ea0026p728 | Diabetes (epidemiology, pathophysiology) | ECE2011
Gerlinger-Romero F G-R
, Yonamine C Y Y Yogi
, Campello R S C Saldanha
, Guimaraes-Ferreira L G-F
, Machado U F M Fabres
, Nunes M T N Tereza
Aim: HMβ is a metabolite of leucine commonly used by athletes and in medical practice in order to increase muscle mass and/or minimize protein degradation. We have previously shown that chronic intake of HMβ increases GH synthesis and secretion in rats, which might account to its anabolic effect. However HMβ-treated rats, although normoglycemic, exhibited hyperinsulinemia, suggesting an apparent insulin resistance (IR) state. The present study attempted to inves...