ea0019p72 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2009
Loh V
, Krishnan B
, Prentice M
, Panahloo A
, Seal L
A 54-year-old AfroCarribean woman developed worsening obesity, hypertension, and proximal muscle weakness. Clinical examination revealed cushingoid facies, truncal obesity (BMI 34.8), abdominal striae and a BP of 150/90, FerrimanGallway score 12.Investigations:- FBG 10.7 mmol/l, 24 urine cortisols 147 mmol/l, 207 mmol/l (NR 25280 nmol/24 h), normal short synacthen test (cortisol 471 rising to 1002 nmol/l). Subsequent testing revealed a ...