ea0035p519 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | ECE2014
Monzani Maria Laura
, Brigante Giulia
, Marino Marco
, Bonacini Lara
, Pignatti Elisa
, Cioni Katia
, Madeo Bruno
, Rochira Vincenzo
, Santi Daniele
, Maiorana Antonino
, Carani Cesare
, Simoni Manuela
Objective: Thyroid fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is indeterminate in 1525% of cases. Recently, cytological analysis was combined to molecular analysis to improve diagnostic accuracy. In the present study, washing liquid of FNA (wFNA) samples were tested for the BRAF V600E mutation, using high resolution melting (HRM) technology. The aim of this study was to demonstrate whether BRAF mutation analysis is accurate in wFNA and, when combined with cytological analysis...