Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0049gp30 | Adrenal 3 | ECE2017

Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia with cyclical ectopic adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion

Machenahalli Pratibha , Mills E , Ali N , Todd JF

DIPNECH is pre-invasive precursor to carcinoid tumors and tmorlets, most of which present with pulmonary symptoms. We present a case of ectopic cyclical ACTH producing DIPNECH.33-year lady presented with a short history of weight gain, abdominal striae, proximal myopathy and secondary amenorrhoea. She reported a previous episode with similar symptoms one year earlier which resolved spontaneously after a few weeks. Random cortisol 4000 nmol/l, ACTH 98 ng/...

ea0094p377 | Reproductive Endocrinology | SFEBES2023

Hypoglycaemia in pregnancy post bariatric surgery: A case series

Narunsky Rachel , N Ali Sarah , Singh Vinita , Karra Efthimia , Rosenthal Miranda , Yousseif Ahmed , Armeni Eleni

Background: Bariatric surgery (BS) is a well-documented treatment targeting weight loss excess. There is little evidence on the impact of BS on antenatal glycaemic control. We present four cases of pregnancy post-BS, reviewed in the joint antenatal clinic, who experienced various degrees of hypoglycaemia during pregnancy.Case presentations: Four pregnant women (cases A–D, aged 25–36-years-old, 3–8years pos...

ea0023oc1.4 | Oral Communications 1 | BSPED2009

A multisystem disorder associated with defective selenoprotein synthesis and a thyroid signature

Padidela R , Al-Ali N , Schoenmakers E , Agostini M , Rajanayagam O , Dattani M T , Chatterjee V K K

The superfamily of ~25 human selenoproteins includes antioxidant and oxidoreductase enzymes together with other proteins of unknown function. We describe a child with a multisystem disorder involving deficiencies of several selenoproteins, identified on the basis of abnormal thyroid function.A 3.6-year-old male was referred with elevated free thyroxine (FT4 – 44.4 pmol/l (N 12–22)), low free triiodothyronine (FT3 &#...

ea0019p276 | Pituitary | SFEBES2009

Hyperthyroxinaemia with non-suppressed TSH in a clinically euthyroid woman with an unusual sella mass

Al-Ali N , Halsall D , Antoun N , Pickard J , Wood D , Simpson H , Jennings A , Chatterjee K , Gurnell M

Introduction: Thyrotropinomas comprise <1% of all pituitary tumours, but detection is increasing with more widespread use of ultrasensitive TSH assays. Although distinct, the classical biochemical signature – hyperthyroxinaemia with non-suppressed TSH – is not specific to thyrotropinoma, as drug effects, non-thyroidal illness, and assay interference can all yield similar patterns of thyroid function tests. Even when these more common confounders have been exclude...

ea0104p142 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

Kisspeptin does not induce anxiety in humans

G. Mills Edouard , Thurston Layla , Yang Lisa , Suladze Sofiya , Hunjan Tia , Phylactou Maria , Patel Bijal , A. Clarke Sophie , J. Shah Amar , Izzi-Engbeaya Chioma , Tsoutsouki Jovanna , Young Megan , Bech Paul , Ertl Natalie , Demetriou Lysia , B. Wall Matthew , Goldmeier David , Abbara Ali , N. Comninos Alexander , S. Dhillo Waljit

Background: The neuropeptide kisspeptin is a critical endogenous activator of the reproductive system, with escalating clinical interest as a novel therapeutic agent for reproductive and psychosexual disorders. However, conflicting animal data suggest that kisspeptin can have anxiolytic, neutral, or anxiogenic effects. Given the rapid development of kisspeptin-based therapeutics, it is important to clarify kisspeptin’s effects on psychometric measures of anxiety and assoc...