Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0104p53 | Bone & Calcium | SFEIES24

Relative energy deficiency in sport in female gaelic athletic association players and the impact on bone health and growth and development

Wyse Adrianne , Connell Louise O. , O'Connor Patrick , Fitzgerald Rachel , Powell Caleb , Flynn Bernadette , Kealy Michelle , Murphy Billy , Courtney Aoife , McCarthy Kelly , Bransfield Alison , Clarke Denise , Costelloe Sean , McCarthy Elaine , Leary Paula O. , Tuthill Antoinette

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S), a potential consequence of low energy availability (LEA) can impact athletic health and performance. Bone health, growth and development can be adversely impacted. The 2023 International Olympic Committee Consensus Statement on RED-S recommends assessment for impairment of bone health, growth and development with DXA scanning and measurement of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1). We aim to investigate if eli...

ea0104p113 | Diabetes & Metabolism | SFEIES24

Relative energy deficiency in sport in female gaelic athletic association players

Wyse Adrianne , Connell Louise O. , Fitzgerald Rachel , Connor Patrick O. , Powell Caleb , O' Flynn Bernadette , Kealy Michelle , Murphy Billy , Courtney Aoife , Bransfield Alison , McCarthy Kelly , Clarke Denise , Costelloe Sean , McCarthy Elaine , Leary Paula O. , Tuthill Antoinette

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) is a syndrome caused by low energy availability (LEA), where an athlete’s energy intake is inadequate to match expenditure. In 2023 the International Olympic Committee released a consensus statement for REDS, with recommendations for studying health outcomes. 1 Our study aims to investigate if elite female Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) players are at risk of LEA and RED-S. 44 female intercounty GAA players were re...