Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0007s45 | Congenital adrenal hyperplasia | BES2004

Assessing the need for an interpreter in families of children with CAH from an ethnic background

Jones J , Das U , Bucko J , Clayton P , Hall C

Objective: To assess the understanding of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) among families of Caucasian White (W) and Asian (A) with CAH, and also to evaluate the need for interpreters for Asian families attending the North West Regional CAH clinic.Design: A parent directed questionnaire was administered by two interviewers, one of whom spoke Urdu,Punjabi and Bengali to 18 A families ( M = 8 F=18) and 39 W families (M=20 F=22) with children with CAH, ...

ea0039oc6.7 | Oral Communications 6 | BSPED2015

Standard and modified release hydrocortisone formulations: cortisol levels and patient preference

Park J , Henderson T , Leyland H , Das U , Didi M , Ramakrishnan R , Peak M , Blair J

Background: Cortisol profiles during treatment with standard hydrocortisone (StdHC) formulations are unphysiological. Some patients, with low cortisol levels between doses, experience symptomatic hypocortisolaemia and may benefit from modified release hydrocortisone (MRHC). Plenadren is a MRHC licensed for once daily dosing in adults.We offered Plenadren to patients with symptomatic hypocortisolaemia, documented to occur at times of low cortisol levels, ...

ea0004p12 | Clinical case reports | SFE2002


Das U , Issac H , Kanchi H , Price D , Humphrey G , Hall C

SEVERE HYPERCALCEMIA CAUSED BY A VISIBLE PARATHYROID ADENOMA IN AN ADOLESCENT FEMALEU.Das1, H Iassac1, H Kanchi1, DA Price1, GM Humphrey2 & C M Hall1Departments of 1Endocrinology and 2Surgery, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Manchester, Hospital Road, Manchester M27 4HA.A 16-year-old female collapsed following a 24-hour history of severe abdominal pain and vomiting. She was shocked, hypertensive (16...

ea0024p6 | (1) | BSPED2010

Adrenal responses to a simplified low dose short synacthen test (LDSST) in children with asthma

Platt K , Blair J , Lacy D , Peak M , Couriel J , Newland P , Dharmaraj P , Das U , Didi M , Moorcroft T

Introduction: Impairment of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis has been reported widely in children treated with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). The integrity of HPA axis has been assessed using low (500 ng/1.73 m2 body surface area) and standard (250 mg) dose short synacthen tests (SST). Serum cortisol is measured at 0, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 min intervals in the low dose SST (LDSST) and at 0, 30 and 60 min in the standard dose SST (SDSST). The L...

ea0003p164 | Growth and Development | BES2002

Monitoring insulin-like growth factor-I and IGF binding protein-3 in children and adolescents on GH treatment using filter paper blood spots

Das U , Price D , Khosravi J , Wales J , Butler G , Kibirige M , Diamandi A , Jones J , Hall C , Clayton P

In childhood an appropriate response to GH treatment is achieved by titration of growth response against dose administered, with careful observation for side-effects. In order to evaluate the potential use of IGF monitoring in children treated with GH, a cross-sectional study has been carried in 215 children and adolescents (134 with GH deficiency, 54 with Turner syndrome and 29 with non-GHD growth disorders) treated with GH for 0.2 to 13.7 years.IGF-I ...