ea0011p526 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | ECE2006
Lim EL
, Razvi S
, Vaikkakara S
, Ibrahim IM
, Turner S
, Johnson S
, Mason JI
, Lennard TJW
, Bliss R
, Elloitt S
, Richardson D
, Neely RD
, Quinton R
Case report: A 56-year old man presented with a 3 month history of painful bilateral gynaecomastia and sexual dysfunction. Investigations revealed hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism with markedly elevated serum E2, but otherwise normal baseline anterior pituitary function. Tumour markers were negative and adrenal androgens and LFTs were normal. Imaging identified a ∼6 cm right adrenal mass. Preoperative workup excluded phaechromocytoma, but identified low-grade, ACTH-indepen...