ea0078cme4.2 | Session 4 | BSPED2021
ea0034s12.3 | Getting excited about sugar - the brain and blood glucose control (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Endocrine Connections</emphasis>) | SFEBES2014
ea0059p108 | Diabetes & cardiovascular | SFEBES2018
Mc Neilly Alison , Gallagher Jennifer , McCrimmon Rory
ea0038oc4.1 | Diabetes and cardiometabolic complications | SFEBES2015
McNeilly Alison , Gallagher Jennifer , Wright Kathryn , McCrimmon Rory
ea0038p242 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2015
Walker Julia Vlachaki , Ashford Mike , McCrimmon Rory , Beall Craig
ea0034p359 | Steroids | SFEBES2014
George Priya , Mackie Alasdair , Connell John , McCrimmon Rory
ea0038fp1 | (1) | SFEBES2015
McNeilly Alison , Garcia-Vaz Eliana , Gallagher Jennifer , McCrimmon Rory , Gomez Maria , Khan Faisel
ea0104p70 | Diabetes & Metabolism | SFEIES24
McCarthy Aisling , Divilly Patrick , Zaremba Natalie , Martine-Edith Gilberte , Soholm Uffe , de Galan Bastiaan , Pedersen-Bjergaard Ulrik , McCrimmon Rory J. , Renard Eric , Heller Simon , Evans Mark , Mader Julia K. , Amiel Stephanie A. , Pouwer Frans , Choudhary Pratik