ea0044p8 | Adrenal and Steroids | SFEBES2016
Taylor David R
, Leong Christine H M
, Bhatt Aagna E
, Ghataore Lea
, Aylwin Simon
, Whitelaw Ben
, Vincent Royce P
Introduction: Pituitary and adrenal Cushings may be managed by pharmacological-inhibition of adrenal steroidogenesis, using metyrapone and/or ketoconazole. Assessment of biochemical control is challenging owing to cross-reactivity in immunoassays (e.g. cortisol and 11-deoxycortisol) leading to over/under-treatment. Off-target effects can also result, e.g. hyperandrogenism/mineralocorticoid hypertension (increased 11-deoxycorticosterone/DOC). LC-MS/MS analysis is free fro...