaturvedi Pankaj , Ahmed Ali

A 57 year-old gentleman with uncomplicated Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and 30 pack year smoking history was assessed in outpatient endocrinology clinic with a 4 month history of non-specific symptoms, including dizziness, lack of energy and intermittent bi-frontal headaches described as ‘pressure behind the eyes’. There was no history of exogenous steroid use. Bloods at 0833 h identified deficiency in testosterone (<1 nmol/l; N= 6–30 nmol/l), thyroxine...

ea0077lb25 | Late Breaking | SFEBES2021

Nelson syndrome - invasive macro-adenoma revealed by pituitary apoplexy

Toubal Sarah Rachida , Choudar Sonia , Ledraa Hanane , Benoumechiara Imene , Ahmed Ali Leila , Fedala Nora Soumeya , El Mahdi Haddam Ali

Nelson syndrome (N S) is the set of symptoms related to a pituitary macroadenoma secreting ACTH developed following a bilateral adrenalectomy (BA). Its frequency is thought to account for up to 40% of adult cushing diseases (CD) who have undergone BA. We report the case of a patient with macroinvasive NS revealed by pituitary apoplexy. Mr M.L aged 35 years, followed for CD with negative imaging evolving for ten years, treated with BA. The evaluation at 03 months post-surgery n...