ea0013s45 | Management of endocrine disorders in pregnancy: the mother and the child | SFEBES2007
ea0044oc6.4 | Pregnancy and Reproductive Health | SFEBES2016
McMullan Paul , Hamill Lesley , McCance David , Woodside Jayne , Mullan Karen
ea0059ep42 | Clinical practice, governance & case reports | SFEBES2018
Hunter Amy , Hunter Steven , McCance David , Walsh Joseph
ea0037ep1094 | Endocrine tumours | ECE2015
Armstrong Lee , Rea Teresa , Johnston Brian , McCance David
ea0028p181 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2012
Graham Una , McCance David , Young Ian , Mullan Karen
ea0028p320 | Steroids | SFEBES2012
Graham Una , Hunter Stephen , McCance David , Atkinson Brew , Mullan Karen
ea0020p208 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | ECE2009
Ardill Joy , Armstrong Lee , McCance David , Johnston Brian
ea0020p297 | Clinical case reports and clinical reports | ECE2009
Ardill Joy , Johnston Brian , McCance David , Eatock Martin
ea0068p33 | Abstracts | UKINETS2019
D'Arcy Robert , McCance David , Johnston Brian , Eatock Martin , Wallace Ian , Graham Una
ea0044p7 | Adrenal and Steroids | SFEBES2016
McKeever Edward , McCance David R , Hunter Steven J , Courtney Hamish , Mullan Karen R , Graham Una M