ea0012s1biog | Society for Endocrinology Jubilee Medal Lecture | SFE2006
ea0012s2biog | Society for Endocrinology Asia and Oceania Medal Lecture | SFE2006
ea0012s3biog | Society for Endocrinology Medal Lecture | SFE2006
ea0012s4biog | Society for Endocrinology European Medal Lecture | SFE2006
ea0011oc51 | Calcium and bone OC49 Novartis Oncology Young Investigator Award | ECE2006
Murphy E , Williams AJ , Galliford TM , Costagliola S , Vassart G , Bassett JHD , Williams GR
ea0011oc50 | Calcium and bone OC49 Novartis Oncology Young Investigator Award | ECE2006
Williams GR , Swinhoe R , Murphy E , Williams AJ , Costagliola S , Vassart G , Howell PGT , Boyde A , Flamant F , Samarut J , Weiss R , Refetoff S , Bassett JHD